1.We find, in the new book-building period from 2005, the direct issue costs of IPO increase significantly, but under pricing decrease greatly, and the total average direct and indirect issue costs decrease.我们发现,2005年以后实行的询价制度明显地提高了发行上市公司的直接成本,即发行费用增加,但在间接成本方面,却显著地降低了IPO抑价水平,并且总的平均直接和间接成本也显著下降。
2.The pricing of IPOs has become one focus in the current theory and the practicing field during practice of Book-building.制定合理的新股发行价格(简称IPO定价),随着新股询价制的实施,再次成为理论界和实务界最关注的热点。

1.Study on Excess Return of IPO under Enquiry System;询价制下A股IPO抑价的实证研究
2.The Deficiency and Corresponding Remedy Mechanism of IPO Pricing Inquiry System;IPO询价制度存在的弊端及修补机制
3.The Book-building Mechanism and the IPO Cost: From the China IPO Market;询价制与发行成本:来自中国IPO市场的证据
4.Empirical Study on the Performance of Book-building regime in China;基于事件研究法的我国询价制度实施效果研究
5.An Empirical Study on the Phenomenon of "Partial Adjustment" of Chinese New Stocks Issued by Book-building Method;询价制度下新股发行价格“有偏调整”特征实证研究
6.A Study on High IPO Underpricing and Bookbuilding Mechanism in China;我国IPO高抑价和询价发行机制研究
7.Implementation of Project Manager System in Project Cost Consultancy;项目经理制在工程造价咨询中的实施
8.American Accumulated Orders Book Building System;美式累计订单询价机制的运作及启示
9.Perfect the appraising system of science and technology, perfect the mechanism of decision and consult;完善科技评价体系 健全决策咨询机制
10.Pre-Evaluation of Management Consultation for Computer Integrated Manufacturing System Project in Manufacturing Enterprises;制造企业CIMS工程项目管理咨询预评价
11.Functions of Engineering Consultancy for controlling the Cost of Construction Projects;工程咨询对控制建设项目造价的作用
12.Study of Bookbuilding Mechanism in Chinese IPO Market我国IPO市场的询价发行机制研究
13.Inquiry is divided into two phases, preliminary inquiry and bookbuilding.询价分为初步询价和累计投标询价。
14.IPOs Pricing and Emperical Analysis under Bookbuilding System;累计投标询价机制下的IPOs定价及实证分析
15.On cost control of whole process with participation of engineering costs advisory service论工程造价咨询机构参与项目全过程造价控制
16.A Manufacturability Evaluation and Advisory System for Enabling Blank Selections支持毛坯选择的可制造性评价和咨询系统研究
17.Research on the Human Capital Incentive Mechanism of the Cost Engineering Consulting Enterprises;工程造价咨询企业人力资本激励机制研究
18.The Theoretical and Empirical Studies on Bookbuilding Mechanism in China;我国累计投标询价机制理论及实证研究

inquiry system询价制度
1.IPO inquiry system is a significant part in the development of security market.IPO(InitialPublicOffering)询价制度的实质是股票定价机制市场化,是证券市场发展具有实质意义的举措。
3)IPO inquiry systemIPO询价制
4)IPO pricing inquiry systemIPO询价制度
5)value of the police hearing legal system聆询制度的价值
6)Solicitation Planning询价计划制定

询价交易方式 OTC方式与撮合方式的差异 OTC方式与撮合方式的差异主要表现在:  一是信用基础不同,OTC方式以交易双方的信用为基础,由交易双方自行承担信用风险,需要建立双边授信后才可进行交易,而撮合方式中各交易主体均以中国外汇交易中心为交易对手方,交易中心集中承担了市场交易者的信用风险;  二是价格形成机制不同,OTC方式由交易双方协商确定价格,而撮合方式通过计算机撮合成交形成交易价格;  三是清算安排不同,OTC方式由交易双方自行安排资金清算,而撮合方式由中国外汇交易中心负责集中清算。