1.After the foundation of China in 1949,CHEN Yun,in charge of the financial and economic work,took a systematic consideration on the precondition of financial security,namely,the premise and the foundation of financial security.新中国建立后,陈云同志在主持国家财政经济工作中,对实现金融安全的先决条件,即金融安全的前提和金融安全的根基等方面进行了系统的思考。

1.Competence is prerequisite to promotion.能力是升职的先决条件
2.Success presupposes diligence.勤勉为成功的先决条件
3.Preconditions are often needed.先决条件往往是必要的。
4.No preconditions should be imposed.不应有[强加]先决条件
5.precondition of production rule产生式规则的先决条件
6.The selected server passed the prereq test.选择的服务器通过了先决条件测试。
7.To require or involve necessarily as an antecedent condition.要求或需要以…为先决条件
8.Latin was a prerequisite for admission.拉丁语是被允许进入的先决条件
9.So fulfillment of desires is a prerequisite to unity.所以实现愿望是到达统一的先决条件
10.Character is the first and last word in the success circle品德好是成功的先决条件和最终衡量
11.Prerequisite: Beholder with functional antimagic ability.先决条件:具有反魔场能力的眼魔。
12.Prerequisite: True beholder or must have aberration as a favored enemy.先决条件:真眼魔,或必须以异怪为宿敌。
13.Sound sleep presupposes a mind at ease.充足睡眠需以心情轻松为先决条件
14.required as a prior condition or course of study.作为先决条件或者研究课程而必需的。
15.Compatibility is a condition of a successful marriage.和谐与否是婚姻成功的先决条件
16.a condition precedent(财产转让、合同生效等之前的)先决条件
17.Honesty is the prerequisite condition to apply for the work.申请这份工作的先决条件是诚实。
18.Is there any prerequisite for “Knowledge Management?”选“知识管理”课有没有先决条件

1.What type of enterprises is suitable for the implementation of ERP systems? What preconditions do enterprises need to implement ERP systems? The answers to those questions are discussed in this article.什么样的企业适合实施ERP系统?企业实施ERP系统应具备哪些前提条件?本文将就企业实施ERP前必须满足的先决条件展开论述。
3)condition precedent[管]先决条件
4)prerequisite list先决条件表
5)system prerequisite condition (SPC)系统先决条件
