保密工作,security work
1)security work保密工作
1.From analyzing the present national and international situations,expounds the importance of security work and the momentous significance of correctly conducting the relationship between the local economy development and security work on the local economy development.从分析当前国内国际形势入手,阐述保密工作的重要性,正确处理地方经济发展和保密工作的关系,对地方经济发展具有重要意义。
2.With the deep development of teaching and scientific research,the items concerning security in colleges and universities are gradually increased,thus the significance of security work gradually catches our eyes.随着教学科研的深入发展,高校涉密事项日益增多,高校保密工作的重要性逐渐受到人们的关注。
3.This paper introduces the information flow link of president s office work in our information age,and discusses the significance of making the security work well done in the information flow link.文章首先介绍了信息时代校办工作的信息流程环节,探讨了信息流程环节中做好校办保密工作的重要性,并指出保密工作的具体内容。

1.Generally the security was first-rate.总的来说,保密工作还是干得挺出色的。
2.On the Development and Utilization of the University File Management of Secrecy;高校档案开发利用中的保密工作浅议
3.A General Discussion on the Security Work of the President s Office in Colleges and Universities for the New Era;论新时期高校校长办公室的保密工作
4.On the Problems and Countermeasures of Keeping Science and Technology Secret Work in Colleges and Universities;高校科技保密工作存在的问题与对策
5.Laws and Regulations about Scientific and Technical Information Secrecy in China;我国科技信息保密工作中的法律规范
6.A New Reflection on Secret-keeping in the Higher Learning Institutions and Its Innovation in the Era of Information;信息时代高校保密工作的思考与创新
7.WTO Principle of Transparency & China s Maintenance of Secrecy Entailing Administration by Law;WTO透明度原则与保密工作依法行政
8.On management of confidential work in metallurgical mines design;浅谈对冶金矿山设计保密工作的管理
9.Current Problems of Police Confidential Work and Its Countermeasures当前公安保密工作面临的问题与对策
10.A Tentative Discussion on Problems of and Efficient Measures to Current Public Security Secrecy当前公安保密工作存在的问题及对策
11.The job is sort of classified.我这工作有点保密。
12.His job is very hush-hush.他的工作是很保密的.
13.Because of the confidential nature of the work,由于工作的保密性,
14.confidential nature of working paper of audit审计工作底稿保密性
15.I'm thinking of changing jobs, but please keep it dark for the time being.我正考虑换一个工作,请暂时保密。
16.One is the general atmosphere of secrecy in which it is carried out,一是科研工作中普遍存在的保密气氛;
17.give sb security clearance保安部门给予某人的机密工作许可.
18.She' s been cleared by security.她经保安部门批准可做机密工作.

secrecy work保密工作
1.The new situation of the secrecy work in international exchange and cooperation of Universities are analyzed,the link including the hidden danger and channel of stealing a secret are introduced.分析高等学校国际交流与合作中保密工作面临的新形势,详细阐述国际交流与合作中泄密隐患的环节和泄密渠道,指出消除各种泄密隐患的方法,提出高等学校国际交流与合作中做好保密工作的对策。
3)sci-tech security work科技保密工作
1.This paper makes simple exploration into the contents and existing problems of sci-tech security work and the assumption of strengthening sci-tech security work after WTO entry.就高校科技保密工作的内容、存在的问题和加入WTO后如何加强科技保密工作的设想做了初步探讨。
4)security jobs of higher education高校保密工作
1.It emphatically discusses three aspects of how to do it well from consolidating security conscionsness,establishling rules and regulations and spreading and resorting mature security skills in security jobs of higher education with active administration.阐明了高校保密工作的动态化管理的基本含义和重要性 ,着重从强化保密意识、建章立制和推广使用成熟的保密技术三个方面论述了怎样搞好高校保密工作的动态化管理。
5)security links保密工作环节
6)working seal工作密封
1.The reliability of bulb turbine is low because of its structure and its working seal of main shaft is easy to happen accident.灯泡贯流式水轮机受其结构形式的影响,机组安全可靠性低,主轴工作密封容易发生事故,如何提高机组主轴工作密封的可靠性对电站的安全运行有着非常重要的意义。

《保密系统的通信理论》  C.E.仙农关于信息论的一篇著名论文,发表在《贝尔实验室技术杂志》第28卷第4期(第656~715页),1949年。仙农在这篇论文中,对他在1948年发表的经典论文《通信的数学理论》中所创立的信息论的概念和方法作了进一步发挥,并精辟地阐明了关于密码系统的分析、评价和设计的科学思想。本文提出了保密系统的数学模型、随机密码、 纯密码、 完善保密性、理想保密系统、唯一解距离、理论保密性和实际保密性等重要概念,并提出评价保密系统的5条标准,即保密度、密钥量、加密操作的复杂性、误差传播和消息扩展。这篇论文开创了用信息理论研究密码的新途径,一直为密码研究工作者所重视。它不仅是分析古典密码(如单表代换和多表代换密码)的重要工具,而且也是探索现代密码理论的有力武器。文中所提出的破译密码的计算量理论已和计算机理论中的计算复杂性理论结合起来,成为评价密码安全性的一个重要准则。