空间区域,spatial region
1)spatial region空间区域
1.Access control model of 2-D spatial region based on spatial index;基于空间索引的二维空间区域访问控制模型
2.In particular significant progress has been made in the models of topological relations between spatial regions.空间关系形式化模型的发展是空间推理、地理信息系统(geographic information systems,简称GIS)、计算机视觉等领域中的一个非常重要的主题,近年来受到相关领域研究者的极大关注,特别是在空间区域间拓扑关系模型的研究方面取得了很大进展。

1.A designated sector of space, such as that in the vicinity of an airport.航空区一个指定的空间区域,如机场邻近地区
2.a spatial location defined by a real or imaginary unidimensional extent.由虚拟的或真实的一维空间所定义的空间区域
3.Simulation of the Distributions of Typical Space Debris on Low Earth Orbits during Year 20092009年若干典型低轨空间区域空间碎片分布仿真
4.The ionosphere is that region of space contatining electrically charged species.电离层是指含有带电物质的空间区域
5.a wide and open space or area as of surface or land or sky.宽阔的室外空间或区域。
6.a circumscribed space or area.受限定的空间或区域.
7.European Regional/Spatial Planning Charter欧洲区域/空间规划章程
8.Regional Spatial Data Infrastructure (RSDI)区域空间数据基础设施
9.Economic Cooperation Area Based on River Basin: A New Model;流域经济协作区:区域空间重组新模式
10.Study on Spatial Organization of Entreprise and City-Regions Space Reshaping企业空间组织和城市与区域空间重塑
11.- Attaching importance to the Asian-Pacific regional space cooperation and supporting space cooperation in other regions of the world.--重视亚太地区的区域性空间合作,支持世界其他区域性空间合作。
12.High importance will be attached to regional space cooperation in the Asia-Pacific Region, and support will be given to regional cooperation in other parts of the world.重视亚太地区的区域性空间合作,支持世界其他区域性空间合作。
13.Study on Spatial Structure of Regional Tourism Scenic Area(Spot)System;区域旅游景区(点)系统空间结构研究
14.The Quantitative Research of Study on Regional Carrying Capacity of Decheng City by the Status Space Method;德城区区域承载力的状态空间法研究
15.Spatial Structure and Regional Development in the Region along the Yangtze River in Jiangsu Province;江苏沿江地区的空间结构与区域发展
16.Objective,progress and methodology of spatial function zoning区域空间功能分区的目标、进展与方法
17.Study on the Space Development of Regional Sustainable Tourism--Case Study of Weinan Region;区域旅游可持续空间发展研究——以渭南区域为例
18.Regional Economic Development Policy and Regional Economic Growth Convergence in China,1952~2000;区域发展政策与区域经济增长空间收敛

regional space区域空间
1.According to the introduction on the urban planning of the new town,Marne-la-Vallee in the prior period and its current planning situation, the paper displays the strategy of the suburban growth,based on the whole region,for the development of the super large cities in the modern city designs and shows the powerful advantages of emphasizing on the integrity of the regional space development.通过对马恩拉瓦莱新城的前期城市规划手段和现状城市设计状态的介绍,展现出现代城市设计中一种应对超大城市发展的基于区域整体的郊区发展策略,表现出了注重区域空间发展的整体性的强大优势。
2.The prerequisite of first level is core activity of regional space,and the prerequisite of second level is the user features.以区域空间核心活动作为一级划分的依据,以使用者特征作为二级类型细化的条件,探讨小型开放式街旁绿地的细分类型。
3)space-dividing regions空间分割区域
1.To effectively solve reverse nearest neighbor queries in a dataset,the properties of the Voronoi diagram and space-dividing regions were used to evaluate the reverse nearest neighbors of the given query points.为了解决数据集中数据点的反向最近邻问题,利用Voronoi图及空间分割区域的性质计算查询点的反向最近邻,通过Voronoi图的特性可免去每次都计算数据集中给定查询点的最近邻的步骤,每次查询可过滤出少数的几个数据点并对其进行反向最近邻的判断。
4)space region partition空间区域划分
1.Firstly,describes the idea of,summarizes implementation method of and gives formal expression to the battle space model based on space region partition.首先阐述了基于空间区域划分的战场空间模型的实现思想、概述了模型实现方法,并给出了模型的形式化描述;然后,就基于空间区域划分的战场空间模型对于区域性复杂作战交互建模的支持进行了简单探讨;最后,通过一个简单的实例,分析了基于空间划分的战场空间模型对于作战仿真系统运行性能的影响。
5)Construction of regional space区域空间建设
6)regional spatial structure区域空间结构
1.Regional Spatial Structure and Economic Development;区域空间结构与经济发展
2.In the course of the regional economic development,not only the evolution of regional spatial structure,but also the regional location selection of industry,of public facility,and of residential has vital influence on regional sustainable development.在区域经济的发展过程中,不仅区域空间结构的演化对区域的可持续发展具有重要影响,而且生产活动的区位选择、公共设施的区位选择、家庭居住区位的选择也均对区域的可持续发展具有重要意义。
3.Based on the investigated data the study analyzed the present situations and the dynamic mechanism of regional spatial structure growth of Shaanxi province by using the regional spatial structure and method of systematic analysis.运用区域空间结构理论和系统分析方法,依据大量实地调查数据与文献资料,通过对陕西省区域空间结构特征、发育因素与机制的分析表明,构建合理的区域空间结构是促进陕西省社会经济全面迅速发展的关键。
