地理知识,geography knowledge
1)geography knowledge地理知识
1.It has actual significance for the students to know and master the useful geography knowledge and techniques in daily life in order to expand their view and viability in society, become active and responsible people in the 21st century and meet the current society s requirements on talents.学习对生活有用的地理是当代地理教育的基本理念,地理与我们日常生活息息相关,正确了解和掌握生活中有用的地理知识和地理技能对开拓学生视野,增强学生社会生存能力,成为21世纪活跃而又负责任的公民,适应时代对人力资源的需求具有现实意义。
2.Water Margin make mistakes about geography knowledge,and some of them has been pointed out by the predecessor.《水浒》所犯的地理知识方面的错误,在各类错误中出现频率最高,地理知识的匮乏有力地证明了作者对《水浒》故事主要发生地齐鲁梁赵极不熟悉,甚至可能从未到过该地域。
3.It is possible for us to reconstruct the landscapes and geography knowledge of the history, and to understand their interest for ancient people and us, by reading ancient texts or documents.我们基本上是通过对文本或文献的阅读,才可能重构关于历史时期的地理景观和地理知识,才可能理解历史时期地理景观与地理知识对于古人和今人的意义。

1.His knowledge of geography is negligible.他的地理知识少得可怜。
2.Try to correlate your knowledge of history with your knowledge of geography.尽量把你的历史知识同你的地理知识联系起来。
3.But their knowledge of history and geography was very poor.但她们的历史、地理知识却少得可怜。
4.Industry Knowledge System and Teaching Strategies Research of Geography in Middle School;中学工业地理知识及其教学策略研究
5.Using Geography Knowledge to Enhance the Effect of History Teaching in Middle School;运用地理知识,提高中学历史教学效果
6.The Design and Construction of Knowledge Map in Knowledge Management of Scientific Research Institute;科研机构知识管理中知识地图的设计与构建
7.Personal Knowledge Management of University College Teacher Based on Knowledge Map;基于知识地图的高校教师个人知识管理
8.A Model Framework for Knowledge Atlas-based KnowledgeManagement System;一种基于知识地图集的知识管理系统模型框架
9.Knowledge Map: An Effective Tool for Knowledge Management and Organizational Learning;知识地图:知识管理和组织学习的有效工具
10.Research on Knowledge-map-based Knowledge Management of University Teachers基于知识地图的高校教师集体知识管理研究
11.Research on the Knowledge Map-based Knowledge Integration Pattern and Mechanism基于知识地图的知识集成模式与机理研究
12.As an important knowledge management tool, knowledge map provides the knowledge sharing platform of tacit and explicit knowledge assets.知识地图是一项重要的知识管理工具,为显性和隐性知识资产提供了一个知识分享平台。
13.without knowing it --不知不觉地意识到了一个道理??
15.In geography there is still much to be desired.可惜对于地理的知识还很欠缺。
16.This is a place where we pursue truth and enrich our understanding.这是一个追求真理、丰富知识的园地。
17.Research on Knowledge Management and Support Technology for Real Estate Enterprise;房地产企业知识管理与支撑技术研究
18.Ideas, System and Interest in the Geography of the Sung Dynasties;宋代地理学的观念、体系与知识兴趣

geographical knowledge地理知识
1.The Research and Practice of the Theory of Studying Framework of Geographical Knowledge in Secondary School;中学生地理知识学习建构理论研究与实践
2.Formalization of geographical knowledge is the bottleneck of geographical expert system.地理知识形式化是地理专家系统中的瓶颈问题 ,本文探讨了地理知识形式化的基础、地理圈层与地理系统分解为因子层数据的可能性、圈层与系统之间的公因子、地理数据与地理知识的相互转化、地理知识的等级与分等定级、地理知识的编码等问题。
3.The paper briefly analyzes the geographical knowledge in classical poetry and its application in geography teaching before giving some reasonable suggestions on the teaching of geography that makes use of classical poetry.本文对古典诗词中蕴涵的地理知识及古典诗词在地理教学中的应用做了简要的分析后,对运用古典诗词进行地理教学时应注意的问题提出了一些合理的建议。
3)Geographic Knowledge Base (GKB)地理知识库
4)geographical knowledge coding地理知识编码
5)basic geographic al knowledge地理基础知识
6)knowledge economic geography知识经济地理学

部门或专题军事地理学(见军事地理学)部门或专题军事地理学(见军事地理学)sectorial or thematic military geography bumen huo zhuanti lunshi diliXue部门或专题军事地理学(sec‘orial orthematie military geography)见军事地理学。