招聘广告,job advertisements
1)job advertisements招聘广告
1.The study reported in this paper falls into the domain of discourse analysis based on a corpus of 30 job advertisements collected from two major professional recruiting websites on the Internet.本文主要以Halliday的系统功能语法中的人际功能为理论框架,以在互联网上两大专业招聘网站收集的三十篇招聘广告为语料,从语气、情态及对话性三方面对其进行了人际意义分析,探求了该类广告是如何运用语言手段达到劝说的交际目的。
2.The present thesis aims to investigate the realization of interpersonal meaning in the discourse of job advertisements from the perspective of systemic functional grammar.本文从系统功能语言学的角度出发探讨招聘广告语篇的人际意义。

1.You can sometimes see signs for job openings,你会在一些招聘广告
2.It was clearly explained in the advertisement for applications.招聘广告说得很清楚。 help for it没法避免H-Wanted招聘广告
4.The want ads seemed scantied by the day.招聘广告似乎逐渐减少。
5.The want ads seemed scantier by the day.招聘广告似乎逐日减少。 appointment without advertisement无须刊登招聘广告而直接聘任
7.He also noted among the want ads. one which read:他还在招聘广告中看到这样一则广告:
8.Insert a want ad, and it may help.登一则招聘广告,也许有用。
9.I have applied for it but I haven't been contacted yet.报上刊登了一则招聘广告
10.A job advertisement might invite you to phone directly.招聘广告有时会让你直接打电话。
11.Situations Vacantph.1. (报刊上的)招聘广告(栏)
12.Do you think the job-seeking advertisements are true in this newspaper?你认为这家报纸登的招聘广告真实吗?
13.advertise for managers登广告招聘管理人员
14.Be involved in job fairs, newspaper advertisements, internet and headhunting.参与招聘会、报纸广告、因特网和猎头的招聘。
15.I came about your advertisement for a senior production planner.我是来应聘你们广告招聘高级生产管理人员的。
16.We advertised three post in the"times".我们在?泰晤士报?上登了广告招聘三人。
17.a newspaper advertisement stating what is wanted.表明招聘什么的报纸广告。
18.We have advertised for security personnel.我们已登广告招聘保安人员。

English recruitment advertisements英文招聘广告
1.Since English recruitment advertisements take such factors as cost, space, time and so on into account, the language must be concise, clear and attractive so that the applicants can acquire information they need in a short time and take action after they read the recruitment advertisements.英文招聘广告受到费用、篇幅、时间等的限制,语言一定要简洁明了、意思明确、引人注目,让求职者在短时间内获取信息,敦促他们采取行动,这就决定了英语招聘广告在语言上形成独有的特色。
3)English job advertisements英语招聘广告
1.English job advertisements, as one of English advertisements, share some common features of English advertisements.英语招聘广告作为英语广告的一种,具有英语广告的一些共性,但是由于其交际目的的特殊性,招聘广告成为一种特殊应用文体。
4)Do you read the want ads?你看招聘广告吗?
5)scan the want ads浏览招聘广告
6)outdoor advertisements广告招牌
1.Discussion on the design of building landscape and outdoor advertisements along streets in townscape renovation;市容整治中沿街建筑景观与广告招牌设计探讨
