1.Their real developments in facing with societies,deciding for self-running school,and practicing the democratic management,must absorb all professors to participate in the management affairs and self-restraint of the school,and first of all,must try to make some progress in systems,regulations,procedure and so on,which all should try to m.其面向社会、自主办学、民主管理的真正进展 ,必须要在包括教授参与管理、实行自我约束在内的诸多方面 ,从制度、规范、程序上首先有具体突破 ,并且必须要有创新。
2.With this financial management mode, the resources will be rationally allocated; a self-development, self-restraint mechanism will be established; and the sustainable development ability will be acquired by the institutions of higher learning.高等院校实施"四条线"财务管理,有利于提高高等院校办学效益,合理配置学校资源,建立自我发展、自我约束的运行机制,形成高等院校可持续发展能力。

1.Three Restraints to Entrepreneurs;企业家约束:自我约束、外在约束与制度约束
2.the trait of great self-denial (especially refraining from worldly pleasures).极其严格的自我约束
3.Self-regulating mechanism of enterprises企业的自我约束机制
4.Dieting demands self-discipline.节食需有自我约束力.
5."Operate independently, assume sole responsibility for its profits and losses, seek self-development and self-reliance"自主经营,自负盈亏,自我发展,自我约束
6.Reasearch on colleges & universities autonomously running school and their self-restraint mechanism;大学自主办学与自我约束机制的研究
7.Institutionalized Security Cooperation and the Self-restraint of Power制度化安全合作与权力的自我约束
8.Deepen the Internal Reform of Hospitals,Perfect the Mechanism of self-Restraint深化医院内部改革 完善自我约束机制
9.Then his self-discipline reasserted itself.后来他的自我约束力再度表现出来。
10.indiscipline with regard to sensuous pleasures.沉湎于感官上的愉悦,不自我约束
11.It's merely a question of self-discipline, reality-control.这只是个自我约束问题,现实控制问题。
12.Self--Restriction and Exterior Supervision of Procuratorates Investigation Power检察机关侦查权的自我约束与外部制约
13.News Media Should Strenthen Its Own Supervision;新闻媒介必须加强自我约束和自身监督
14.I must learn to restrain myself, eg not say what I think.我得学会约束自己.
15.I must restrain him lest he give us away.我得约束他一点,以免暴露我们自己。
16.We must always keep ourselves within the bounds of discipline.我们要时时用纪律约束自己。
17.We are in bondage to the law in order that we may be free.我们受法律约束,为的是可以自由。
18.the exercise of self constraint in sexual matters.在性行为方面进行自我的严格约束。

1.View on training of student s self-restrictionin the high vocational education;高职学生自我约束能力培养的探讨
2.This paper analyzes the copyright protection on the open access platform of Internet,brings forward the new proposition on proper transference of copyrights,Furthermore,it advocates the users of the open access documents to form the moral vogue of the fair use and self-restriction,which can boost the healthy and scientific development of the open access movements.分析网络开放平台上著作权的保护问题,提出适当让渡著作权的新主张,同时,倡导网络开放平台文档使用者形成合理使用、自我约束的道德风尚,以推进网络开放平台的健康发展。
1.This thesis focuses on the necessity of review to the legislation,the reasonableness of court as viewers,the tension between court and democracy in practice,and analyses the different solution ways——constitutional amendment and court s self-control——from a angle of comparative law.法院与民主之间的矛盾是实行宪政审查制度的国家面临的共同问题,本文从三个方面阐述矛盾的存在:对议会立法进行审查的必要性,由独立的司法性质的机构——法院作为审查主体的正当性和宪政审查实践中存在的法院与民主之间的紧张关系;从比较法的角度对解决矛盾的方式——修宪和法院的自我约束进行了评析,以期对我国的宪政建设有所帮助。
1.Setting up the self-constraint system to promote the state hospital reform;建立自我约束管理体制 推动国有医院改革深入发展
6)self-restricting mechanism自我约束机制
1.The basic problem of state-owned enterprises is the deficiency of self-restricting mechanism,especially in the leader group of the enterprises.国有企业存在的根本问题是缺乏自我约束机制,特别是缺乏对企业管理层的激励和约束。

自我约束与外部强制管理相结合原则自我约束与外部强制管理相结合原则  【自我约束与外部强制管理相结合原则】了解这一原则有助于我们正确认识和评价美国、日本的外部监管、注重法律的监管风格和英国等西欧国家强调诱导劝说和自我约束的管理风格的利弊。美国是典型的依法管制金融业的国家,金融监管的各方面都有很完备的法律规定。而英国的金融监管具有更多的“非立法”的特征。多数情况下,银行业的管理是由银行同业组织进行的自我管理。英格兰银行作为中央银行,是银行业监管的权威机关,但其权威的获得是由于作为中央银行在观念上拥有的力量。其监管仅表现为它在重大事件上的干预活动。这种不同的风格产生于不同的环境下。自我约束为主的方法往往应用于面积不大,银行数目有限的西欧国家,而在国土广阔,有上万家银行的美国,则易失去控制。这种不同的风格各有利弊,可相互补充。例如,外部强制管理再填密、严格,也总是相对有限的,如果管理对象不配合、不协作、不愿自我约束而总是设法逃避、应付、对抗,则外部监督管理也难收到预期的效果。反之,如果完全依靠金融机构的自我约束,则无法避免不负责任的冒险经营行为和道德风险。因而,最好是遵循自我约束和外部强制管理相结合的原则。