1.Both of them contain shareholder, fund manager and custodian.但两种基金的治理结构仍有相似之处,一般的基金治理结构都包含基金投资人、基金管理人、基金托管人,究其实,公司型基金是基金主体化的类型。
2.The custodian has been thought the core role in order to construct audit supervision system, and how to strengthen supervision and management on mutual fund from multiple analysis.将基金托管人作为构建审计监督的核心角色 ,从多层面分析如何加强对契约型基金的监督管理。

1.In this legal relation, the fund holder is a client, fund superviser and fund mandator are trustees.在此法律关系中,基金持有人是委托人,基金管理人和基金托管人是受托人。
2.The property and proceeds obtained by the fund manager and fund trustee through appropriation of the fund property for other unauthorized purposes shall be included into the fund property.基金管理人、基金托管人将基金财产挪作他用而取得的财产和收益,归入基金财产。
3.Constructing Independent Oversight Entities Centering on Mutual Fund Custodians;打造以基金托管人为核心的独立监督实体
4.Study on the Improvement of Legal System of Contractual Fund Custodian in China论我国契约型基金托管人法律制度的完善
5.The Fund manager shall decide whether or not to convene such meeting and inform the Fund custodian in writing within10 days of the date of receipt of the written proposal.基金管理人应当自收到书面提议之日起十日内决定是否召集,并书面告知基金托管人
6.Prisoners' Education Trust Fund Committee在囚人士教育信托基金管理委员会
7.Declaration of Trust [Language Fund]托管契约〔语文基金〕
8.A Theoretical Research on Duty of Trust Investment Performed by Fund s Management Company;投资基金管理人信托投资义务问题探析
9.Strengthen Custodian Intervention and Consummate Mutual Fund s Audit System;加强托管人的介入 完善契约型基金审计体系
10."Trustee of the Marine Fish Scholarship Fund, The"海鱼奖学基金受托人
11.Trust Fund for Junior Professional Officers初级专业人员信托基金
12.Prisoners' Education Trust Fund在囚人士教育信托基金
13.Trust Fund for the International Year of Disabled Persons国际残疾人年信托基金
14."Committee of Trustees, Hong Kong Sports Institute Trust Fund"香港体育学院信托基金受托人委员会
15.The Research of Fund Management Fees Based on the Principal-agent Theory基于委托代理理论的基金管理费研究
16.The fund, with the council as its trustee, is administered by a Board of Administrators underpinned by a Management Committee with independent members appointed by the Government.消委会是诉讼基金的信托人,基金由执行委员会在管理委员会的协助下管理,委员则由政府委任。
17.A Supervisory Committee oversees the Trustee and Manager in relation to the administration and management of TraHK.外汇基金投资有限公司委任的监督委员会,就盈富基金的管理及行政事务,监督信托人和经理人。
18.Trust Fund for Management Improvements and Systems Development改善管理和系统发展信托基金

the entrusted of the social security fund社保基金托管人
3)fund trusteeship基金托管
1.It also analyses the rise of open fund to cause the affection to the present bank system and business of our country, such as the affection to the deposit structure and amount of the commercial bank, to the change of people s financial consciousness and operative idea and to the fund trusteeship and agency of the commercial bank.分析了开放式投资基金的出现对我国现有的银行机制和银行业务产生的影响 ,如对商业银行存款结构和数量的影响 ;对人们金融意识和经营理念的影响 ;对商业银行基金托管和基金代理业务的影响。
4)fund holders基金受托人
5)fund custodian bank基金托管银行
6)fund manager基金管理人
1.Analysis on Informational Structure and the Mis-conduct of Fund Manager;信息结构与基金管理人的违规行为分析
2.Research of Fund Manager s Loyalty Duty;基金管理人忠实义务研究
3.At present,such measures should be taken as reinforcing the obligation of credit reception of the fund manager for the fund holders,strengthening supervision and regulation of fund managers,perfecting information disclosure system of securities inves.目前,应从强化基金管理人对基金持有人的受信义务、加强对基金管理人的监督管理、完善证券投资基金的信息披露制度等方面来改善我国证券投资基金的治理结构。

基金托管人 基金托管人——  基金托管人是指依据基金运行中管理与保管分开的原则对基金管理人进行监督和保管基金资产的机构,是基金持有人权益的代表,通常由有实力的商业银行或信托投资公司担任。