1.With development of the international financial market, the permeation and amalgamation in financial fields is strengthened and separation has hindered the promotion of financial products and services.随着全球金融市场的不断发展与完善,金融业间的渗透融合力度逐步加强,原来的分业经营体制和法律架构己阻碍了金融产品的创新及服务效率的提高。

1.A Policy Analysis on Mixed and Divided Operations in Financial Sector;金融业分业经营、混业经营的政策辨析
2.The mechanism of segregated operation and augmented supervision to banking, securities and insurance business and has been put in place.建立了对银行业、证券业、保险业的分业经营、分业监管的管理体制。
3.The Analysis of Rationality of Professionally Running of Commercial Banks of China;中国商业银行业实行分业经营的合理性分析
4.On Analysis of the Segregated And Mixed Systems in the Commercial Banks;商业银行的分业经营与混业经营体制分析
5.business diagnosis业务分析,企业诊断
6.Fisheries Branch [Agriculture and Fisheries Department]渔业分处〔渔农处〕
7.Construction [Industry Sector 5 of HSIC]建造业〔香港标准行业分类行业类别5〕
8.The industry-related analysis of food-industry and agriculture in China;我国食品工业和农业的产业关联分析
9.The Comparison Between Modern Enterprensurs and Traditional Enterpreneurs;创业企业家与传统企业家的对比分析
10.Information service business for industrial chain in agriculture面向农业产业链的信息服务业务分析
11.Analysis on the Impact of College Graduates' Job Selection Outlook on Employment高校毕业生择业观对就业的影响分析
12.International Classification of Status in Employment国际就业状况分类(就业状况分类)
13.i.The Analysis on the Industrial Distribution of the NGEs(一)民营企业的行业分布分析
14.International Standard Classification of Occupations国际标准职业分类(职业分类)
15.Please call changling (group) co.,ltd, if you need further views for Analyzer or Analyzer.公司专业从事分析器以及分析家业务。
16.The Experience Analysis of the Control Power Distribution in Hi-Tech VC-backed Firms;科技创业企业控制权分配的经验分析
17.The Analysis on Core Competence of IT Enterprises Core Competence;我国IT企业的企业竞争能力主成分分析
18.Agriculture and Fishing [Industry Sector 1 of HSIC]农业及渔业〔香港标准行业分类行业类别1〕

segregating banking system分业
1.It is proved that segregating banking system had did certain benefit to the developm ent of finance when the economy runs on a low lever,while it will bring a serious of problems to m odern finance,such as deterioration of bank s risk and decreasing of bank s com petitive ability.分业经营在经济发展水平较低的时期对金融的发展具有一定的促进作用。
2.It is proved that segregating banking system introduced in 1993 in the United States had brought a series of problems to the American banking industry and even to the whole economy.现在看来 ,始于 1 933年的美国银行分业经营制度给美国的银行业乃至整个经济带来了一系列的麻烦 :银行国际竞争力的下降 ;银行风险的恶化 ;银行与企业的关系变得疏远 ;证券发行市场缺乏竞争力等等。
3)separation and universal banking分业-混业
4)proximate analysis工业分析
1.Application of computer in coal proximate analysis;计算机在煤炭工业分析中的应用
2.Research on TG\DTG\DTA for coal proximate analysis and combustion features;煤工业分析和燃烧特性的TG-DTG-DTA研究
3.Comparison of conventional methods and automatic methods in coal proximate analysis;煤质工业分析指标传统法与全自动工业分析仪方法的比较
5)industrial analysis工业分析
1.Reform Probe on the Productive Practice Teaching Course of Industrial Analysis Discipline;工业分析技术专业生产实习改革探讨
2.On basis of analysis on correlation of index of element analysis with index of industrial analysis, multi-linear gradual regression analysis has been carried out on quality of anthracite coal from 126 collieries of China by use of MATLAB.在研究元素分析和工业分析指标相关性的基础上,利用MATLAB对全国126个矿井的无烟煤煤质分析数据进行了多元线性逐步回归分析,推导出了元素分析和工业分析关联方程组和关联矩阵,并对其进行了验证,建立了由工业分析指标对元素分析指标的通用计算模型。
3.The relevant equations and matrix between element analysis and industrial analysis were deduced based on the relativity research by contrasting the calculated and actual data in this paper.在研究元素分析和工业分析指标相关性的基础上,利用MATLAB对全国126个矿井的无烟煤煤质分析数据进行了多元线性逐步回归分析,推导出了元素分析和工业分析关联方程组和关联矩阵,并对其进行了验证,从而实现了由工业分析指标对元素分析指标的通用计算模型。
6)industry analysis行业分析
1.An Empirical Study on Efficiency of Industry Analysis in China s Stock Market;中国股票市场行业分析效率的实证研究
2.On the basis of the study of the existing industry analysis methods, this paper originally introduces the structure thought into the industry analysis and draws the key factors of the industries for the purposes of standardizing the industry research approaches and guiding the investors in this trade.本文在对国内外现有行业分析方法研究的基础上 ,创新地把本构思想运用到行业分析中 ,通过对反映各行业共性与特性的关键性因素的提取 ,希望建立规范化、科学化的行业评价指标体系 ,以期达到规范行业研究方法、指导投资者进行理性投资的目的。
3.But at present,most of the industry analysis methods can’t explain the internal mechanism of i.但目前的行业分析方法大都无法解释行业变化的内在机制,不易区别各不同战略群体的战略发展方向,也不利于从实际企业出发做出针对性的策略,同时忽略了企业个性化运营模式对行业的作用力。
