1.This theme have been discussed and researched enthusiastically by the domestic and abroad economic circles, with the result that some influential and classical theories have produced in the economic circles, such as distribution and growth theory of classicism, distribution and growth theory of neoclassicism, distribution and growth theory of post-Keynesianism and distribution and growth.另一方面,文章在简短论述了“依靠进出口贸易带动我国经济体的增长”是不可靠和不可取的之后,借鉴凯恩斯理论(主要来自《就业、利息和货币通论》)先理论分析了收入分配差距扩大对经济增长的影响;在这一章节中,文章对凯恩斯理论进行了思考与论述,提出了“投资对经济拉动不具有唯一性”、“增长陷阱假说”和“投资与消费并重”的经济增长思路等观点。

1.Roosevelt s New Deal and Keynesian Economic Theories;浅析罗斯福新政与凯恩斯理论的关系
2.NARRATOR: It took a world war for Keynesianism to become government policy.旁白:经过世界大战,凯恩斯理论变成了政府政策。
3.Keynesian population theory凯恩斯主义人口理论
4.population theories of Keynes school凯恩斯学派人口理论
5.of or relating to John Maynard Keynes or to his economic theories.属于或关于凯恩斯或凯恩斯经济理论的。
6.On Keynes Cricicism and Inheritance of Neoclassic Theory;论凯恩斯对新古典理论的批判与继承
7.On Keynesian Depression Economics Theory System;论凯恩斯的“萧条经济学理论体系”
8.Keynesian theory of economic growth凯恩斯派的经济增长理论
9.The Logic of Macroeconomic Theories: Keynes and Neoclassical Synthesis总量理论的逻辑:凯恩斯与新古典综合
10.The Forming Mechanism of Economics of Uncertainty of Keynes;凯恩斯不确定性经济理论的形成机制
11.The Employment Theory by Keynes and Its Enlightenment to Our Country;凯恩斯的就业理论及其对我国的启示
12.Government intervention:the theoretical differentiation between Keynes and Buchanan;政府干预:凯恩斯与布坎南的理论分野
13.Keynesian National Debt Theory VS. China s National Debt Policy;凯恩斯主义国债理论与我国国债政策
14.Reviewing the “Coordination Failures” Theory of New Keynesian Economics;新凯恩斯主义的“协调失灵”理论述评
15.Economic Fluctuation Theory:The Complementary of Keynes and Hayek经济波动理论:哈耶克与凯恩斯的互补
16.On the Innovation and Limitations of Keynesian Theory of Depressive Economics;论凯恩斯的萧条经济学理论的创新性与局限性
17.On the Use of Keynes Economic Theory for Reference to Our Economic Affairs;论凯恩斯经济理论对我国经济工作的借鉴作用
18.Mechanism Dynamics Analysis Based on Kane-huston Theory基于凯恩-休斯顿理论的机构动力学分析

Keyanes's theory of employment凯恩斯就业理论
3)Keynesian theory of consumption凯恩斯消费理论
1.According to the Keynesian theory of consumption,the paper establishes the Regression Model of Ct representing Guangdong consumers spending on rural residents to Yt representing Guangdong per capita net income of rural residents,using the consumer price index to eliminate the effect of price changes on the actual purchasing power of money.本文根据凯恩斯消费理论,建立广东省农村居民消费性支出Ct关于农村居民人均纯收入Yt的回归模型,并通过利用农村居民消费价格指数这一指标,消除价格变动对实际货币购买力的影响。
4)Keynes effect theory凯恩斯效应理论
5)pre-Keynesian theor前凯恩斯理论
6)Keynes's General Theory凯恩斯《通论》
