概括平差模型,generalized adjustment model
1)generalized adjustment model概括平差模型
1.A universal solution for generalized adjustment model概括平差模型的通用解法
2.This paper derives the rank of various autocofaetor matrices in the generalized adjustment model , and discusses the effects of rank (Qx) on indirect grouped adjustment.本文导出了概括平差模型中各种自协因数阵的秩,讨论了Q_z的秩对分组平差的影响。
3.In the paper the quadrate form theory has been applied to prove the distribution theorem of generalized adjustment model’s standard deviation, then proceed to present the statistical analysis method of adjusted elements and their functions in survey data processing, thus the theoretical basis for the formulating of the tolerance of the adjusted value has been provided.应用二次型理论证明了概括平差模型方差分布定量,进而提出了测量数据处理中平差值元素及其函数的统计分析方法,为平差值元素限差的制定提供了理论依据。
2)generalization adjustment model概括模型
1.The generalization adjustment model is expanded to Linear Inequality Constrained Adjustment model(LICA),which defined the uniform surveying adjustment model.将经典测量平差的概括模型(附有等式限制条件的条件平差模型)扩展为附不等式约束的平差模型,同时将其定义为测量平差统一模型,并在一定的条件下实现这种平差模型与概括平差模型间的相互转换。
3)summary level概括水平

1.Study of the Mentality and Generalizing Capability in Mathematics Reading of Top Students in Seventh Grade;初一优等生思维类型与数学阅读概括水平的相关研究
2.The results showed: 1)The level of abstract generalization ability in the young groupwas significantly higher than that of the old groups;结果显示:青年组分类概括力水平明显高于老年组;
3.Deng Xiaoping's value concept might be rephrased as" rational principle based on interest".邓小平的价值观可以概括为“以利立义”。
4.The record of his life is covered from Genesis 11:26 to 25:10.创世纪11;26至25:10节中概括了他的生平。
5.The Philosophical Meaning of DENG Xiao-ping s Generalization of The Essence of Socialism;邓小平社会主义本质概括的哲学蕴意
6.Its stitching is smooth, dense, thin, neat, even, delicate and harmonious.其技巧特点概括为"平、齐、细、密、匀、顺、和、光"八个字。
7.The Philosophical Connotations of Deng Xiaoping s Generalization on the Essence of Socialism;略论邓小平对社会主义本质概括的哲学内涵
8.The Understanding of Deng Xiaoping s Theory on Socialist Essence;科学理解邓小平同志对社会主义本质的新概括
9.A Logical Analysis of Deng Xiaoping s Summary of the Essence of Socialism;从逻辑观点看邓小平对社会主义本质的概括
10.Last of all, give a brief a ccount of these floodwater survey and regularity.在此基础上,对宋代梓州与中江洪水的概况和规律作出归纳与概括。
11.abstract (of a publication)(出版物的)摘要,概括,概要
12.give an abstract (of).对……进行抽象概括。
13.Dizziness is a general term that describes sensations of imbalance and unsteadiness, such as vertigo, syncope, mild turning, and imbalance.头晕是用以描述失去平衡或不稳定感觉的一个概括性术语,包括眩晕、厥、微的旋转、去平衡等。
14.Quality and level of higher education as well as discriminating relevant concepts高等教育质量与水平及相关概念辨析
16.To sum up, within our society there still exist rampant inequalities.概括地说,在我们这个社会里还存在着大量的不平等。
17.The deformation of dam is a three-dimension value including horizontal and vertical displacement.水坝变形是包括水平位移和垂直位移的三维量。
18.Four Levels for Perception of the Conception “Arithmetic Average” and the Relevant Test Results;“算术平均数”概念的四个理解水平及测试结果

generalization adjustment model概括模型
1.The generalization adjustment model is expanded to Linear Inequality Constrained Adjustment model(LICA),which defined the uniform surveying adjustment model.将经典测量平差的概括模型(附有等式限制条件的条件平差模型)扩展为附不等式约束的平差模型,同时将其定义为测量平差统一模型,并在一定的条件下实现这种平差模型与概括平差模型间的相互转换。
3)summary level概括水平
4)General justice概括公平
5)imitation abstraction模仿概括
6)adjustment model平差模型
1.The short-side control network adjustment model of the 3-D surveying data based on the electronic total station;基于全站仪三维观测数据的短边控制网平差模型
2.Processing approach of non-linear adjustment models in the space of nonlinear models;非线性模型空间非线性平差模型的处理方法
3.The inherent law of calculating formulas for adjustment models have also been brought to light from the general to the Particular.本文应用近代平差理论,导出了五种平差法的计算公式,从特殊到一般地揭示了平差模型计算公式的内在规律,这对于深入理解平整理论。

乐息平 ,乐息地平 ,司乐平药物名称:拉西地平英文名:Lacidipine别名: 拉西地平;乐息平 ,乐息地平 ,司乐平外文名:Lacidipine,Lacipil, Caldine, Viapres适应症: 用于防治高血压。 用量用法: 口服:开始用量为4mg,1日1次,在早晨服用较好,但应维持4mg剂量不少于3~4周。 注意事项: 1.最常见的有头痛、皮肤潮红、水肿、眩晕和心悸,通常短暂,并随着相同剂量的继续用药而逐渐消失。偶有无力、皮疹(包括红斑和瘙痒)、食欲不振、恶心及多尿。与其他钙拮抗剂一样,极少数病人有胸痛和牙龈增生。 2.对本品中任何成分高度过敏者禁用。 3.妊娠与哺乳期妇女慎用。 4.乐息平与其他降血压药物和利尿剂、β阻滞剂并用,降压作用可以加强。与西米替丁并用,血浆乐息平水平可以增高。 规格: 每片:2mg、4mg。 类别:选择性钙通道阻滞剂\二氢吡啶类||降血压药