2)Bank Software银行软件

1.Design and Research of Software Delivery Management Platform in Bank;银行软件分发管理平台的设计与研究
2.Research and Application of the Quality Assurance Methods in Bank Software Development Project银行软件开发项目质量保证方法研究及应用
3.The Research of Requirements Managements Used in Policy Bank Software Project Development需求管理在政策性银行软件项目开发的应用研究
4.Study on the Interface between Bank Credit Auditing Software and Enterprise Accounting Software;银行审计软件与企业会计软件数据接口研究
5.and I update bank software for the 2000 switch.升级银行的软件来解决千年虫问题
6.Probing into the Design of Internet Bank网上银行的设计与软件构建的探讨
7.Implementation of CMMI in the Management of Banking Software Organization;CMMI在银行内部软件组织管理中的应用
8.The Research and Implementation of Personal Financial Services Software in Commercial Banks;商业银行个人理财软件的研究与实现
9.Reseach on Banking Software Offsourcing Risk and Strategy银行业软件离岸外包风险及策略研究
10.Reuse-based Software Reengineering of the Common Component of the System for the Bank基于软件重用的银行系统的共通部件的再工程
11.The Research of Workflow Technology in the Banking Project Management Software on the Application;工作流技术在银行项目管理软件中的应用研究
12.The Software Testing Based on Bank Credit Management Information System;基于银行信贷管理信息系统的软件测试
13.The Patent Protection of China s Banking Business Method Software;论我国银行业商业方法软件的法律保护
14.Research of Commercial Banks Reform in China under Dual Soft Budget Constraint;双重软预算约束条件下我国商业银行改革研究
15.Our Country Commercial Bank Synthesizes the Service Software Architecture Trend of Development to Search Analyzes;我国商业银行综合业务软件结构发展趋势探
16.Analysis and Design of Asset Liability Management Software in Commercial Banks商业银行资产负债管理软件的分析与设计
17.The Programming Method of the Collection Fee Software about the C/S Structure to the Bank System关于C/S结构的银行端代收费软件的编写
18.Research and Development of Banking Integrated Front System Based on Software Architecture;基于软件体系结构的银行综合前置系统的研究与开发

Bank Software银行软件
3)software outsourcing软件外包
1.Relational Contract Governance and Performance of Outsourcing Collaboration:An Empirical Study of Off-shoring Software Outsourcing from Japan;关系契约治理与外包合作绩效——对日离岸软件外包项目的实证研究
2.The International Value of Software Industry and Software Outsourcing;试论软件产业的国际价值与软件外包
3.Study on Software Outsourcing Project Total Process Risk Management;软件外包项目全过程风险管理研究
4)Outsourcing Project外包软件
1.The Research and Application of Schedule Control on Outsourcing Project Based on CMM Software Process Improvement;基于CMM过程改进的外包软件项目进度管理研究
5)banking outsourcing银行业务外包
1.By the booming development of banking outsourcing in the world and the approaching the China commitment to WTO,Chinese banks had to face the completions from external banks,and realized the benefits of outsourcing.银行业务外包是指银行通过契约将原内部工作交由他人完成,是银行应对日益激烈的市场竞争的重要工具,也是银行主动调整战略、实现核心价值的有效手段。
2.On the bases of comparing the banking outsourcing operation between internal and external banks,this paper point out the problems in Chinese banking outsourcing,and advance countermeasures for amelioration.本文在对国际国内银行业务外包进行比较分析的基础上,针对我国银行外包业务刚刚起步。
6)A Study on Banking Outsourcing论银行业务外包
