闽菜,Fujian Cuisine
1)Fujian Cuisine闽菜

1.Fujian Cuisine: A combination of Fuzhou, Quanzhou, and Xiamen Cuisine, Fujian is characterized by a pickled, sweet& sour taste and bright colors.闽菜:结合福州菜、州菜和厦门菜的特色,口味以甜酸咸香为主,色美味鲜。
2.Immigrants of the Central Plains into Fujian in the Early Tang Dynasty and the formation of Fujian and Taiwan Culture;初唐中原移民入闽与闽台文化之形成
3.Masterpiece about Research on Fujian-Taiwan relationship,society and culture:a book review;闽台关系、闽台社会与闽南文化研究的力作——评汪毅夫的《闽台缘与闽南风》
4.To Think about the Traditional Marriage Customs of Two Sides,Min and Taiwan through Their Dialect and Saying,an Extract of Reading the Dictionary of the Min Nan Dialect Expressing Used Zhangzhou Platitude;从闽南方言俗语看闽、台婚姻旧俗——《闽南话漳腔辞典》札记
5.Damin Foodstuff (Zhangzhou) Co., Ltd.大闽食品(漳州)有限公司
6.A dialect of Chinese spoken in Fujian province, eastern Guangdong province, and Taiwan province.福建话,闽南语在福建
7.Counter - Campaign against"Encirclement andSuppression"in Fujian - Zhejiang - Jiangxi Soviet Area闽浙赣苏区反“围剿”
8.The Exportation of Fujian Tea under Guangzhou Single Port System, 1757-1842;闽茶的广州港外销(1757-1842)
9.The Comparison of Min Dialect in Eastern Guangdong Province and Minnan Dialect in Fujian Province in Literary and Colloquial Readings;粤东闽语与福建闽南方言文白异读比较研究
10.On the Influences of "Ming" Ancesters to the Ancient District Culture of North Fujian;浅析“闽”族先民对闽北上古区域文化的影响
11.A Probe into Relationship between Fujian and Taiwan Based on Relic of Taiwan--Case Study of Min-an Village;涉台遗存与闽台关系——以马尾闽安村为个案
12.Homosexuality Description in Tales of Fujian and Culture of Male Homosexuality in Ancient Fujian;《闽都别记》的同性恋书写及古闽男风文化
13.Viewing the Fujian-Taiwan Clan Culture from the Settlement of the South Fujian Emigration in exploiting Taiwan;从闽南人开发台湾的聚落看闽台宗亲文化
14.On the Development of Young Min Merchant Group under the Traditional Min Merchant Culture;传统闽商文化下青年闽商发展方向探析
15.Local Characteristics of Painting and Calligraphy in the Central Fujian--Based on A Collection of Painters and Calligraphers of the Central Fujian;从《闽中书画录》看闽中书画的区域性特征
16.On Strengthening Financial Cooperation between Fujian and Taiwan;加强闽台金融合作 改善在闽台资企业融资环境
17.Minnan Culture and the Regional Economic Cooperation for the Tourism Between Fujian and Taiwan;闽南文化与闽台旅游区域经济合作浅论
18.Fascination of the Educated Youth Legacy in Developing Tourism Between South and West Fujian;闽南——闽西区域旅游中“知青文化游”的人文魅力

Study on Fujian Cuisine闽菜的研究
3)longevity greens;longevity mustard green [Southern Fukien]长年菜;长寿菜[闽南]
4)Fujian[英]['fu:'d?jen][美]['fu'd?jɑn, 'fju-]闽
1.Current situation of fishery processing and prospects for cooperation between Fujian and Taiwan;闽台水产加工业的发展现状与合作前景
5)eastern Fujian闽东
1.Comparative study of Late Mesozoic Volcanic Sequence and Volcanism characteristics in Western Fujian and Eastern Fujian;闽西与闽东晚中生代火山地层及火山作用特征的对比研究
2.The Investigation and Reflection of "The Project for the Benefits of the Poor Masses" for the Minorities in Eastern Fujian;闽东少数民族“造福工程”的调查与思考
3.A resource survey of seven non-resident islands in Ningde city,located in eastern Fujian province,was conducted.阐述了闽东宁德市无居民海岛过境岛等7个海岛所组成的岛群资源的调查结果,首次报道所调查海岛面积与岸线测量结果,描述了这些海岛植被生态特征和海岛开发利用现状,结合海岛开发利用主导方向和社会经济发展需求,分析岛群资源利用的不同方式与布局,评述海岛开发可能带来的生态环境问题。
6)central Fujian闽中
1.Ore potential of the Meso- and Cenoproterozoic Dongyan Formation in central Fujian;闽中地区中新元古代东岩组地层的含矿性研究
2.Mineralization series and resource potential of subvolcanic-hydrothermal Au (Ag) deposits in central Fujian;闽中地区次火山-热液金(银)矿床成矿系列及资源潜力
3.Local Characteristics of Painting and Calligraphy in the Central Fujian——Based on A Collection of Painters and Calligraphers of the Central Fujian;从《闽中书画录》看闽中书画的区域性特征

刺儿菜蒸菜刺儿菜蒸菜原料: 原 料:刺儿菜嫩芽600克,豆粉50克,玉米粉150克,精盐5克,味精2克,葱花15克。制法: (1)刺儿菜洗净,沥干水,放大盘中,加豆粉,玉米粉,精盐,味精,葱花拌匀。(2)蒸锅加水置旺火上,开锅后放入装刺儿菜的盘子,蒸制15分钟即成。特点: 色黄透绿,质地嫩软,咸鲜爽口,补脾健脾,护肝和胃。