制度仁慈,systemized mercy
1)systemized mercy制度仁慈
2)"benevolent despotism"仁慈专制
1.As a famous theorist of moral sentiments and an economist,Adam Smith expounded his viewpoint of virtue of benevolence.作为18世纪著名的道德情感论者和经济学家,亚当·斯密阐述了其关于仁慈德性的观点。
2.In this research, I start with Smith’s differentiation of two conceptions‘justice’and‘benevolence’, and then I focus on Smith’s political philosophy which is based on the conception of‘justice’.本文试图从斯密对“正义和仁慈”这两个概念的甄别入手,考察斯密政治哲学的出发点,并在其正义概念的基础上,进一步解读斯密的政治哲学的基本轮廓。

1.overflowing with kindness充满着和善(仁慈)
2.Clement:Inclined to be lenient or merciful.仁慈的:倾向于宽厚或仁慈的.
3.Inclined to be lenient or merciful.仁慈的倾向于宽厚或仁慈
4.The condition or quality of being lenient.宽厚,仁慈仁慈厚道的状况或品质
5.Compassionate treatment, especially of those under one's power; clemency.慈悲,仁慈仁慈的对待,尤指对处于自己权力控制下的人;仁慈
6.The condition or quality of being lenient;leniency.宽厚,仁慈宽大仁慈的状况或品质;慈悲为怀
7.He took advantage of her innocent kindness.他利用她好心的仁慈
8.Show mercy to sb.对某人表示宽大[仁慈]
9.a forced kindness deserves no thanks.勉强的仁慈不值得感谢。
10.She has an open heart for the orphans.她对孤儿十分仁慈
11.He is more than kind.他不只是仁慈而已。
12.She was known to all for her kindness.她的仁慈人人皆知。
13.She looked down at him with a kindly expression.她仁慈地低头看着她。
14.He was kind and affectionate, but very serious.他仁慈、亲切,但非常严肃。
15.It is his nature to be kind to the poor.封穷人仁慈是他的天性。
16.The judge showed clemency to the prisoner.法官对囚犯很仁慈
17.The queen showed great compassion for her people.女王对她的臣民很仁慈
18.He alternated kindness with severity他时而仁慈,时而严厉。

"benevolent despotism"仁慈专制
1.As a famous theorist of moral sentiments and an economist,Adam Smith expounded his viewpoint of virtue of benevolence.作为18世纪著名的道德情感论者和经济学家,亚当·斯密阐述了其关于仁慈德性的观点。
2.In this research, I start with Smith’s differentiation of two conceptions‘justice’and‘benevolence’, and then I focus on Smith’s political philosophy which is based on the conception of‘justice’.本文试图从斯密对“正义和仁慈”这两个概念的甄别入手,考察斯密政治哲学的出发点,并在其正义概念的基础上,进一步解读斯密的政治哲学的基本轮廓。
5)lenient parents;lenient rules.仁慈的父母;宽松的规章制度

方仁慈方仁慈 男,1938年7月生,浙江宁波人。教授、研究生指导教师。毕业于北京大学化学系。现任职于南开大学元素有机化学研究所。多年来从事农药研究工作,涉及杀虫剂、杀菌剂、除草剂及农药制剂等各个领域。“灭锈一号”、“除草剂一号”曾分别获国家科委颁发的发明二等奖;创新品种“多霉净”对防治各种工业霉菌有优异效果,已获国家专利;“担菌宁”对防治水稻三大病害之一的水稻纹枯病有很高效果;“霜脲氰”对蔬菜、果树的霜霉病、早疫病、晚疫病等有很好效果,尤其是对温室塑料大棚内蔬菜病害有明显效果,是实施“菜篮子工程”不可缺少的农药品种;“灭多威”、“硫双威”在1992——1994年防治抗性棉铃虫方面起到重要作用,为确保棉花生产作出贡献。“灭多威”在1995年获国家教委科技进步三等奖;“高特克”对防治小麦、大豆棉花、油菜田中阔叶杂草有很高效果。在各级刊物上发表论文50余篇。