
1.Specific Performance,Expected Damages and Optimal Breach Remedies强制履行、期待赔偿与最优违约救济
2.Remedy and risk sharing from perspective of law and economics;从法和经济学视角看违约救济与风险分担
3.The Competitive Reach on the Legislation of Remedies of Breach in International Goods Sales;国际货物买卖中违约救济措施之立法比较研究
4.Study on the Position of Specific Performance in the Remedy System of Breach of Contract;实际履行在买卖合同违约救济体系中的定位
5.The Expectation Interest in the Remedies for Breach of Contract in USA and its Limitations;美国违约救济中的期待利益保护及其限制
6.On the Application of Relief Measures in Anticipatory Breach of Mortgage Loans for Ready Flats;论现楼按揭贷款预期违约救济方法的具体运用
7.Study on the Relationship Between the Option of Remedy Means for Breach of Contract and the Burden of Abatement of Damages from the View of CISG;浅析CISG中违约救济方式选择权与减损义务的关系
8.Our"Contract Law" Should Change Damage Compensation into Contract Breach Remedy;我国《合同法》应将损害赔偿规定为违约救济的首要方式
9.On Breaking a Contract in Advance--The Remedy for the Expectation Rights of Contract-keeping;论期前违约制度——履约期待权的救济措施
10.Economic Analysis on Remedies of Contractual Liability;合同违约责任法律救济措施的经济学思考
11.Sellers Defaults and Buyers Remedies in the Ship Sale and Purchase;船舶买卖中卖方违约与买方的法律救济
12.Studying On the Legal Relief System of Anticipatory Breach of Contract in Common Law and CISG;论英美法与CISG中预期违约法律救济制度
13.On the Cognizance of Anticipatory Breach of Contract and its Remedial Measures;关于预期违约的认定及其救济问题的探析
14.The remedy for breach of the duty may include compensation based on the benefit received by the breaching party.如合同一方违反本规定,则违反该义务的救济可以以违约当事人泄露该信息所获得之利益予以赔偿。
15.Discussion on The Establishment of Compensation System for Moral Damage in Breach of Contract in China--Reconsideration about Remediation of Moral Damage in Breach of Contract in China;我国应确立违约精神损害赔偿制度——对我国责任竞合下精神损害救济方式的反思
16.Discussion on the Establishment of Compensation System for Moral Damage in Breach of Contract in China --Reconsideration on Remedise of Moral Damage With Concurrence of Liabilities in China;试论我国应确立违约精神损害赔偿制度——对我国责任竞合下精神损害救济方式的反思
17.a breach of contract违反契约,毁约,背约,违约
18.The Study of Efficiency and Justice of Remedies for Breach of Contract in the International Trade Contracts;国际贸易合同中违约补救的效益与公正之研究

3)Default and Relief违约与救济
4)On the Relief of Breaking Contracts论违约救济
5)The System of Remedies for Breach违约救济制度
1.The System of Remedies for Breach of the EC Contract is a sum of legal rules which provide the parties concerned reliefs when they encounter breaches.电子商务合同的违约救济制度是指对电子商务合同履行过程中因对方当事人违约而受到损害的当事人进行救济的各种法律规范的总称,主要包括电子商务合同违约行为的认定、电子商务合同的违约救济方式和电子商务合同违约责任的承担等制度。
6)Right to select of remedies for breach of contract违约救济选择权

法律上的救济方法法律上的救济方法  要求的损害赔偿金额,一般不能超过应偿还而未偿还的贷款金额,因此,这种救济方法对贷款人补益不大。【法律上的救济方法】又称“外部救济”,指当借款人违反约定事项时,贷款人可以依据法律的一般原则所采取的补救措施。主要是:(l)实际履行。即要求违反约定事项的借款人按照协议规定履行义务。在大陆法国家,贷款人原则上可以请求法院判令借款人按约定事项的规定实际履行其义务,但在英美法国家,贷款人要采用这种救济方法就十分困难,因为英美法国家认为实际履行是衡平法上的救济方法,只有当损害赔偿不能解决问题,或者没有其他更合适的救济方法时,法院才会酌情作出实际履行的判决。而且英国法院对于需要法院监督实施的事项,不会作出实际履行的判决。(2)禁令。就是由法院根据原告的请求发布命令,禁止被告的违约行为。但法院对是否发布禁令有自由裁决权。只有当借款人的违约行为如提供消极担保或合并其企业处于将要发生时,贷款人及时请求法院发布禁令,才能阻止借款人的违约行为。如果提供消极担保或合并企业已成为既成事实,法院就无法改变。(3)请求赔偿损害。这是对违反商业合同通常所采用的救济方法,但在借贷关系中,贷款人所能