第一人称,first person
1)first person第一人称
1.Analysis on the "recollection" in Lu xun s first person inner-focusing narrative novels based on examples of Kong yi-ji and Blessing;试析鲁迅第一人称内聚焦叙事小说中的“回忆”——以《孔乙己》和《祝福》为例
2.The artistic charm of The Adventures of Huckberry Finn are expounded, from the aspects of ingenious combination of the satire and humor, the spirit of the times, the exquisite psychology describing, the individualized colloquialism description, the narration way of the first person, and the national character of loving the people and in pursuit of bright future.从幽默与讽刺的巧妙结合;强烈的时代气息;细腻的心理描写;个性化的口语描述和第一人称的叙述方式及热爱人民追求光明的人民性等5个角度阐述了《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》中的艺术魅力。
3.It will examine different narrator’s visual function, of which are all in the first person, and thus reveal how different visual functions influence the shaping of the characters in this novel.俄国作家莱蒙托夫在其长篇小说《当代英雄》的创作中 ,其叙事角度有别于传统的全知叙述视角 ,而是运用了第一人称“我”的有限叙述角度 ,通过多个第一人称叙述者的视角力量 ,全方位地塑造了毕巧林这个人物形象。

1.The narrative is told in the first person.这是用第一人称叙述的。
2.This is a firstpersonal pronoun.这是第一人称的代名词。
3.a novel written in the first person.用第一人称写的小说
4.Oblique form of the personal pronoun of the first person singular.第一人称单数的人称代词的斜格形式.
5.On the Difference of the Narrative Perspective of the First Person and the Third Person;论第一人称与第三人称叙述角度上的差异
6.A Study of the Number of the First Personal Pronouns of the West Zhou Language;西周汉语第一人称代词称数问题研究
7.Use3 rd person or plural instead1 st person singular in your summary.在你的总结中使用第三人称或者复数人称而不是第一人称但数。
8.There are three choices of the visual angle when a speaker refers to another person: the first- pronoun visual angle, the second-pronoun visual angle and the third-pronoun visual angle.说话者指称第三者时有三个视点可供选择,即第一人称视点、二人称视点和第三人称视点。
9.The marginalizing of the first person narrator is special in the first person narrative.第一人称叙事者的边缘化是第一人称叙事的一种特殊情况。
10.MMOFPS Massively Multiplayer Online First Person Shooters大型多人在线第一人称射击游戏
11.Vagueness in Reference of First Person Pronouns in Chinese and English Public Interviews;汉英访谈节目中第一人称代词的指称模糊
12.So,“ I, We” are pronouns of the First Person;“ he, she, they” are pronouns of the Third Person.因此“我,我们”是第一人称的代词;“他,她,他们”是第三人称的代词.
13.Hemingway often writes in the first person.海明威常用第一人称写作.
14.There remains the question of the first person.剩下的尚有第一人称的问题。
15.You have access to the first person mode secret.你有第一人称视点的秘密选项了。
16.This novel uses the first person in narration.这部小说采用了第一人称叙述的方法。
17.The Comparison of ″Me″in the Book of songs and Analects of Confucius《诗经》《论语》中第一人称代词“我”的比较
18.The Use of First Person Pronouns in Research Articles;学术论文中第一人称代词的使用研究

the first person第一人称
1.The marginalizing of the first person narrator is special in the first person narrative.第一人称叙事者的边缘化是第一人称叙事的一种特殊情况。
3)the first person as witness第一人称见证人
4)first-person narration第一人称叙事
1.Teenage skaz is a writing style which employs first-person narration from the perspectives of children to narrate the stories in colloquial speech.芬恩历险记》和塞林格的《麦田守望者》为例,主要从第一人称叙事、句法结构、语言特征、艺术效果四个方面来分析“少年侃”的叙事特征,从而凸现“少年侃”叙事手法对美国小说的创作手法的革命性影响以及它对美国文学的意义。
2.The author maintains that the seventeen years following the 1949 Commu nist Revolution witnessed the second surge of first-person narration in modern Chinese fiction,but,in contrast to the first surge in the 1920s,the narration of the seventeen years is more of a pseudo type,i.继五四之后 ,十七年 ( 1 949~ 1 966)再掀第一人称叙事高潮。
3.The text of diary-style fiction, as the combination of both first-person narration and virtual time frame, is a literary form to construct certain special mental space.日记体小说文本是第一人称叙事和虚拟时间框架的结合,是在二者相互作用下营构独特的心理空间的文体形式。
5)first-person shooting第一人称射击
1.A dead reckoning algorithm was presented which is suitable for first-person shooting games.给出了适用于第一人称射击游戏中角色运动特征的位置外推算法。
6)the first person self-narration style第一人称自叙体
