吐鲁番市,Turpan city
1)Turpan city吐鲁番市
1.Research on Land Use Change in Turpan City新疆吐鲁番市土地利用变化分析
2.GIS technology in the agricultural land classification Application-Xinjiang Turpan CityGIS技术在农用地定级中的应用——以新疆吐鲁番市为例

1.Preliminary Research of Tourism Urbanization Phenomenon-A Case Study on Turpan,in Xinjiang;旅游城市化现象初探——以新疆吐鲁番市为例
2.Study on the Establishment of Supply Chain Management Pattern of Turpan Grape;吐鲁番市葡萄供应链管理模式构建研究
3.The Elementary Research on the Current Situation and Its Sustainable Development of Tour Enviroment in Trupan;吐鲁番市旅游环境现状及其可持续发展初探
4.An Analysis of the Bilingual Situation of Service Industries in Turpan City吐鲁番市窗口行业双语使用情况调查分析
5.A Study on the Farm Land Appraise-price of Oasis in Arid Land--A Case of Tu Lufan City干旱区绿洲农用地估价研究——以吐鲁番市为例
6.An investigation of the Chinese Teachers in the Ethnic Middle Schools in Turpan吐鲁番市民族中学汉语教师队伍现状的调查研究
7.Study on Land Use/Land Cover Investigation by Remote Sensing in Tulufan City;吐鲁番市重点地区土地利用/土地覆被遥感调查研究
8.Simulation of Dynamic Change in Land Utilization in Turpan Based on CLUE-S Model;基于CLUE-S模型的吐鲁番市土地利用动态变化模拟研究
9.The Research about Wushu in the Middle Schools of Turpan in Xinjiang;对新疆吐鲁番市中学生武术项目开展的调查研究
10.Simulation and Analysis of Land Use Patterns Based on Logistic Regression Model--A Case Study of Turpan基于Logistic回归模型的土地利用格局模拟分析——以新疆吐鲁番市为例
11.Application of Gray Connection Analysis in Suitable Evaluation of Cultivated Land in Turpan灰色关联分析在吐鲁番市农用地适宜性评价中的应用
12.GIS technology in the agricultural land classification Application-Xinjiang Turpan CityGIS技术在农用地定级中的应用——以新疆吐鲁番市为例
14.Market Analysis and Its Developing Strategy of Tourist Resources in Turpan;吐鲁番旅游客源市场分析及市场开发战略
15.Integrative Marketing Strategies for Turpan Grape Valley Scenic Spot;新疆吐鲁番葡萄沟景区旅游市场营销组合策略
16.In Turpan, there are a lot of bazaars, selling succulent fruits, colorful carpets and turbans.在吐鲁番,有许多集市,卖美味多汁的水果、彩鲜艳的地毯和头巾。
17.The unearthed documents in Turpan fully testify the historical fact.吐鲁番出土文书充分证明了这一史实。
18.the "Gaochang Yue"was from the Turpan of Xinjiang.《高昌乐》是今新疆吐鲁番一带的乐舞。

1.Simulation of Dynamic Change in Land Utilization in Turpan Based on CLUE-S Model;基于CLUE-S模型的吐鲁番市土地利用动态变化模拟研究
2.Simulation and Analysis of Land Use Patterns Based on Logistic Regression Model——A Case Study of Turpan基于Logistic回归模型的土地利用格局模拟分析——以新疆吐鲁番市为例
3.) problems in the primary and middle schools (for the Han and Hui nationalities) in Turpan through the analysis of it s present state, which are expected to be available for the E.本文通过对新疆吐鲁番市 (汉、回 )中小学英语教学的现状和存在问题的分析 ,力图发现存在问题的客观条件和社会因素 ,旨在能对提高吐鲁番市以及新疆地区、乃至全国少数民族地区其他州、市、县 (汉回 )中小学英语教学提供有价值的参考意见。
1.Development of Turfan Anucleate White Sweet Wine;吐鲁番无核白甜葡萄酒的研制
2.The Uighur Ancient Calendars Found in the Documents of Dunhuang and Turfan;敦煌吐鲁番文献所见回鹘古代历法
3.Cultural Exchange Between Central plains and Westem Region Reflected by Hunting Decorative Patterns on the Cultural Relics Excavated in Turfan;从吐鲁番出土文物上的狩猎纹样看中西文化交流
1.Research of Planning Ecological Security for Turpan City;吐鲁番市生态安全设计研究
2.Study on the standards of hospital bed and doctor allocation in Turpan Region;吐鲁番地区医院床位、医生资源合理配置研究
3.The Grape-drying Room in Turpan Region——Immortal Adobe Building;吐鲁番的葡萄晾房——不朽的生土建筑
1.The Research about Exploiting and Taking Advantage of Tulufan s Desert Tourism Resource;吐鲁番沙漠旅游资源开发利用研究
2.Strategic Thought About Promoting Tulufan s Typical Farm Produce Processing and Trade;提升吐鲁番特色农产品工贸产业的战略思考
3.A New Explanation of Difficult Words in Tulufan Unearthed Documents;吐鲁番出土疑难词语新诠
6)Tulufan cockfight吐鲁番鸡
