1.We should get rid of the barrier of law in the aspect of remedy form of family violence, improve the remedy form of law, set up Web of Social Help and a professional organization of law, strengthen the prevention of police on family violence, and have a special law of anti-family violence.要排除家庭暴力救 济方式中的法律障碍,逐步完善我国的法律救济方式,建立社会救助网络及专门的法律援助机构,加强公安 机关对家庭暴力的干预,建立专门的反家庭暴力法。

1.Stopping encroaching is the traditional resuce method in civil tort.停止侵害是传统民事侵权的救济方式
2.A New Relief Fashion of Penal Victims-the Beginning Study;新刑事被害人救济方式——恢复性司法初探
3.From Only One Pattern to Multi-pattern:A Comparative Study on Relief Patterns of Civil Rights;从一元到多元:公民权利救济方式的比较研究
4.Using Jus Rerem Protection in Environmental Torts Responsibility;论物权救济方式在环境侵权责任中的运用
5.Analysis of the Existing Problems for the University Students Punishments and Relief;高校学生处分救济方式存在的问题分析
6.A Discussion of the Nature of Determining Traffic Accidents and Remedies浅议交通事故认定的性质以及救济方式
7.There are two methods can be used in environmental torts: jus rerem and torts law.【中英文摘要】环境侵权的救济方式有两种:物权请求权与债权请求权。
8.Lawsuit of stockholder representative, an effective method of remedies afterwards, is beneficial to protect little stockholder's right and interests.股东派生诉讼是小股东权益保护的一种有效的事后救济方式
9.The damages of the ecological jus ad rem can introduce a special remedial action, such as the action of public interest litigation, the action of subrogation.对物权生态化损害可引用特殊救济方式,如公益诉讼,代位诉讼。
10.Application and Improvement on Civil Remedy Measures of Intellectual Property Infringement;民事救济方式在知识产权侵权领域的运用及完善
11.Study on the Relationship Between the Option of Remedy Means for Breach of Contract and the Burden of Abatement of Damages from the View of CISG;浅析CISG中违约救济方式选择权与减损义务的关系
12.The Study of the Definition of Administrative Contracts and Its Means of Relief--Viewing from the comparison;行政合同界定及其救济方式研究——以比较为主要视角
13.The concept,causes,different types and ways for relief of fraudulence on the letter of credit are discussed,which hopes to give some suggestion in international trade.论文简要论述了信用证欺诈的概念、原因、种类及救济方式 ,希望对从事国际贸易的企业有所帮助
14.While the law courts were generally restricted to the award of money damages as relief, equity operated on the person of the defendant普通法法院一般只能判决金钱赔偿作为救济方式,衡平法则是对被告的人身起作用。
15.Discussion on The Establishment of Compensation System for Moral Damage in Breach of Contract in China--Reconsideration about Remediation of Moral Damage in Breach of Contract in China;我国应确立违约精神损害赔偿制度——对我国责任竞合下精神损害救济方式的反思
16.Discussion on the Establishment of Compensation System for Moral Damage in Breach of Contract in China --Reconsideration on Remedise of Moral Damage With Concurrence of Liabilities in China;试论我国应确立违约精神损害赔偿制度——对我国责任竞合下精神损害救济方式的反思
17.(British) a local tax for the relief of the poor.(英)救济贫民的地方税。
18.Our"Contract Law" Should Change Damage Compensation into Contract Breach Remedy;我国《合同法》应将损害赔偿规定为违约救济的首要方式

option of remedy means for breach of contract救济方式选择权
3)justiu relief means司法救济方式
4)Remedies of the perfect救济方式的完善
5)western judicial relief pattern西方司法救济模式
6)relief mode救济模式
1.Therefore,we should adopt fixed and lawful relief model like relief beforehand and relief afterwards to secure the legal rights of the counterpart.因此,我们应当采取事前救济和事后救济等定型化、法治化的救济模式来保障相对人的合法权益,当相对人因行政指导行为而遭受到实际损害时,应依据违法责任、过错责任、公平责任等原则来要求行政机关承担相应的法律责任。

油气田开发方式(见油气田生产方式)油气田开发方式(见油气田生产方式)development pattern of oil and gas field:see recovery pattern of oil and gas field  a垃d gas月e卫d) 、‘。尸卫Jlent见油气田小冰、*pa士teroof ojl