中国学习者,Chinese learners
1)Chinese learners中国学习者
1.This paper is to locate some problems with Chinese learners in autonomous learning and provide some suggestions for developing learner autonomy.本文讨论了几个影响中国学习者自主学习的因素并且提出了几点建议。
2.The passive voice is a crucial grammar item in English, for Chinese learners, it is a difficult grammar point.被动语态是英语中一个很重要的语法项目,对中国学习者而言是一个难点。
3.Based on the CLEC evidence,the present study aims to find out Chinese learners\' deficiency in the performance of adjective collocations and shed some light on the presentation of adjective collocation information in ECLDs so as to make them better adapted to the actual needs of Chinese learners.基于中国学习者英语语料库,本研究的主要目的在于发现中国学习者在使用形容词搭配方面的不足,从而为改进英汉学习词典呈现形容词搭配的方式提供一定启示,使其更加符合中国学习者的使用需求。

1.A Study of the Acquisition of English If-conditional Sentences by Chinese Learners;中国学习者对英语条件句的习得研究
2.A Tentative Study on Chinese Learners Acquisition in the Causal Adverbial Clause Introduced by Because ;中国学习者BECAUSE原因状语从句习得初探
3.A Corpus-based Analysis on the Acquisition of Copula be by the Chinese EFL Learners中国学习者对系词be习得的语料库探究
4.A Study of Chinese College EFL Learners Learning Strategies;中国大学生英语学习者学习策略研究
5.A Study on the Learning Experience of Chinese Successful English Learners;中国成功英语学习者的学习经验研究
6.Comprehension and Learning of English Idioms by Chinese EFL Learners;中国英语学习者对英语习语的理解和学习
7.The Acquisition Order of English Grammatical Morphemes by Chinese EFL Learners;中国EFL学习者语法语素习得顺序研究
8.The Acquisition of Existential Sentences by Chinese Learners of English;中国英语学习者“存在句”习得之研究
9.An Empirical Study of Chinese EFL Learners Acquisition of BE;中国英语学习者BE动词的习得规律
10.L2 Acquisition of English Tough Construction by Chinese EFL Learners中国英语学习者对TOUGH结构的习得研究
11.Intentional and Incidental Learning: A Survey of EFL Learners Vocabulary Learning Modes;刻意学习和附带习得:对中国英语学习者词汇学习方式的调查
12.Zur Anwendung Der Tandem-Lernmethode Bei Chinesischen Deutschlernern;Tandem学习法在中国德语学习者中的应用研究
13.A Study of Language Learning Strategies Employed by Chinese Distance EFL Learners;中国远程教育外语学习者学习策略研究
14.A Study of Chinese EFL Learners Motivation and Beliefs about Language Learning;中国英语学习者动机与语言学习观念的研究
15.An Investigation into Grammar Learning Strategies Employed by Chinese Vocational College EFL Learners;中国高职英语学习者语法学习策略的调查研究
16.A Survey of Learner Autonomy of Chinese English Learners;中国英语学习者自主学习能力调查研究
17.Characteristics of ‘prep+noun Collocations by Chinese University English Learners;中国大学生英语学习者介名搭配习得特征调查
18.The Effects of Frequency on Vocabulary Acquisition;词频对中国大学英语学习者词汇习得的影响

Chinese learners paradox中国学习者悖论
3)Chinese learners of English中国英语学习者
1.Based on the theoretical framework of interlanguage pragmatics and the speech act of apology, this thesis endeavours to make a study of speech act of apology to describe and analyze the selection of apology strategies by Chinese learners of English at various levels of linguistic proficiency, as compared with that of the native American .文章通过卡方检验探讨了两组语言水平不同的中国英语学习者与操英语为本族语者及操汉语为本族语者在道歉策略上体现出的语用差异。
4)Chinese English learners中国英语学习者
1.The Effect of Input Enhancement and Output on the Acquisition of English Relative Clauses for Chinese English Learners;输入加强与输出对于中国英语学习者定语从句习得的影响
2.This paper attempts to conduct a corpus-based study of amplification adverbs used by Chinese English learners.利用语料库对中国英语学习者的增强语副词使用情况进行调查研究。
3.This study investigated the impact of the Length Approach on the use of meta-cognitive strategies for Chinese English learners, by comparing learners’meta-cognitive strategy use before the Length Approach treatment with that after the treatment.本论文通过调查学习者在接受一段时间的“写长法”教学后,其元认知策略使用的变化,研究了“写长法”教学对中国英语学习者元认识策略使用的影响。
5)Chinese EFL learner中国外语学习者
6)Chinese EFL Learners中国英语学习者
1.Chinese EFL Learners Avoidance of English PV Structure;中国英语学习者回避使用英文短语性动词现象研究
2.English phrasal verbs have long been a difficult area for Chinese EFL learners.Liao和Fukuya于2004年专门就中国学生使用短语动词做了相关研究,发现中国英语学习者经常回避使用短语动词,并且挖掘了回避原因。
3.Modal verbs are very important but difficult for Chinese EFL learners.情态动词是英语中的一个重要的语法项目,也是中国英语学习者学习中的难点,因此在英语学习型词典中应备受重视。

基于学习的受辅者中心疗法基于学习的受辅者中心疗法learning-based client-centered therapy  基于学习的受辅者中心疗法Oearning-based elient一eentered theraPy)一种心理治疗的理论模型。它着重探讨受辅者中心疗法的三要素(即同感、尊重和温暖、真诚)的治疗价值,认为并不像罗杰斯所说的那样。它主张应用学习理论,通过治疗家与受辅者的交谈及真诚的情感,在操作性条件反射的基础上,减轻内部冲突,使症状减轻、问题解决、焦虑减少、自信心增强。此疗法由马丁(Martin,D.G.)在20世纪70年代提出。 (徐云撰梁宝勇审)