
1.Bank Procyclicality and Macroeconomic Fluctuation;商业银行亲周期性与宏观经济波动:一个基于信用风险评估模型的解释
2.intermediate overhaul [tram]周期性大修〔电车〕
3.periodic protein周期性蛋白[含有周期性重复序列]
4.My earliest impression of medicine occurred when my mother repeatedly required the assistance of physicians in dealing with her chronic migraine headaches.我对医学的最早印象产生于母亲经常请医生给她诊治周期性慢性偏头痛。
5.To move in or as if in a cycle.周期地或者好象周期性地运动.
6.Also Talk about the Existence of Minimal Positive Period in Periodic Function;也谈周期函数的最小正周期的存在性
7.periodic and random deviation周期性和随机性偏离
8.Aging is the neglected stepchild of the human life cycle .衰老过程是人类生命周期中被忽视的非亲生儿。
9.The first sign of the clansmen foundation collapsing in the late of Western Zhou from the view of The Book of Odes;从《小雅》看西周末期宗亲基础瓦解之先声
10.The Study on Procyclicality of Chinese Capital Adequacy Ratio Regulation我国银行资本充足率监管亲周期效应研究
11.cyclic microbial recovery周期性微生物采油法
12.aperiodic (type) compass非周期性罗盘,阻尼罗盘
13.aperiodic component of short-circuit current短路电流非周期性分量
14.periodic rating周期性负载工作能力
15.cyclic oculomotor paralysis周期性动眼神经麻痹
16.cycling solenoid valve周期性工作的电磁阀
17.To occur in or pass through a cycle.周期性的发生或者运动.
18.dead-beat adaptive control非周期性自适应控制

3)weekly period周周期性
4)periodicity[英][,pi?ri?'disiti][美][,p?r??'d?s?t?]①周期性 ②周波
1.The feasibility of this new operation was proved by the experiments in which two columns and three columns in periodic liquid material exchange were used as operation unit respectively and the system of ethanol-isopropanol(volume ratio of 1) ethylbenzene-para-xylene(volume ratio of 1) were chosen.提出了一种新型的间歇精馏塔串联系统及其操作方法,分别以两塔液相周期性交换和三塔液相周期性交换为操作单元。
2.The electricity market is thus described as a nonlinear, nonautonomous, periodic difference system.并根据电力市场的物理特性,在模型中考虑了电能供需的同时性、市场需求的周期性以及市场中非连续的投标竞价方式,将市场稳定问题转化为一个非线性、非自治的周期差分系统的稳定问题。
1.By using the transfer matrix method,the effects of Braggmirror quasi-periodicity on the photonic crystal defect mode was studied.利用传输矩阵法研究了Bragg镜的准周期性对光子晶体缺陷模的影响。
2.It was proposed that the doubly even order magic square transformed image has a quasi-periodicity, of which there is a semi-periodicity.提出双偶阶幻方变换图像具有准周期性。

低血钾性周期性麻痹低血钾性周期性麻痹hypokalemic periodic paralysis 家族性周期性麻痹中的一种类型。为常染色体显性遗传。在我国大多数病例为散发而无家族史。发作多在夜间或清晨醒来时,病儿发觉不能移动自己的肢体,但说话和呼吸正常,重症四肢完全不能活动,不能抬头。发作时肌肉呈弛缓性麻痹,腱反射消失,感觉正常。麻痹持续数小时至2天。发作频度不等,一般不多于每月1次。发作时血清钾减低,为2.5~3.5mmol/L,心电图有低血钾表现。治疗发作时给一次氯化钾口服;重者可静脉滴注氯化钾,同时心电监护以防高钾血症。预防发作可于每晚睡前服氯化钾一次。