1.Compared with property right and creditor s right in civil rights,copyright has the characteristics of being intangible,exclusive,regional and timely.著作权是基于文学、艺术和科学作品依法所产生的权利,它所反映和调整的社会关系是平等主体之间的财产关系和人身关系,与同属于民事权利的物权、债权相比,具有无形性、专有性、地域性、时间性等特征。
2.According to legal rule,the exclusive of intellectual property rights is a kind of legitimate monop- oly.知识产权的专有性是一种合法的垄断。
3.The heterogeneity of human capital can be divided into specificity and exclusiveness in other sight.高科技企业是以集中开发异质性人力资本获取创新利润为目的的组织机构,人力资本的异质性分为专有性和专用性,企业人力资本治理的要求是通过一系列制度、管理措施激励并约束专有专用性人力资本。

1.Feature in Specification and Specificity of Assets & Corporate Governance;资本的专用性、专有性特征与公司治理机制
2.The Intellectual Property Rights Exclmive and Anti-monopoly Rule;知识产权的专有性与反垄断规制探讨
3.Managerial Entrenchment: An Analysis Based on the Human Capital Specificity and Exclusion;经理固守职位:基于人力资本专用性和专有性的分析
4.Research on the Conflict Between the Scientific Data Sharing and Exclusivity of Intellectual Property Rights;知识产权专有性与科学数据共享性的冲突研究
5.Influence of Generality and Speciality of Human Capital on Students Employment;人力资本一般性和专有性对大学生就业的影响
6.In order to verify the correctness and reliability of Know-how为了验证专有技术的正确性和可靠性
7.A Study on Paid Professional Social Practice of Sport Major Students论体育专业学生的专业性有偿社会实践
8.Government funds and special charges of a tax nature具有税收性质的政府性基金或专项性收费
9.an expert whose views are taken as definitive.观点被认为具有权威性的专家。
10.Uniqueness - Does the company have any exclusivity, patents, etc?独特-该公司是否有排他性,专利等?
11.certificate of contested validity of patent专利的有效性曾受抗辩的证明书
12.The dictatorship of the proletariat cannot but be highly coercive.无产阶级专政不能没有很大的强制性。
13.The business is now highly specialized.这职业现在具有高度的专门性。
14.Make Mathematics Teaching More Effective in Higher Vocational Colleges;提升高职高专数学课堂教学的有效性
15.A Characteristic Survey of Patent Annual Fee in China;对我国专利年费有关行为性质之审视
16.Expertise, Core Competence and Heterogeneity of Enterprises;专有知识、核心能力与企业的异质性
17.A Reflection from Theory of "Limited Reason" on Audit Specialty Judgement;由“有限理性”理论透视审计专业判断
18.Validity analysis of experts' comments on manuscripts in sci-tech periodicals科技期刊专家审稿意见的有效性分析

1.But many peoples? opinions are not same,they discuss the theme usually around intangibility,doubleness,exclusiveness,temporality,territoriality and affirmation.我国立法将知识产权确定为一种特殊的民事权利,不过,法学界仍然存在不同意见,通常围绕知识产权的无形性、双重性、专有性、时间性、地域性和授予性发表各自观点。
2.From the specificity, the exclusiveness of the human capital and its bilateral moral hazard arising from them to explain the allocation of residual claim rights between venture capitalists and entrepreneur本文将人力资本引入风险投资契约治理的分析框架中,从人力资本的专用性、专有性及其引致的双边道德风险角度来解释风险资本家与创业者之间的控制权配置问题。
1.This paper analyzes the opposite right(monopoly and sharing) of copyright,lifts the veil of the public welfare of digital library,and makes the legal theoretical analysis on the relationship between the digital library and the protection of intellectual property in the digital times.分析了知识产权的对立权利(专有性和共享性),揭开了数字图书馆"公益性"的面纱,对二者在数字时代的关系进行了法学理论上的辨析。
4)particularity and speciality of assets资产专有专用性
5)Patent Validity专利有效性
1.An International Comparative Analysis on the Arbitration Issue of Patent Validity;专利有效性仲裁问题的国际研究
6)exclusive assets专有性资产

连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity 11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-