模板控制技术,template control technology
1)template control technology模板控制技术
2)New Profile Control Technology板形控制新技术
3)profile and flatness control technology板形控制技术

1.Research on Shape Control of Hot Strip in 2150ASP Production2150ASP热轧带钢板形控制技术
2.Profile and flatness control technology for schedule-free rolling in hot wide strip mills宽带钢热连轧机自由规程轧制的板形控制技术
3.Application of Sheet Shape Control Technology on Continuous Rolling Mills in Angang板形控制技术在鞍钢冷连轧机组的应用
4.The application of shape automatic inspection and closed-loop control technique板形自动检测及闭环控制技术的应用
6.Parameters Controlling of Sheet Metal Flexible Forming Using Plasma Arc;金属板件等离子体弧柔性成形技术的参数控制
7.Research on Flatness Recognition Based on Fuzzy Chaotic and Control Technique;基于模糊混沌的板形识别与控制技术的研究
8.Research and Prospect on Intelligent Control of Sheet Metal Forming Technology金属板材成形智能化控制技术研究及展望
9.Combination Control of Shape and Surface Quality for Double UCM Temper Mill双UCM平整机组板形与表面质量综合控制技术
10.Application of Roll Stepped Cooling Technology for Sheet Shape Control in Angang 1 450 mm Continuous Cold Roliing Mills轧辊分段冷却技术在鞍钢1450板形控制中的应用
11.Mechanics-based Shape and Strip Crown On-line Synthesis Control Technique of Five Stands UCM Cold Tandem MillUCM冷连轧机组基于机理模型的板形与板凸度在线综合控制技术
12.A Development of Hot-rolled Shape Computer Control System Based on the Middleware Technology基于中间件技术的热轧板形计算机控制模型系统的开发
13.Roof Deformation Features and Procedure Control of Mining Gateway Under Weak Water Bearing Condition弱含水条件下巷道顶板变形特征及过程控制技术
14.Application of Sensor Monitoring Technology in the Headbox’s Slice传感测控技术在堰板上的应用与控制
15.Research on the Key Problems of NC Incremental Sheet Metal Forming;金属板材数控渐进成形关键技术研究
16.Control panel. Mount type and technology type can be specified.控制面板。可指定安装类型和技术类型。
17.The Study on Sustainable Control Tecology of Chestcut Pests in Xinyang;信阳板栗病虫害可持续控制技术研究
18.Automatic Control Technology and Application of the Medium Plate Heat Treatment Production Line中板热处理线自动化控制技术及应用

New Profile Control Technology板形控制新技术
3)profile and flatness control technology板形控制技术
4)technique of non-model control无模控制技术
5)fuzzy control technique模糊控制技术
6)Fuzzy control technology模糊控制技术
1.Application of fuzzy control technology in the industrial boiler combustion system;模糊控制技术在锅炉燃烧系统上的工程应用
2.According to the requisition on warm humidity in the toasting room of three sections about toasting tobacco leaves, Designed and developed the controller about the controls of the temperature and humidity by fuzzy control technology and one-chip computer.根据烟叶三段式烘烤工艺中对温湿度的要求,利用模糊控制技术设计并研制了基于单片机的烟叶烤房温湿度控制仪,使烤房内的温湿度按照烟叶最佳生化控制曲线变化,从而提高烤房内温湿度控制精度和烤烟质量。
3.This article elaborates that the control system decides numerically-controlled equipment\'s overall performance,expounds the principle of fuzzy control technology,and designs the numerically-controlled machine tool control system based on the fuzzy control technology.论述了控制系统决定数控设备的整体性能,阐明了模糊控制技术的原理,并在此基础上设计了基于模糊控制技术的数控机床控制系统。

木工支模拆模安全技术操作规程第1条 模板支撑不得使用腐朽、扭裂、劈裂的材料。顶撑要垂直,底端平整坚实,并加垫木。木楔要钉牢,并用横顺拉杆和剪刀撑拉牢。第2条 采用行架支模应严格检查,发现严重变形、螺栓松动等应及时修复。第3条 支模应按工序进行,模板没有固定前,不得进行下道工序。禁止利用拉杆、支撑攀登上下。第4条 支设4米以上的立柱模板,四周必须顶牢,操作时要搭设工作台,不足4米的,可使用马凳操作。第5条 支设独立梁、柱模应设临时工作台,不得站在柱模上操作和在梁启模上行走。第6条 拆除模板应经施工技术人员同意。操作时应按顺序分段进行,严禁猛撬、硬砸或大面积撬落和拉倒。工完前;不得留下松动和悬挂的模板,拆下的模板应及时运送到指定地点集中堆放。 第7条 拆除薄腹梁、吊车梁、行架等预制构件模板,应随拆随加顶撑支牢。