1.The concept of strong-efficiency is put forward and the properties referred to EC~2GS~2 model are proved.在C2GS2模型的基础上建立了一个扩展的C2GS2模型———EC2GS2,提出了强有效的概念,论证了相关理论。

1.ε-Strict Effeciency and ε-Strong Efficiency in Vector Optimization with Set-Valued Maps;集值优化问题的ε-严有效性和ε-强有效
2.To enhance or increase the effect of(a drug.使更有效力增强或强化(药物的)效力
3.How effective is this drug?这药的效力有多强?
4.Have the broken up ability strong, The effect is hight, low etc, in strength in labor advantage.具有破碎能力强,功效高,劳动强度低等特点。
5.(capable of)having a great effect on the senses;intense or powerfu(能)产生强烈的感官效果的; 强烈的;有力的
6.Extraction and Isolation of Effective Ingredients in Cardiac Ⅰ Compound强心Ⅰ号方强心作用有效部位提取与分离
7.a cogent argument; a telling presentation; a weighty argument.强有力的论点;有效的介绍;有影响的论点。
8.This medicine, or drug, has a violent effect.这种药品,或者说麻醉药,有强烈的效果.
9.This new kind of detergent is of extra strong.新式去污剂,具有特效强力。
10.This will be effective immediately and will be enforced by the military.宵禁令立即有效并由军队强制执行
11.Some narcotics are extraordinarily potent.有些麻醉药的效力非常强。
12.Dark glasses is an effective shield against the glare.墨镜有效地阻隔强光保护眼睛。
13.Spare Parts and Its Stock Management强化备件定额管理 有效压缩备件库存
14.It is ideal for building your hand and forearm strength.能有效加强使用者手部和小臂的力量。
15.The Ground State Effective Hamiltonian of the Strong Coupling One-Dimensional Optical Exciton强耦合一维激子的基态有效哈密顿量
16.The best defense is a good offense.有效的进攻是最好的防守。先下手为强。
17.Strenthen the Site Construction Management to Control the Cost of Project Effectively加强现场施工管理有效控制工程造价
18.Strengthen DSM to relieve power utility pressure effectively加强需求侧管理 有效缓解用电压力

strongly super efficient强超有效
1.Meanwhile,the super efficient DMU and the strongly super efficient DMU are defined.论文讨论了基于VRS的SE DEA模型不可行的充分必要条件,分析了有效决策单元的超有效和强超有效特性,实现对有效决策单元的进一步分类。
2.Super efficient DMU and strongly super efficient DMU are firstly defined.定义了超有效和强超有效决策单元。
3)Effective strength有效强度
4)strong DEA-efficiency强DEA有效
1.A New Linear Equivalent Form of C~2R-model and Strong DEA-efficiency;C~2R模型的一种新的线性等价形式与强DEA有效
2.For strong DEA-efficiency(C2R or C2GS2),in this paper there are its necessary conditions,some methods to judge it and some equivalent propositions.给出了有关强DEA有效(C2R或C2GS2)的一些必要条件,判断方法及等价的命题,特别是给出了其存在性定理、及有关强DEA有效与扩展DEA有效等价的定理。
5)Strong efficiency强有效性
1.We introduce and research strong efficiency in vector optimization with set valued maps,and get a series of results in terms of scalarization,Lagrange multipliers,Lagrange dual and connexity of the set of strongly efficient points.引进并较为系统地研究集值映射向量优化问题的强有效性,获得了包括标量化、Lagrange乘子、Lagrange型对偶及强有效点集的连通性等方面的几个结
2.The strong efficiency and strict efficiency play the important roles in optimization theory.强有效性和严有效性是优化理论中2个重要的基本概念,目前已得到对凸集而言这2种有效性是等价的结论。
6)strong efficient solutions强有效解
1.Under the nearly cone-subconvexlike set-valued maps,relations of strong efficient solutions and Kuhn-Tucker saddle point of set-valued optimization problem are dicussed.首先在局部凸Hausdorff拓扑向量空间中定义了集值优化问题的Kuhn-Tucker鞍点,在近似锥-次类凸集值映射下,讨论了集值优化问题的强有效解与Kuhn-Tucker鞍点之间的关系。

半强式有效市场 半强式有效市场——  所有公开的可用信息假定都被反映在证券价格中,不仅包括证券价格序列信息,还包括公司财务报告信息,经济状况的通告资料和其他公开可用的有关公司价值得信息,公布的宏观经济形势和政策方面的信息。这样的市场称为半强式有效市场。