汉语节奏,Chinese rhythm
1)Chinese rhythm汉语节奏
1.Discussion on Chinese rhythm and phonetic rhetoric;试论汉语节奏与语音修辞
2.This thesis is to contend that a study of Chinese rhythm may not de conversed,mixing up "intermittence" and "pause".本文认为研究汉语节奏 ,应当区分“间歇”与“停顿”,区分“节奏”与“停顿”。

1.The Acquisition of Chinese Rhythm by American Students;美国留学生习得汉语节奏特征之研究
2.The Syllabic Factors of Chinese Word Formation and the Cultivation of the Sense of Language Rhythm;汉语词语构成的音节因素和节奏语感的培养
3.Comparison of Information Rhythm at Sentental level in English and Chinese Prose;英汉语散文单句的信息节奏对比分析
4.Features of Rhythm of Chinese Poetry--Also Comparing with Features of Rhythm of English Poetry;汉语诗歌节奏的特点——兼与英语诗歌节奏的特点比较
5.Pronunciation and Rhythm Discrepancies between English and Chinese and the Negative Transfer of Chinese英汉发音、节奏差异及汉语的负迁移效应探析
6.Rhythmically significant stress in a line of verse.言语,语调一诗行中的节奏性重读
7.Study on English Stress,Rhythm and Intonation Concerning their Features of Message Transmission in Connected Speech;英语重音、节奏、语调的话语信息传递特征研究
8.sing or shout(sth)rhythmically and repeatedly(有节奏地、反覆地)唱或喊叫(某词语)
9.words sung or shouted rhythmically and repeatedly(有节奏地、反覆地)唱的或喊叫的词语
10.in a singsong voice, accent, manner语调、 声调、 腔调有起伏节奏的.
11.Tom had the rhythm of language, just no words.汤姆的言语仍有节奏,没有成词而已。
12.Secondly, pay attention to the different rhythms(节奏) between English and Chinese.第二,注意中英文间语调节奏的差别。
13.Stress and rhythm are important in speaking English.说英语时, 重音和节奏是很重要的.
14.Study of English Stress Transformation From Rhythm;从节奏角度看英语发音中的重音转移
15.A Study of the Language Features of Chinese Opera Librettos in Respects of Rhythms and Rhymes;从节奏和押韵看戏曲唱词的语言特点
16.Rhythm and Aesthetic Value in Statements of Novel;小说叙述语言的节奏性及其审美价值
17.Potential Relationship Between Prosodic Rhythm and Oral Expression of Moods;英文诗体学节奏与语气表达节奏之关系的解读[1]
18.A Comparison Between Two-syllabic Chinese Words in Korean and Two-syllabic Words in Chinese;韩国语双音节汉字词与汉语双音节词的比较

Rhythm in Chinese汉语的节奏
3)rhythm of Chinese poetry汉语诗歌节奏
1.The rhythm of Chinese poetry has been formed by descomposing the unit of the rhythm in Chinese rhythmical - groups, which is marked by syllable - pause.汉语诗歌节奏是对汉语自然节奏单位节拍群的分解,而节拍群主要是由音顿划分出来的。
2.Thus, the rhythm of Chinese poetry has been formed by decomposing and combining the rhythmical groups in a regularly way.从汉语诗歌节奏的形成可以看出汉语诗歌节奏究竟是什么节奏。
4)Comparative Study of English and Chinese Rhythm英汉语节奏对比
5)The Discussion of the Rhythm Chinese Poetry谈汉语诗歌节奏
6)The Binary,Triple Time in the Chinese Rhythm汉语节奏的二三律

节奏感1.指乐曲的节奏性或对乐曲节奏的感觉能力。 2.指人们对社会运动进程的感受。