1.The paper summarizes the latest domestic researches on the principal-agent issue in supply chain and introduces the common agent theory which concerns multi-principals and one agent.首先综述了国内最近几年委托代理理论在供应链管理中的应用,介绍了基于多委托人-单代理人的共同代理理论。

1.The Analysis on Principal-Agent Theory in Distribution System with Multi-Principal and the Cooperation between Principals;分销系统中多委托人及委托人可能合作的委托代理问题
2."The "remitting Bank"which is the Bank to which the principal has entrusted the handling of a collection;"托收行,即委托人委托办理托收的银行;
3."I, the undersigned:XXX, male,Attorney:XXX, female"委托人:×××,男,受托人:×××,女
4.A person to whom property is bailed.受托人财产的被委托人
5.exact payment(from a client)逼迫(委托人)付款
6.put or confide something in a person or thing.把……委托于人或物。
7.The Appliance of the Mould of Multi-Missioned Agency by Agreement in the Appointment of Persons of Ability;多项任务委托代理模型在人才任用中的应用
8.An attorney carrying out his duties to a client.一个律师执行一个委托人的委托。
9.rogatory letters调查调查委托书,代询证人委托书
10.Should the auctioneer accept a trust, he or she shall sign a written contract on trust auction with the trustee.拍卖人接受委托的,应当与委托人签订书面委托拍卖合同。
11.The clients of a professional person or practice considered as a group.委托人专业人士或一系列诉讼手续的委托人
12.Should the responsibility rest with the trustee, the auctioneer has the right to demand compensation from the trustee.属于委托人责任的,拍卖人有权向委托人追偿。
13.To assign(authority or duties) to another; delegate.委派,委托(把权力或职责)委派给别人;委派
14.Multi-task Based Principal-agent Analysis for Engineering Supervision;基于多任务委托的工程监理委托—代理分析
15.be a customer or client of.成为消费者或者委托人。
16.a person committed to your care.被委托给你照料的人。
17.trust a matter to sb.把某事委托给某人办理
18.the person to whom merchandise is consigned.被委托给商品货物的人。

multi-principals incentive多委托人激励
3)multi-principal and multi-agent多个委托人与代理人
4)grantor trust委托人信托
1.With the regulatory economics and the multiprincipal theory, the behaviors of regulators through cooperative game and non cooperative game are analyzed, and the conclusion that the effective regulations demand cooperation of regulators is reached.运用规制经济学和多重委托的有关理论 ,建立了分析规制机构行为的合作与非合作博弈模型 ,得出政府实现规制效率必须进行规制合作的结
1.The paper concludes that: first,only when the firms solve the incompatible and noncoherence problem,they can get the best efficiency if there are multi-principal goals in the firms; Secondly,the best selection of managers is on the no market goal of.改革实践表明,只关注代理人问题无法囊括我国国有企业当前正发生的所有现象,企业业绩也取决于委托人的委托效率:若企业存在多元委托目标,只有解决好委托目标的非兼容和非一致性问题时,企业才可能实现最优效率;我国国企经理最优选择往往是"晋升"、"退出"等非市场效率目标,导致国有企业经营的低效率。

传真委托、函电委托 传真委托、函电委托——  传真委托、函电委托是指委托人填写委托内容后,将委托书采用传真或函电方式表达委托意向,提出委托要求。投资者采用电话委托、传真委托等方式必须在证券经纪商处开设委托专户。