茶禅一味,Oneness of Dhyana and Tea
1)Oneness of Dhyana and Tea茶禅一味
1.The Literature figures that the "Oneness of Dhyana and Tea" intends "meditation practice is embodied by drinking tea, and drinking tea is a way to practicing meditation", suggests the conception that the tenet of Dhyana in Chinese Tea is "no stay", further pointing out the Dhyana in tea was emergent along with the transforming course from method to ideology of Dhyana.本文认为"茶禅一味"指的是"茶中有禅,茶可印禅",提出中国茶的禅味以"无住"为宗的观点,更进一步指出了茶的禅味是伴随着禅由方法向思想转化中过程中出现的。
2)combination of tea and Zen禅茶一味
3)Tea and Zen茶禅

1.The combination of tea and Zen,deep meditation on tea, is a state of humanism, of art.茶禅,乃是以茶参禅的一种人文境界,一种艺术境界。
2.A Brief Discussion on the Historic Position of the West Lake Tea-Zen Culture during the Tang & Song Dynasties略论唐宋时期西湖茶禅文化的历史地位
3.Carry Forward Culture of Tea and Buddhism, Promote the International Communication in Tea and Buddhism Fields;弘扬禅茶文化,促进国际禅茶文化交流
4.View on the Influence of Zen upon Japanese Culture -- Zen, Chador and Bushido浅议禅宗对日本文化的影响——禅与茶道和武士道
5.Fragrance of Wine, Taste of Tea and Attraction of Zen--A tentative probe into the "three tastes" of classical Chinese poetry;酒香·茶韵·禅趣——试论中国古典诗歌的“三味”
6.Zen:A Carrier of Culture Exchange between China and Japan --Analyzing from the origin and characteristics of tea ceremony in China and Japan;禅文化:中日文化交流的一种载体——从中日茶道的渊源、特点谈起
7."Many elements of Japanese culture that Westerners now associate with the country-including Zen Buddhism, samurai (warriors), seppuku (ritual disembowelment), and the tea ceremony-date from this period."许多与日本西部有关的事务均源于这个时期,如禅宗、武士、切腹和茶道。
8.But in the Zen meditation hall, they would meditate on the Zen, and they have even achieved advanced levels of meditation.但在禅堂里,就只说禅,而在禅修功夫非常精进。
9.With many Buddhist allegorical words in these poems, Zenic enlightenment finds its fullest expression.在这二十四首诗里,禅机玄生,禅境叠出。
10.Meditation as practiced in Zen Buddhism.坐禅象禅宗佛教中习练的默想
11."All the People Say You Are a Zenist": Lu Jiuyuan and Zen;“天下皆说先生是禅学”:陆九渊与禅学
12.Considering Poetry Is Just Like Considering Chan--An Analysis of Yan Yu s Methodology of "Considering Poetry as Chan";论诗如论禅——严羽“以禅喻诗”方法论辨析
13.Academic Basis for the Classification of Chen Sect Poetry and the Value of Chen Sect Poetry of Context;禅诗分类的学理根据及禅境诗的价值
14.The Aesthetic Effect of Poem-Zen Interaction in Luo Fu's Zen Poems诗禅互动的审美效应——论洛夫的禅诗
15.China, lemon, iced tea中国茶、 柠檬茶、 加冰的茶
16.a cup/mug/pot of tea一杯[茶缸子/壶]茶
17." Progress" was their mantra.“进步”是他们的口头禅。
18.He could hardly open his mouth without using one or other of his tags.他开口说话总带口头禅。

combination of tea and Zen禅茶一味
3)Tea and Zen茶禅
4)Buddhist sense禅味
1.Mental Agreement Traversing the Time and Space——on the Buddhist sense in Zhang Ailing s prose;穿越时空的心灵契合——论张爱玲散文的禅味
5)Zen-Tea Culture禅茶文化
1.Origins and Evolvements of Chinese Zen-Tea Culture;中国禅茶文化的渊源与流变
6)Zen-Tea History禅茶历史

茶禅一味【茶禅一味】  意指禅味与茶味是同一种兴味。语出于《日本禅师录》。利休居士曾说:茶室品茗是修行得道的最好办法。打水取薪,煮水沏茶,供于佛、施于人,自己也喝上一口,室内有花有香,人人都可以从这里寻找到佛祖的胜迹。茶在中国有悠久的历史。唐代陆羽曾着《茶经》,对于茶的种植、采摘、焙制、饮用等都作过详细记述。形成独特的茶文化。南宋乾道年间(1165-1173)荣西和尚将茶叶带到日本,并著《吃茶养生记》,将饮茶与修禅结合起来,在饮茶过程中体味清虚淡远的禅意,后在日本逐渐形成有详细仪规的“茶道”。日本山上宗二之茶书《山上宗二记》曰:“茶道是从禅宗而来的,同时以禅宗为依归”。泽庵宗彭《茶禅同一味》曰:“茶意即禅意,舍禅意即无茶意。不知禅味,亦不知茶味。”“茶禅一味”即源于这种独特的茶文化。(亦西)