Supermap Objects,Super Map Objects
1)Super Map ObjectsSupermap Objects
2)SuperMap Objects 3.0SuperMap Objects3.0
1.On the Second Development Based on SuperMap Objects 3.0;基于SuperMap Objects3.0的开发探讨
3)ArcObjectsArc Objects
4)MapObjectsMap Objects
1.The Design of Drawing Symbol System and Its Application in MapObjects;图形符号设计系统的设计及在Map Objects中的应用
2.Developing GIS Software with Delphi language plus MapObjects;Delphi环境+Map Objects开发GIS应用软件
3.Development and Application of COM and MapObjects in Valley GIS;基于Map Objects的流域GIS系统开发及应用

1.Study and development of component GIS based on the SuperMap objects;基于SuperMap Objects组件式GIS的开发与研究
2.Design and Development of Farmland Grading System Based on SuperMap Objects;基于SuperMap Objects的农用地定级系统设计与开发
3.Water Environment Management Information System for Xuzhou Based on SuperMap Objects基于SuperMap Objects的徐州市水环境管理信息系统
4.Research and Implementation of the Method of Automatically Creating Contour Based on SuperMap Objects基于SuperMap Objects的等高线自动绘制方法的研究与实现
5.Design and realization of the digital campus based on the SuperMap Objects基于SuperMap Objects的校园地理信息系统设计与实现
6.Design and Implementation of the Fruit Tree Diseases and Insect Pests of Geographic Information Management System Based on SuperMap Objects基于SuperMap Objects的果树病虫害地理信息管理系统的设计与实现
7.The Design and Realization of Tourism GIS of Jingzhou City Based on SuperMap Objects基于SuperMap Objects荆州市旅游地理信息系统的设计与实现
8.MAP Sensor Voltage Too HighMAP Sensor Voltage Too High(MAP感知器电压过高)
9.Mobile Application Part (MAP)移动通信应用部分 (MAP)
10.Mobile Application Part (MAP) - 5移动通信应用部分 (MAP) -- 5
11.Study on the Co-production of Slurry MAP Process and Traditional TSP Process and the Quality Control of MAP Product;料浆法MAP与传统法TSP联产及MAP质量控制的研究
13.This is my last day at MAP Advertising.这是我最后一天的MAP广告公司了。
14.MAP sensor input below minimum acceptable voltage.MAP感知器输入低于最小可接受电压。
15.MAP relies on the SS7 network and TCAP for information transport.MAP 依赖于 SS7 网络和用于信息传输的 TCAP。
16.Research on Some Mobile IPv6 Key Technologies Based on MAP;基于MAP框架的移动IPv6关键技术研究
17.Filtration and Sedimentation of MAP Suspension;磷铵(MAP)料浆固液分离特性研究
18.The Bluetooth MAP Profile Based on Windows CE;蓝牙短信访问规范MAP在Windows CE上的实现

SuperMap Objects 3.0SuperMap Objects3.0
1.On the Second Development Based on SuperMap Objects 3.0;基于SuperMap Objects3.0的开发探讨
3)ArcObjectsArc Objects
4)MapObjectsMap Objects
1.The Design of Drawing Symbol System and Its Application in MapObjects;图形符号设计系统的设计及在Map Objects中的应用
2.Developing GIS Software with Delphi language plus MapObjects;Delphi环境+Map Objects开发GIS应用软件
3.Development and Application of COM and MapObjects in Valley GIS;基于Map Objects的流域GIS系统开发及应用
5)SuperMap componentSuperMap控件
6)SuperMap softwareSuperMap软件

collision of the celestial objects分子式:CAS号:性质:天体在空间沿某一轨道运行时,在同一时刻于同一位置与另一运行轨道的天体发生碰撞。如在近地空间中大约在100颗Atens小行星,700±300颗Apollos小行星和约500颗Amors小行星,其中目前已观测到约有50颗的运行轨道可与地球轨道相交,就可能发生相撞。在地球上,可根据撞击坑数目来估计近地空间小行星撞击地球的频率。据计算直径大于20km的撞击坑产生率为0.35×10-14/(km2·年),大约200万年产生一个直径大于20km的撞击坑。如果天体相互碰撞的回弹速度小于逃逸速度,则可合二为一结合成较大的天体。撞击速度Vimp=V+Ve,V为天体撞击前随机速度;Ve为逃逸速度。如果忽略撞击成坑和破碎,那么相应回弹速度Vreb=ε·Vimp,ε称为恢复系数。