1.The article gives an analysis of the deep causes of the underdevelopment of non-public sector in the western region from the angles of the cultural concept, system transition and development path choice,and presents some countermeasures:be active in helping people foster a new concept of non-public sector and in promoting the reform of the systems in th.为此,文章从文化观念、体制转轨及其路径选择等方面分析了制约西部地区非公有制经济发展的深层次原因,并据此提出了积极推进在西部树立新的非公有制经济观念、积极推进西部地区的体制改革等化解对策

1.Research on Countermeasures Against Difficulties of County Finance in Jilin Province;吉林省县级财政困难与化解对策研究
2.Analysis of Psychological Health Problems of Impoverished Undergraduates and Countermeasure;高校贫困生心理危机成因及化解对策
3.Finance in Counties and Towns:Running Risks and their Solutions;我国县乡财政运行风险及其化解对策
4.Problems of and Solutions to Financing of Private Enterprises in Mountainous Areas;山区民营企业融资障碍及其化解对策
5.The Financial Risks Existing in the Rural Cooperatives and Some Countermeasures;农村信用社金融风险及防范化解对策
6.Study on the Cause and the Diss0ution Countermearsures for Township Debt in Yuyao City余姚市乡镇债务成因及化解对策研究
7.On the Agricultural Policy-Oriented Credit Risks under the New Circumstances and Their Preventative Countermeasures;新形势下农业政策性信贷风险及防范化解对策
9.The Existence of the Solution and Evolutionary Stability for Multiobjective Game;多目标对策解的存在性及进化稳定性
10.Analysis on the Language Features and Cultural Differences of Advertisement and Translation;广告语言和文化冲突解读及翻译对策
11.Overall Consideration and Countermeasure of Resolving Social Conflict by Law;依法化解社会矛盾的总体思路与对策
12.Credit Assets Backed Securitization: Legal Barriers and Countermeasures;信贷资产证券化:法律障碍与解决对策
13.Research on the Urbanization : The Steps and Countermeasures in Solving the" Issues Concerning Agriculture, Countryside and Farmers " Problems;论城市化:解决“三农”问题的措施与对策
14.Studies on the Countermeasures for Scarcity Alleviation of Water Resource in the Northwest Area of China;化解西北地区水资源短缺的对策研究
15.Ways to Deal with Pauperization of Urban Residents;解决我国城镇居民贫困化问题的对策
16.Cultural Factors That Influence Listening Comprehension and the Countermeasure;影响听力理解的文化因素及教学对策
17.On the Influence of Culture Differences on Equivalent Translation and Its Solutions;论文化差异对等值翻译的影响及解决对策
18.On the political plane, policy adjustments have been made with a view to breaking down the mentality of hostility.政治方面,调整有关政策措施,化解敌对情绪。

countermeasures of eliminating the risks化解风险的对策
1.Debility reasons analyses and countermeasures on the urban road trees;北京市行道树衰弱原因分析及解决对策探讨
2.Problems Existed in Government-oriented Farmer Training in Our Country and Countermeasures我国政府主导型农民培训存在的问题及解决对策
3.The countermeasures are adopted.分析其各种地压现象的致因,并揭示采用浅眼留矿法开采极薄矿脉形成的大量采空区对矿山生产的危害,提出相应而且可以施行的解决对策。
1.The standardization of characters: problems and solutions;社会规范用字存在的问题及解决对策
2.The defects reasons for color glass shell screen die welding are analyzed,and related solutions are introduced.分析了彩色玻壳屏模具焊接缺陷原因,并介绍了相应的问题解决对策。
3.It s set to describe the obstacles and the solutions remained in the way to initiate students into CA. 知识经济时代的到来以及信息处理技术的发展,使得会计电算化教学愈益重要,本文针对目前在本专业教学方面存在的问题,提出解决对策。
5)strategy for making up deficits解困对策
1.Analysis of communication effect of information overloading and solutions;信息超载现象的传播效果分析及其解决对策
2.On the sustainable development of higher vocational education to be faced with the problem solution略论高职教育可持续发展需面对的问题与解决对策
3.Combined with Ningxia University the weld examination request of welding line for crossing node,the author also analysis the quality problem about welded defects and the corresponding solution.结合宁夏大学钢管桁架相贯节点相贯线焊缝焊接的具体情况,通过对相贯线焊缝焊接缺陷的分析,提出了针对本项目的焊缝检测,对于相贯焊缝焊接缺陷,分析了产生的原因,提出了解决对策,旨在为同类项目的施工提供参考。
