人文关怀环境,humanistic care environment
1)humanistic care environment人文关怀环境
2)environment thought环境关怀

1.Environmental Virtue Ethics:A New Attempt to Care for Nature环境美德伦理学:环境关怀的一种新尝试
2.Thingking about the Ecological Literature of"Yellow River-Yangtze River Literary Circles"and Environment Concern Research;黄河-长江文化圈生态文学与环境关怀研究思考
3.On Environmental Concern in Property Law--By Analyzing Property Law(Draft)(the seventh version);论物权法的环境关怀——基于《物权法(草案)》第七次审议稿的分析
4.Children need a caring environment.儿童需要一个受关怀的环境.
5.Thoughts on Humanistic Care in Open Education under Network Environment网络环境下开放教育人文关怀的断想
6.On the Humanities Concern in Environment Constructions of College Library谈高校图书馆环境建设中的人文关怀
7.Embodying Humanitarian Care by Making Barrier-free Environment in Park营造公园无障碍环境,体现人文关怀
8.The Humanistic Solicitude in British ICT Teaching Environment Construction and It s Inspiration;英国ICT教学环境建设中的人文关怀及启示
9.Library Environmental Design on the Humane Care from the Perspective论人文关怀视角下的图书馆环境艺术设计
10.So we should reinforce to infiltrate humanism and emotional factor into web learning environment.同时,应加强网络学习环境中人文关怀和情感因素的渗透。
11.Environmental design concept of modern residential area--Function reflection and human care现代居住小区环境设计理念——功能体现与人文关怀
12.Humanity concern in interior environment artistic design --The importance of interior design psychology;室内环境艺术设计中的人性关怀——从室内设计心理学的重要性谈起
13.Strengthening Humanistic Care:Countermeasures and Ponders of Distance Education under Network Learning Environment加强人文关怀:促进网络学习环境下远程开放教育的对策思考
14.The Expression and Presentation of Humanism in Interior Design室内环境艺术设计人文关怀与人文精神的表达与呈现
15.Take Construction of Environment Landscape of Cixi Yuexi Plum Garden as an Example Discussion on How to Reflect Humane Care in Greening of the Residential Areas以慈溪越溪梅园环境景观建设为例 谈谈居住区环境绿化中如何体现人文关怀
16.Of, relating to, or associated with the environment.环境的环境的,有关环境的
17.Vogue and Reminiscence--Regeneration and Innovation of Architecture;怀旧与时尚——建筑环境的再生与创新
18.These engineers contributed greatly to achieve consistent good working condition of the new equipment.通过售后服务技术人的努力工作,使用户的设备终运行在关怀备至的环境之中。

environment thought环境关怀
3)humanistic solicitude人文关怀
1.Research on essence of natural disaster's in the era of humanistic solicitude;人文关怀语境下的自然灾害本质探析
2.Discussion on application of humanistic solicitude in clinical method teaching;人文关怀在《临床方法》教学中的应用探讨
3.On application of humanistic solicitude in clinical teaching of obstetrics and gynecology;“人文关怀”在妇产科临床实习教学中应用研究
4)humanistic care人文关怀
1.Construct a Harmonious Physician-Patient Relationship by Carrying out Humanistic Care;推行人文关怀,构建和谐医患关系
2.Application progress of humanistic care in teaching of nursing specialty courses;人文关怀在护理专业课教学中的应用进展
3.The practice and effect of humanistic care for critical patients in ICU;对重症监护病房患者实施人文关怀的做法与效果
5)humane care人文关怀
1.The relationship between medical quality zero deficiency and humane care;医疗质量零缺陷与人文关怀
2.From Technique Supremacy To Humane Care --An Prerequisite For the Transformation of Morden Medical Model during Practice;从技术至上走向人文关怀——现代医学模式在实践中转化的必要条件
3.Humane Care: Inevitable Alternation to Knowledgeable Statf in Contemporary Enterprises;人文关怀:现代企业对知识型员工管理的必然选择
6)Human care人文关怀
1.The way to expand human care for Higher Vocational College students' ideological and political education拓展高职院校学生思想政治教育人文关怀的途径
2.Human care is the core conception and an important task in nursing.人文关怀是护理的核心概念和中心任务。
3.Doctors as the medical main body should be encyclopedical human diathesis represent hospital human care.医院人文关怀表现为作为医疗主体的医生必须具备广博的人文素养;医院应当遵循“救死扶伤,实行革命人道主义”的医疗原则;实行人文关怀的目的在于“以患者为上帝”。

人文1.指礼乐教化。。 2.泛指各种文化现象。 3.人事。指人世间事。 4.习俗,人情。