1.In previous research papers,the research on volatility persistence and volatility copersistence is based on low-frequency data.目前文献中对金融波动持续性和协同持续性的研究都是以低频金融数据为研究对象的。

1.Research on volatility persistence and co-persistence in stochastic volatility model;随机波动模型的持续性和协同持续性研究
2.Multivariate FIGARCH and Fractional Co-persistence and its Application;多元FIGARCH协同持续性及应用
3.Study on co-persistence of vector GARCH processes;向量GARCH过程协同持续性研究
4.Research on Spurious Co-persistence of Threshold Vector GARCH Model with Structural Change;多元变结构门限GARCH模型的伪协同持续性研究
5.Research on the Modeling Methods for Nonlinear Cointegration and Nonlinear Volatility Co-persistence;非线性协整与非线性波动协同持续建模研究
6.Research on Volatility Persistence and Co-persistence in Fractal Financial Market;分形金融市场中的波动持续与协同持续研究
7.On the Coordinated Function and Parameter of Sustainable Development;浅议可持续发展的协同作用与序参量
8.Strategy of Cooperative Developmen t--A Revolution in Sustainable Development;可持续发展的创新战略——协同发展
9.Sustainable Trade and the Effectively Harmonizing the Environmental Policies Between Different Countries;可持续性贸易与环境政策的有效协调
10.On the legal attribute of coordinated development and sustainable development论协调发展与可持续发展的法律属性
11.The Study on Synergetic Development of Urban-rural Tourism Based on Sustainable Development;基于可持续发展的城乡旅游协同发展研究
12.Sustainable Growth of Companies during Co-Evolution with Dynamic Environment;动态环境下协同演化的企业可持续成长
13.Sustainable Development Research of Enterprise Cluster on Synergetics;基于协同学的企业集群可持续发展研究
14.Dissipative Structure,Problems of Synergistic Effect and Regional Sustainable Development;耗散结构、协同效应问题与区域可持续发展
15.Research on the relationship of co-persistence based on high-frequency financial time series;高频金融时间序列的协同持续关系研究
16.Study on Volatility Copersistence Based on Realized Volatility and Its Application;基于“已实现”波动的协同持续研究及其应用
17.Study on The Harmonious Operation of Regional System s Sustainable Development of State-Owned Forest Area;国有林区区域系统可持续发展协同运行研究
18.A Study on Land Recovery of Mining Area and Coordination Theory of It s Sustainable Utilization;矿区土地恢复及其可持续利用的协同理论研究

co persistence协同持续性
1.Moreover, the persistence and co persistence in vector stochastic volatility model is investigated and the co persistence theorem is presented.在介绍随机波动模型有关概念和性质的基础上 ,从单整的角度讨论了随机波动模型存在的持续性 ,并以此为基础 ,讨论向量随机波动模型存在的持续性和协同持续性 ,给出了随机波动模型的协同持续定理 。
2.The integration and persistence of the BEKK model are discussed and the sufficient and necessary condition of co persistence in variance of the BEKK model is suggested.首先介绍了有关方差持续性的概念 ,并引入了向量 GARCH过程一种特殊表示形式即 BEKK表示形式 ,在此基础上讨论了 BEKK的单整性和持续性 ,给出了协同持续性的一种简明判定方法并提出了 BEKK存在协同持续的充分必要条件 ,最后给出了一个协同持续的简化表示形
1.Moreover, the paper discusses the changes of risk premium and return when the dynamic factors show persistence and co-persistence in variance.在介绍有关方差持续性和协同持续性概念的基础上 ,首次将有关的概念应用于以套利定价理论为背景的多因子动态模型的二阶矩的结构分析 ,并讨论了动态因子存在持续性和协同持续性时对组合资产风险率和收益的影响 ,得到了一些有益的新结论 。
4)spurious co-persistence伪协同持续性
1.The relationship between GARCH model with structural change and IGARCH model is proved in theory,and the definition of spurious co-persistence of threshold vector GARCH model with structural change is given based on spurious persistence in volatility.首先在理论上证明了变结构GARCH模型与IGARCH模型的关系,从而给出了波动持续性产生的一个主要原因,其次基于变结构GARCH模型伪持续性的概念给出了多元变结构门限GARCH模型伪协同持续性的定义;最后应用深圳和上海两个股市的日数据进行实证研究,表明两个股市的波动都存在很强的持续性,且他们之间是伪协同持续的。
5)Nonlinear Common Persistence非线性协同持续
1.The Nonlinear Common Persistence of Multivariate GARCH Model;向量GARCH模型的非线性协同持续
1.Research on the relationship of co-persistence based on high-frequency financial time series;高频金融时间序列的协同持续关系研究
2.Study on co-persistence of vector GARCH processes;向量GARCH过程协同持续性研究
3.This paper uses GARCH model to analyze the persistence of individual stock in Shanghai stock market, and persistence is eliminated by portfolio investment of stocks in order to avoid risk according to co-persistence.由协同持续的思想,从投资组合的角度研究消除风险的持续性达到规避风险的途径。

持续性部分性癫痫持续性部分性癫痫epilepsia partialis continua  又名“Kojewnikow综合征”,是大脑运动皮质病变引起的部分性运动性发作,特点是面部肌肉或上肢的限局性阵挛,持续不断,但意识无障碍。本综合征有两种临床类型:①起病于2~10岁,平均6.4岁。都有已知的病因,如炎症、血管病等。阵挛发作总是限局性的,肌阵挛发作出现较晚。脑电图背景波形正常,棘慢波发放主要限局于中央区。病程不进展。一般没有智力发育障碍。②小儿慢性进行性持续性部分性癫痫,即Rasmussen综合征。本型病因不明。起病在2~14岁间,起病前正常或在数月内有感染史。发作形式是部分性运动性阵挛,以上肢为主,成为一侧身体。发作频繁。常伴其他发作类型,肌阵挛抽搐出现时间较早。常有偏瘫,智力落后等神经系异常。脑电图背景波变慢、不对称。发作期和间期均有爆发性棘慢波,常为弥漫性或多灶性。上述癫痫治疗困难。