平坦区域,flat area
1)flat area平坦区域
1.With image self-similarity being used for studying,it can be found that lots of small flat areas are much similar to each other.遥感图像的平坦区域中存在大量冗余信息,探索更有效去除这些区域内冗余信息的方法对于提高图像编码效率有很大帮助。
2.A few key problems include:how to distinguish sinks;how to determine flow direction of flat area;how to eliminate pseudo channel;what is the effect of human activities on precision of automated extraction results.ArcH ydro是基于栅格DEM自动提取流域特征的水文数据模型,其中要解决的关键问题是:即填充时如何区分凹陷地和洼地;平坦区域如何设定流向;伪河道如何删除;人类活动如何影响ArcHydro Tools自动提取结果的精度。

1.If the glacier is on a flat area, it moves out in all directions.如在平坦区域,它则向四方移动。
2.New Approach of Determining Flow Direction in Flat Region确定流域中平坦区域流向的一种新方法
3.Lakes appeared and then dried out, leaving a flat expanse of salty residue.湖泊出现,又干涸,留下由富含盐份残留物形成的平坦区域
4.A broad, level expanse, as a part of the sea floor or a lunar mare.广阔的区域作为海底或月球阴暗部的平坦、水平或开阔的区域
5.Historic Areas of Istanbul伊斯坦布尔历史区域
6.a strip of level paved ground where planes can take off and land.一铺了石块的平坦的条状区域,飞机在那里起飞或是着陆。
7.Some features around the northern plains appear similar to terrestrial seashores, while the plains themselves are among the smoothest areas ever found in the solar system.北部平原呈现出类似于大陆海岸的特征,加之平原本身是太阳系中已知最平坦的区域之一。
8.An extensive area of flat or rolling, predominantly treeless grassland, especially the large tract or plain of central North America.大草原多为广阔而无树木的平坦或起伏的草原区域,尤指北美洲中部的大平原
9.The car had left the city and was now bumping over a none too smooth road on the outskirts, churning up a swirl of hot, choking yellow dust as it sped along.汽车从都市区域里窜出来,此时在不很平坦的半泥路上跑,卷起了辣味的晒热了的黄尘。
10.Pakistan Regional Railway Training Centre, Lahore巴基斯坦区域铁路训练中心(拉合尔)
11.European Regional Seminar on the Question of Palestine巴勒斯坦问题欧洲区域讨论会
12.North American Regional Seminar on the Question of Palestine巴勒斯坦问题北美区域讨论会
13.Gebel Barkal and the Sites of the Napatan Region纳帕坦区域的吉布巴加尔石碑及遗迹
14.This region is even with no high hills.这个地区是平坦的,没有高山峻岭。
15.a flat grassland in tropical or subtropical regions.热带或亚热带地区的平坦草原。
16.Most of the province is as flat as a pancake.那省的大部分地区地势平坦。
17.Precision analysis of several GPS height fitting methods for the flat terrain平坦地区GPS高程拟合方法精度分析
18.Flat Area Problem of BP Algorithm on Soft Measurement System of Dynamic Flow动态流量软测量中BP算法平坦区问题

flat areas平坦区域
1.Corrective algorithm of flat areas occurring in TIN constructed from contours;基于等高线建立的TIN中平坦区域的修正算法
2.New method for treating flat areas and closed depressions in the digital elevation models;处理DEM中闭合洼地和平坦区域的一种新方法
3)flat site of peak峰平坦区域
4)Reifenberg-flat domainReifenberg平坦区域
5)river-type flat area河滩型平坦区域
6)hilly-type flat area山丘区型平坦区域
