1.On the Intrinsic Contradiction in Mu Dan s Poetics;论穆旦诗学观的内在矛盾
2.From the cultural perspective,the author attempts to find out the relationships between the infidelity and the poetics,ideology and patronage by employing a theoretical frmework based on André Lefevere’s views on the influence of these three factors on the production of translation.从勒菲弗尔的“三因素”理论出发,从文化的角度论述了失“信”与译语语境中的诗学观(poetics)、意识形态(ideology)和赞助人(patronage)三者之间的关系,从而指出失“信”现象存在的必然性。
3.By examining his Deliberate Prose Selectesd Essays(1952—1995),in association with Beat vision,this essay commerts on Ginsberg s social /literary outlook,in particular the poetics.本文从其散文集《深思熟虑的散文:金斯伯格文选(1952-1995)》入手,联系BG理念,探讨金斯伯格的社会/文学观,尤其是其诗学观

1.A Study of Zheng Gu s Outlook on Life, Poetics View and Poetry Image;郑谷的人生观、诗学观及其诗歌意象
2.Veselovski s Poetic View in Historical Poetics;维谢洛夫斯基《历史诗学》中的诗学观
3.On the Poetic Ideas of Luoyang Parnassus in Xi Feng Period of the Northern Song Dynasty论北宋熙丰时期洛阳诗人的诗学观
4.The Poetics of J. H. Prynne as a British Experimental Poet;英国实验派诗人J.H.蒲龄恩的诗学观
5.A Comparison between Confucius on the Book of Poetry and the Poetic Conceptions of the Spring and Autumn Period;《孔子诗论》与春秋时期诗学观念之比较
6.A Study on Yuan JingLu's Poetics from the Songling Poetry Collection in Qing Dynasty从《国朝松陵诗征》看袁景辂的诗学观
7.On the Poetic View of the Poets of Genesis in a Modernity Vision现代性视野中《创世纪》诗人之诗学观
8.The Ecological Poetics in "Wen Xin Diao Long";试论《文心雕龙·明诗》与《诗品》的生态诗学观
9.Dong Zhongshu s Views on Poetics;哲学与诗学的冲突和融合——董仲舒诗学观探微
10.Prose-Poetry Poem, Verbal Poem and Confucius On Poem;春秋赋诗、言语引诗与孔子《诗》论——以礼用为核心的早期诗学观
11.Virginia Woolf's Sense of Reality with Chinese and Western Poetics as Research Contexts中西诗学观照下的伍尔夫“现实观”
12.Zhan Hu and Han Yu s poem views and creative characteristics of poems;论张祜、韩愈的诗学观及其诗歌创作上的特点
13.Loftiness:the aesthetic standpoint of poetics of Jiao Ran in the Tang dynasty;皎然诗歌诗论中“高”的诗学美学观
14.Interpreting "Transformation of Poem Style" -Concepts of Poet History in Chinese Poetics;释“诗体正变”——中国诗学之诗史观
15.Annotated Edition and Academic Idea on The Book of Songs of the Mohist School--Also on the Academic System of The Book of Songs in the Period of Warring States墨家的传《诗》版本与《诗》学观念——兼论战国《诗》学系统
16.CHEN Baisha the Life of Poetry and the "Poetics of Survival" Concept;陈白沙的诗意化人生和“生存诗学”观
17.From The Writings Of Liu Xiang Study His View Of The Book of Songs;从刘向著作引诗看刘向的《诗》学观
18.A Rough Comparison of the Literary Conceptions of "The Preface to Mao s Poems " and "The Preface to Grades of Poetry";《毛诗序》和《诗品序》文学观念的浅略比较

poetic view诗学观
1.The entity is the important concept of hai-zi’s poetic view .实体是海子诗学观中的重要概念。
2.Modernity,a huge historical context,must be brought into the studies of the poetic view of the old generation poets of Genesis It is.对《创世纪》前行代诗人的诗学观研究,必须纳入"现代性"这一宏大的历史语境,从以诗性抗衡物性、以超越提升生存、以语言敞明存在等方面楔入,可推进其研究的深化。
3)view on poetry诗学观
4)The opinion of Poem Criticism诗学观
5)The idea of poetics诗学观
1.The idea of poetics was flourishing in the South dynasty .江淹作为南朝颇有名气的一位诗人,在其写诗作文的过程中也表现出鲜明的诗学观
6)conception of poem诗学观点
1.This paper takes a close look at his conception of poem and translational theory, offering a detailed analysis of his success in the translation from Cathay.本文通过对庞德的诗学观点和翻译理论的解析和对《长干行》的译例分析,阐述庞德运用创新手法对中国古典诗歌进行创意翻译的成功之处。

《诗学》(见亚里士多德)《诗学》(见亚里士多德)"Peri Poietikes"  Shlxue,,.刁二超二\\(尸‘r公Po玄e亡葱存召‘见亚里士“