历史地图,historical map
1)historical map历史地图
1.The earliest historical map in China is the Yugong diyu tu of uhe Jin Dynasty.编绘《浙江省历史地图集》,是一项难度很大的工程。
2.Historical map, vividly reflecting the content of the texts, is a part of history textbooks.历史地图是历史教科书的有机组成部分 ,它形象地反映了课文的内容 ,能给学生以直观、整体的认识 ;历史教师在课堂教学中应重视历史地图的运用 ,以激发学生的兴趣加深学生对历史知识的理解和掌握。
3.The computer technology can improve the accuracy of the compilation of historical map,and enrich the representation methods of historical thematic contents.历史地图既能表示制图区域的空间地理信息,又能反映历史时空对比信息,展现制图区域历史上各朝代的疆域范围及社会发展状态。

1.The Historical Atlas of China《中国历史地图集》
2.On The Use of Historical Maps in Teaching Chinese Historical Geography;试论《中国历史地理学》课程中历史地图的利用
3.Discussion on the Compilation and Design of Historical Map--Postscript of the compilation of historical evolution map of Jilin Provincial Atlas历史地图编辑设计探讨——编制吉林省地图集历史沿革图后记
4.Historical Map in New Class Sign Junior Middle School History Teachingutilization;历史地图在新课标初中历史教学中的运用
5.The Function of History Atlases Should Be Emphasized in Mid-School History Teaching;高中历史教学应重视历史地图册的作用
6.Rectification and Complement about Place Name of the Warring States period in the Historical Atlas of China;《中国历史地图集》战国部分地名校补
7.Using Historical Map Properly to Train Students Interests;科学使用历史地图,培养学生学习兴趣
8.Compiling the index is also more important.特别是历史地图集,编制地名索引更是一项重要的工作。
9.The Historical Status and Influence of the Alexandrian Library亚历山大城图书馆的历史地位及影响
10.The Natural Disaster of History and Totem in Kunming昆明地区历史自然灾害与图腾研究
11.Achievements and Historical Status of the Book on Farming by Wang Zhen;王祯《农书》的图学成就及其历史地位
12.Landscape Image and Areal Humanities History--Take the Case of "Chibi Image"山水图像与地域人文历史——以“赤壁图”为例
13.The library has a historical map archive that many historians find very interesting.许多历史学家认为该图书馆的史学地图集非常有趣。
14.Both library and local chronicles have long histories in China.图书馆与地方志在我国都有着悠久的历史。
15.Discussion on the Relations between Oral History and Local Culture Research;口述历史与图书馆地方文化研究关系探讨
16.The Expression and Analysis of Dynamic Phenomena in Historic-culture Map;历史文化地图中动态现象的表示与分析研究
17.New-Platonic Dialectical Thought and Its Historical Status;新柏拉图主义的辩证法思想及其历史地位
18.Pisistratus: "Solon" Followed by Bodyguards--on Pisistratus Proper Place in History;庇西特拉图:带卫队的“梭伦”——庇西特拉图的历史地位谈

historic map历史地图
1.In light of the historic maps associated with foreign settlement,the author introduces the new angle to investigate the development and evolvement of foreign settlement through reading and comparing historic maps in different times and with different types,in order to give some suggestions for urban development of Shanghai in the future.以有关于租界的历史地图为立足点,通过对不同时期、不同种类历史地图的对比阅读来获得全新考察租界发展与演变的角度,以希对上海未来城市发展有所启发。
3)history atlases历史地图册
4)historical atlas历史地图集
5)historical cartography历史地图学
6)historic maps contrast method历史地图对比法
