八大菜系,the eight major components of Chinese cuisine
1)the eight major components of Chinese cuisine八大菜系
1.And it is the dish that has the biggest influence and spread widely of the eight major components of Chinese cuisine.鲁菜作为八大菜系之首,为何会在菜系的重新整合中落后于人,通过调查研究,我们发现,原因是多方面的,比如事物发展的规律性、人们饮食口味的变化以及鲁菜在发展过程中存在的各种问题等等。

1.There are mainly eight famous Chinese cuisines中国主要有八大菜系
2.Some people say there are altogether eight major culinary schools in China.These dishes are Shanghai style.有人说中国有八大菜系,这些菜是上海菜。
3.Sure, in China we have eight major cuisines,可以。我们中国有八大菜系
4.Well, it all depends. You see, there are mainly eight famous Chinese cuisines: for instance, the Sichuan cuisine and the Hunan cuisine.那要看情况了。你知道中国主要有八大菜系,比方说川菜和湘菜。
5.I hold a degree in Chinese literature from Beijing University in July 1988.一九八八年七月,我毕业于北京大学中文系。
6.Most fruits and vegetables are more than eighty percent water.大多数水果和蔬菜所含的水份高达百分之八十以上。
7.So the new model of our solar system has eight classical planets.所以新模型我们太阳系有八大行星。
8.“Eight Relations” Should Be Handled Correctly in the Reform of Higher Vocational Education;高职教学改革应该正确处理八大关系
9.Correctly Handling Eight Major Relations in College CYL s Work;正确处理高校共青团工作的八大关系
10.FISH Analysis in Cabbage-Chinese Cabbage Allotriploid Hybrid and Chinese Cabbage Alien Addition Lines结球甘蓝—大白菜异源三倍体和大白菜异附加系的FISH分析
11.China's four major styles of cooking -- Guandong, Shandong, Sichuan and Huaiyang中国四大菜系-- 广东、山东、四川及淮杨
12.Optimization of the System of Protoplast Culture and Regeneration for Chinese Cabbage大白菜原生质体培养再生体系的优化
13.Study on Technology System of N Nutrition Diagnosis of Chinese Cabbage;大白菜氮素营养诊断技术体系的研究
14.Design of Virtual Monitoring System in Vegetable Greenhouse Based on GPRS基于GPRS的蔬菜大棚虚拟监控系统设计
15.Five chief Harbor Group and Eight Main Transport Systen in Chinese Coastlands;我国沿海构建五大港口群体八大运输系统
16.Eight Relations to be Adjusted in the Development of West China in Shaahxi Province;陕西在西部大开发中应协调的八大关系
17.Inscribed again by Baishi at the age of eighty-eight."八十八白石”,印章“齐大”。
18.The eight-sided design is a symbol of the organization of the Manchus into eight qi's or banners.大殿的八角,象征八旗。

eight Big cuisines of China中国的八大菜系
3)eight major relations八大关系
1.In the new century,in the work of the CYL in colleges and universities we should conscientiously study new problems under new circumstances,and correctly handle eight major relations.高校共青团工作应认真研究新世纪、新形势下的新问题,把握时代潮流脉搏,正确处理好第一课堂与第二课堂、管理与服务、继承与创新、思想灌输与寓教于乐、校内与校外、形式与内容、重点与一般、突击与持久,等八大关系。
4)eight big kilns departments八大窑系
5)Suxi Cuisine四大菜系
6)major styles of cooking各大菜系
