
1.You need to turn over taxes this month.你必须在本月交付租税
2.principle of political economy and taxation政治经济与租税原理
3.A Study of Agricultural Taxes and Rents in the Western Xia: Interpreting Documents of Agricultural Taxes and Land Rents in Xixia Script;西夏农业租税考——西夏文农业租税文书译释
4.The system of leasing out the rights of collecting and retaining taxes in a certain district.包出租税的制度在一定地区出租征收和保留税款权力的系统
5.Transfer Pricing Trading Models and Tax Problems Analysis;移转订价交易模式与租税问题之探讨
6.Reflections on Real Estate Rent,Tax,and Fee System Reform in China;对我国房地产租税费制度改革的思考
7.pay taxes, rates, rent, etc纳税、 交地方税、 缴租
8.Taxpayer:what do you mean by the finance leasing?纳税人:什么是融资租赁?
9.The real-estate tax is calculated under the rate on leasing income method. The applicable rate is 12%.从租按租金收入12%的税率缴纳。
10.Tax official:yes.so different from the finance leasing situation, the whole rental turnover is taxable税务局:对!它的全部租赁收入都要计税。
11.Lease rental housing market is also active in private saving taxpayers?房屋租赁市场活跃私房出租是否还要纳税?
12.Tax official:the tax base depends on the nature of leasing item, the finance leasing and business leasing.税务局:在计算应税收入时要区分融资租赁和经营租赁。
13.Taxpayer: Are there any different tax treatments for it?纳税人:自用或出租在纳税上有什么区别吗?
14.Premises tax and other leasing related taxes shall be paid by PARTY A.房产税及与租赁有关的所有税费由甲方承担。
15.Issues concerning tax exemption and reduction for leased imported goods关于租赁进口货物减免税问题
16.pay slips, rent receipts, photocopy of my ld and tax notices.里面有工资单 租约 影音 刻录 和交税单
17.The above rates are subject to10% service charge and3% government tax.以上房租需另加10%务费及3%府税。
18.reclaim tax,rent,lost property取回税款、租金、失去的财物.

Taxation System Land租税制度
3)tax country租税国家
4)the combination of the tax and the lease租税合并
5)land taxes土地租税
1.In Three-kingdom period,the ordinary families of Wu worked on their own land or rent state-owned land,and paid land taxes such as rice,cloth and money.屯田者所缴纳的限米远远高于普通民户耕种自己的私田或佃种官田所缴纳的各项土地租税的总和。
6)land rent tax地租税
1.Until the end of 1990s,there is no uniform conclusion concerning the effects of land rent tax.文章对两种对立的地租税效应论进行评论 ,指出其理论分歧的根源和缺陷 ;扩展了费尔德斯坦分析体系的假设条件 ,利用戴蒙德模型对地租税效应进行了重新探讨 ,得出了地租税非中性的结
