1.Accuracy inspection of subcompartment division based on hi-resolution remote sensing imagery;基于高分辨率卫星图像的小班勾绘精度检验
2.ArcGIS-based Subcompartment Polygon Splicing in Forest Resources Inventory基于ArcGIS的森林资源规划设计调查小班多边形拼接方法的探讨
3.Focus on the problem of big differences in computing aspect factor of subcompartment between two methods of most eigenvalue based on DEM and scalar quantity,a new vector method for the aspect factor of subcompartment is proposed in terms of the characteristics of digital terrain analysis and the theory of vector statistics.针对目前基于DEM的最大特征值法和标量平均法在小班坡向求算中存在误差大的问题,基于地形分析特点和矢量统计原理提出了一种计算小班坡向的矢量方法,并对比了该方法与前2种方法的实验数据计算结果,表明该方法求算的小班坡向与森林资源调查规程的要求更加吻合。

1.This class is too large;we shall have to divide it.这个班级太大,我们必须把它分成小班
2.work in three shifts of eight hours每班八小时的三班制
3.Off-going person:Mr. Li, On-coming person: Jack交班人: 小李, 接班人:杰克
4.remedial classes, lessons, groups, etc补习班、 课、 小组等
5.Classes are much smaller at the private schools.私立小学的班要小得多。
6.Our headteacher divided our class into eight groups.我们班主任把我们班划分成八个小组。
7.A class at an elementary school or the pupils in it.班级小学的班级或其中的学生
8.Ms Spain: Male organs in our country are like our very own Bullfight.西班牙小姐:西班牙的男性器官像斗牛。
9.Practice and Exploration on the Collective Construction of the Graduating Class in Primary Schools;小学毕业班班集体建设的实践与探索
10.We work an8 - hours shift.我们每班工作8小时。
11.Each shift in the factory works for eight hours.工厂里每班干八小时。
12.He has four hours'call - in pay.他有四小时的加班费。
13.Zhao Xiaomei is the monitor this week.这周赵小梅是班长。
14.The ferryboats run every half hour.渡船每半小时开一班。
15.divide the class into small groups把那个班分成几个小组.
16.I go on duty in half an hour.半小时以后我要去值班。
17.My flight was an hour late.我那趟航班晚了一小时.
18.The up train leaves every hour.上行火车每小时一班.

1.Selection and analysis of auxiliary factors using sampling method of sub-compartment小班不等概抽样辅助因子的选择与分析
2.With the each stand factors from the sub-compartment by forestry management investigation,the factors of C.当森林经理调查获得小班各林分因子后,应用本文研制的林分生长模型及相应的预估方法,可对无人为干预的柳杉人工林的蓄积量、断面积、优势高、平均高、平均胸径、株数等因子进行连续预估,为及时有效地更新柳杉人工林的小班资源数据并掌握其资源动态变化提供了一种切实可行的技术方法。
3.This paper suggests that sub-compartment data be used as the core data when an overall design is made for developing such databases as forest resources, forest fire control, forest management, biodiversity conservation, etc.以国家林业局(原国家林业部)1996年颁《森林资源规划设计调查主要技术规定》为依据,在对云南滇西14县1988年森林二类调查的小班档案数据及林地资源管理现状进行系统研究的基础上,应用GIS技术,提出了以小班信息为核心,建立林地资源及森防、防火、营林、生物多样性GIS数据库的整体设计方案。
3)small class小班
1.Interactive relation in classroom teaching as an important factor which exerts effect on teaching efficiency reflects the sociological phenomenon in education, and however, teaching in small class provides favorable conditions for interaction in classroom teaching.作为影响教学效率的一项重要因素,课堂教学中的人际互动关系反映着教育的社会学现象,而小班化教学为开展课堂人际互动提供了有利条件。
2.In contrast to the big class, small class teaching has more advantages of time and space.小班化教育是未来教育发展的趋势。
3.Small-sized class teaching, as a branch in small classes education, has now become a new area of expertised research, and resulting in a number of researches.小班化教学是知识经济社会对人才的高要求,是在对传统班级教学制度的弊端的认识以及个性化教育的需求的背景下而产生的新型班级授课形式。
4)small class system小班制
5)small-class teaching小班教学
1.The practicing base construction can be improved by integrating enterprise with teaching, cooperative school-running and small-class teaching, etc.电子电工实训基地建设是当前中等职业学校深化教育改革、改善办学条件、增强培养能力、做强本专业建设的有力抓手,通过产教结合、合作办学、小班教学等手段,能够推动实训基地建设做到“真、实、活、精”。
2.Besides accepting compulsory art education in primary schools,many pupils take part in extracurricular activities for art-painting,which adopt a great deal of the small-class teaching models.许多小学生在接受小学义务教育校内美术课的同时,参加小学校外美术教育活动,小学校外美术教学大量运用小班教学的模式。
6)compartment coding小班编号
1.The compartment coding program by Visual Basic Language has achieved coding automation.作者通过探索,在ArcGIS平台上,用Visual Basic语言编写的小班编号程序实现了小班编号的自动化,且经过实践检验可行,提高了工作效率。

小班1.旧时称头等妓院为小班。 2.小戏班。 3.幼儿园里一般由三周岁(或四周岁)至五周岁的儿童所编成的班级。