1.Government of Chief Officals Corruption;一把手权力腐败治理初探

1.She has been the head of our factory.她曾是我们厂的一把手
2.She is a good hand.她干活真是一把手
3.He is the head of our factory.他是我们厂的一把手
4.He waved his hand and snapped his fingers.他把手一挥,手指一弹。
5.He shifted the case from one hand to the other.他把手提箱从一只手移到另一只手。
6.A knob-shaped handle for opening and closing a door.球形把手一种用来开、关门的球形把手
7.He shifted the suitcase from one hand to the other.他把手提箱从这只手换到另一只手。
8.To fit into or equip with a hilt or handle.给…装上把手把…装入一个把手或柄中或给…装上把手或柄
9.sweep one's hand across把手急速挥动了一下
10.throw (a ball) to another player.把球扔向另一个球手。
11.The police got hold of the thief by hand.警察一把抓住小偷的手。
12.The teapot has one handle standing out.这个茶壶有一个把手。
13.He held a knife in his hand.他手里握着一把刀。
14.His blow curled his opponent up.他一拳就把对手打垮了。
15.He gave a wrench at the knob.他猛转了一下把手。
16.Shine your flashlight over here.把手电筒往这儿照一照。
17.He gave the handle a gentle tug.他轻轻地拉了一下把手。
18.Wash your hand and come to supper.把手洗一洗,来吃晚饭。

top managerial project一把手工程
1.Strengthen"top managerial project",construct quality management system;强化一把手工程 建立质量管理体系
3)basic-level chief official基层"一把手"
1.Official crime of basic-level chief official has several features: the types of crime contain embezzlement, bribe and impropriation of public funds; the offenders mostly are newly appointed and young chief officials; the places of the crimes are often villages and towns basic-level organs.基层"一把手"职务犯罪的特点在罪种上表现为贪污、贿赂和挪用公款等犯罪,在犯罪人上多是新任和年轻"一把手",并多发在乡镇基层组织。
4)"top leader" in government政府一把手
5)county and city area党政一把手
1.This research makes a summary of selecting Chief Leader of Party and Government in Guizhou provincial county and city area .本研究对目前我省选拔任用县市区党政一把手的情况进行了总结,基于此分析了目前我省县市区党政一把手选拔任用工作在内容、程序、选拔任用结果方面的成功之处。
6)No .l Leader of Department-level Party Organization系党组织一把手
