词汇义,lexical meaning
1)lexical meaning词汇义
1.On the similarities and dissimilarities in lexical meaning fuzziness between Chinese and English;论汉英词汇义模糊性之异同
2.From the perspective of Construction Grammar, this paper expounds the relationship between construction meaning and lexical meaning.本文从构式语法出发 ,探讨了祈使句构式义和词汇义的相互关系 ,并从认知转喻的角度分析了构式义与词汇义相互压制所应遵循的规律。
3.According to Construction Grammar,the overall sentence meaning results from the interplay between constructional and lexical meanings.构式语法认为 ,语言的意义是由词汇义和语法构式相互作用生成的 ,构式义和词汇义之间表现为要么一致要么冲突的关系。
3)lexical ambiguity词汇歧义
1.The Resolution of English Lexical Ambiguity by Chinese EFL Learners in Sentential Context;中国EFL学习者在句子语境中消解词汇歧义的认知模式
2.English ambiguity can be divided into three types: phonological ambiguity,lexical ambiguity,grammatical ambiguity.造成英语歧义的原因主要有三方面:语音歧义、词汇歧义和语法歧义。
3.A good analysis and understanding of the value of lexical ambiguity is conducive to improve our English.词汇歧义是英语中一种自然和普遍的语言现象。

1.English Word Ambiguities and upper and Lower Bounds of WSD in English-Chinese Machine Translation;英语词汇歧义及英汉机器翻译中词义消歧上下限研究
3.Phonological Ambiguity and Lexical Ambiguity in English and Their Use in Pun;英语中语音歧义和词汇歧义及其产生的双关修辞效果
4.Pragmatic Values Of Ambiguous Words and Its Approaches to Translation in Advertising English;广告英语中词汇歧义的语用价值及其翻译方法
5.Effects of Sentence Context on the the Resolution of Chinese Lexical Ambiguity;句子语境中汉语词汇歧义消解的眼动研究
6.An ERP Study on the Resolution of Chinese Lexical Ambiguity in Sentence Context;句子语境中汉语词汇歧义消解的ERP研究
7.Lexicon Ambiguity Resolution: Theories, Methods and Current Status;词汇歧义消解的认知研究:理论、方法与现状
8.This paper mainly analyses the cause of English ambiguity and its humour effects to excavate its value of beauty.本文主要从词汇歧义的角度分析英语歧义的成因及产生的幽默效果,从而挖掘它的美学价值。
9.The Resolution of English Lexical Ambiguity by Chinese EFL Learners in Sentential Context;中国EFL学习者在句子语境中消解词汇歧义的认知模式
10.The resolution of English lexical ambiguity by Chinese EFL learners in sentential context中国英语学习者在句子语境中消解英语词汇歧义的认知模式
11.The Sexism Reflected in the Collocative Meanings of English Words;英语词汇的搭配意义所影射的性别歧视
12.Disambiguating Method for Computing Relevancy Based on HowNet Semantic Knowledge基于《〈知网〉》词汇语义相关度计算的消歧方法
13.On Different Interpretations Between Mao Zhuan (毛传)and Zheng Jian(郑笺);《毛诗笺》训释异《传》释例述析——毛、郑训诂词汇意义歧义之成因初探
14.Effects of Discourse Context and Lexical Frequency on Resolving Syntactic Category Ambiguous Words in Chinese;语境和词频对汉语词类歧义词歧义消解的影响
15.Sexism in Professional Lexicon of French;从法语职业词汇构词看女性性别歧视
16.On the Phenomenon of Sex Discrimination on the Word Lay;语言中词汇层面的性别歧视现象刍议
17.An Inspection of Henan Dialect Vocabulary in 18th Century Through Qiludeng;从《歧路灯》看十八世纪河南方言词汇
18.The proper force of words lies not in the words themselves, but in their application.词汇的严格意义不在词汇本身,而在词汇的应用。

3)lexical ambiguity词汇歧义
1.The Resolution of English Lexical Ambiguity by Chinese EFL Learners in Sentential Context;中国EFL学习者在句子语境中消解词汇歧义的认知模式
2.English ambiguity can be divided into three types: phonological ambiguity,lexical ambiguity,grammatical ambiguity.造成英语歧义的原因主要有三方面:语音歧义、词汇歧义和语法歧义。
3.A good analysis and understanding of the value of lexical ambiguity is conducive to improve our English.词汇歧义是英语中一种自然和普遍的语言现象。
4)word definition词汇定义
5)word meaning词汇意义
1.Linguistic context and word meaning are indivisible,linguistic context has great effect on word meaning and the understanding of word meaning depends greatly on contextual clues.语言语境和词汇意义是紧密联系的,语言语境影响着词汇意义,词汇意义的确定很大程度上要依赖于语言语境。
2.Instead of proving and expounding this trait, the article explains the ways of creating subjective meaning (speaker meaning) in word meaning through meaning vagueness of concrete nouns and abstract nouns.文章不在于论证语言的这一特性,也不在于阐释其本身,而在于通过具体名词和抽象名词意义模糊性初步揭示词汇意义中说话人意义产生的途径。
3.The only way to explain it correctly is to think of it through the word meaning, through the relative meaning of the word and through the network of semantic relation that word is formed from the relative meaning and word meaning.从词汇意义出发,从词汇意义的关系意义出发,从词汇意义的关系意义所形成的意义网络关系出发,才有可能从扑朔迷离的意义网络关系中理清诗句的头绪,才有可能提供坚实的认知基础。
6)lexical meaning词汇意义
1.From Several Groups of Synonym Differentiating to Research the Control between Lexical Meaning and Syntactic Function in Ancient Chinese Language;从几组同义词的辨析看上古汉语词汇意义对句法功能的制约作用
2.Informative insufficient words are phenomenon of concern to lexical meaning,syntactic structure and meaning.信息不足词是与词汇意义、句法结构和句法语义有关的现象,是句法必需性联系的形成原因。
3.This study examines the role of vocabulary knowledge in oral communication,focusing on three essential aspects of word knowledge components: pronunciation,lexical meaning and collocation.本研究的语义仅指完整的话语之意义,以区分词汇意义。

二义──阿赖耶二义【二义──阿赖耶二义】  ﹝出宗镜录﹞  梵语阿赖耶,华言藏。谓第八识能含藏诸法种故。  [一、能摄一切法],摄谓摄持,即含藏之义。盖此识摄持一切善恶之法,犹如库藏,含藏宝贝而不遗失也。  [二、能生一切法],生即发生也。谓此识既含藏善恶种子,则一切善恶诸法,从此出生,犹如大地,能发生草木万物也。