工夫茶,congou--a kind of Chinese black tea prepared with care
1)congou--a kind of Chinese black tea prepared with care工夫茶

1.Views on Chaoshan Gongfu Tea s Inheriting and Developing of Ancient Gongfu Tea;论潮汕工夫茶对古代工夫茶的传承与发展
2."Since you have no time, you need not attend the tea party."既然你没有工夫,你就不必参加茶会了。
3.The Study on the Application of the Measuring Color Technique to Congo (Qimen Black Tea) Quality Evaluation测色技术在工夫红茶品质评价中的应用研究
4.But in less time than it takes to drink two cups of tea Baoyu was back again. The sight of him made her sob convulsively."没两盏茶的工夫,宝玉仍来了.林黛玉见了,越发抽抽噎噎的哭个不住."
5.Study on the Extraction Technology of Tea Saponin from Hainan Green Tea Seed and the Components of Tea Seed Oil海南绿茶籽茶皂素提取工艺及茶籽油成分研究
6.Mrs. Sawyer usually drinks tea in the living room.索耶夫人通常是在客厅里喝茶,
7.I'll have tomato juice, waffles, scrambled eggs and tea.我要番茄汁、夫饼、炒鸡蛋和茶水。
8.I can make the tea with the best of' em, Alice.艾丽丝,我沏茶的功夫不比任何人差。
9.A grade of Chinese black tea, obtained from the fifth and largest leaf gathered from a shoot tip of a tea plant.功夫茶中国的一种浓茶,茶叶采自茶树顶部第五片和最大的一片叶子
10.A Research on Extraction of Tea-Polyphenls in Wuyi Rock Tea and Its Technology;武夷岩茶中茶多酚的提取及工艺研究
11.Study on Polyphenols Extracting Technology from Waste Pu'er Tea普洱茶废料中茶多酚提取工艺的研究
12.Research on the Processing Technology of Three Green Tea Cultivats in Hunan湖南三个茶树主栽良种名优绿茶加工工艺研究
13.Extraction Technology and Determination of Tea Polyphenol in Puer Raw Tea from Mengku in Yunnan Province云南勐库大叶种普洱茶(生茶)茶多酚提取工艺研究及含量测定
14.Study on extraction technology and determination of tea polyphenol in puer ripe tea from Mengku in Yunnan province云南勐库大叶种普洱茶(熟茶)茶多酚提取工艺研究及含量测定
15.No Kungfu is the Real Kungfu"--How did Wang Longxi Develop the Wang Yangming′s theory about Kungfu;“无工夫中真工夫”——论王龙溪工夫说对王学的发展
16.Synthesis of L-theanine via Ni(Ⅱ) complex of glutamic acid's Schiff base谷氨酸席夫碱Ni(Ⅱ)配合物法合成L-茶氨酸
17.Application research on neem pesticides with fertilizer in golf cours茶粕有机药肥在高尔夫球场草坪上的应用研究
18."She? No, she has no time.“她吗,没有工夫。…

ancient gongfu tea古代工夫茶
1.Chaoshan gongfu tea inherits the elite of ancient gongfu tea.潮汕工夫茶传承古代工夫茶的固有精华,并历经千余年的不断积累、扬弃和发展,最终“定居”于潮汕地区,形成独具地方特色的“潮汕工夫茶”,在中国茶艺之林一枝独秀。
3)Chaoshan gongfu tea潮汕工夫茶
1.Chaoshan gongfu tea inherits the elite of ancient gongfu tea.潮汕工夫茶传承古代工夫茶的固有精华,并历经千余年的不断积累、扬弃和发展,最终“定居”于潮汕地区,形成独具地方特色的“潮汕工夫茶”,在中国茶艺之林一枝独秀。
4)Kong-fu tea功夫茶
5)rose {gongfu} tea玫瑰功夫茶
1.How Music Theory of Gongfu Being Possible;“工夫的乐论”如何可能——论徐复观对中国古代乐论的心性学诠释
2.The theory of Gongfu is the methodology of his thought, searching f or the ways of the presentation and realiza.王阳明心学思想体系可归结为本体论、工夫论、境界论。
3.Gongfu Lun is the most significant part of Lv Nan s thought.他师承渭南薛敬之,接河东薛瑄之传,秉承了河东学派笃实践履的学风,开拓了一条躬行礼教、在人伦日用中体认天理的下学工夫之路。
