《乱世佳人》,Gone with the Wind
1)Gone with the Wind《乱世佳人》
1.To View the Influence of the American Civil War on Negro from Gone with the Wind;从《乱世佳人》看美国内战对黑人的影响
2.Marriages in Gone with the Wind;《乱世佳人》中的婚姻面面观
3.On Film Subtitle Translation Strategies from the Perspective of Relevance Theory——A Case Study on the Film “Gone with the Wind”;从关联理论看字幕翻译策略——《乱世佳人》字幕翻译的个案分析

1.To View the Influence of the American Civil War on Negro from Gone with the Wind;从《乱世佳人》看美国内战对黑人的影响
2.Can you tell me something about your feeling towards Gone with the wind?你能告诉我你对《乱世佳人》的观感?
3.On The Artistic Image of Scarlet In Gone With the Wind试论《乱世佳人》中郝思嘉的艺术形象
4.I wish I could be more like you.-"Gone With The Wind"我要像你一样就好了。《乱世佳人》
5.A Living and Charming Beauty--on Scarlett, the heroine in Gone With The Wind;真实的个性,迷人的魅力——《乱世佳人》中的女主人公斯佳丽赏析
6.Analysis on the Scenario of Gone with the Wind from the Perspectives of Interpersonal Function;从人际功能角度对电影剧本《乱世佳人》的分析
7.Scarlett: Dream and People without Going with the Wind --Feminism Understanding of Gone with the Wind;斯佳丽:“飘”不走的梦和人——对《乱世佳人》的女性主义解读
8.He's having a party with all of the cast from Gone With the Wind.他的宴会邀请了《乱世佳人》里所有的演员。
9.Two different versions of "Gone with the Wind" are now being made in Hollywood.目前好莱坞在拍摄两部不同版本的《乱世佳人》
10.I like the role Vivien Leigh played in "Gone With the Wind".我喜欢费雯丽在《乱世佳人》中扮演的角色。
11.At the age of 41 Gable enlisted in the U.S.他著名的作品主要有《一夜风流》和《乱世佳人》
12.Frankly,my dear,I don't give a damn.     坦白说,亲爱的,我一点也不在乎。(《乱世佳人》1939)
13.Analysis of Scarlett s Feminine Subjective Consciousness in Gone With the Wind;解析《乱世佳人》中郝思嘉的女性主体意识
14.The Impact of Discrepancy of Two-dimensional Histories on the Film Subtitle Translation of Gone with the Wind二维历史差异对《乱世佳人》字幕汉译的影响
15.Unyielding Scarlet--On Unbending Spirit of the Heroine in "Gone with the Wind" and Its Significance不屈的斯佳丽——《乱世佳人》中的女主人公斯佳丽勇敢不屈的精神及其意义
16.Meanwhile,she prepared for the grand opening of GWTW in Atlanta.同时,她为《乱世佳人》在亚特兰大的大型首映式做准备。
17.The film "Gone with the Wind" will be on Channel Twenty tomorrow evening, Vivian Leign is a very famous actress.电影《乱世佳人》将在明晚二十频道上演。费文·丽是个著名的女演员。
18.A: Let me see… um, Gone With the Wind. It is on at six cinemas on Saturday night.让我看一看……嗯,在放《乱世佳人》。周六晚上有六家电影院在放。

An incomparable Beauty绝世佳人
3)chaotic times乱世
1.It can be said that clear and upright prose is the utmost battle cry of scholars when facing chaotic times .清言之作,大抵篇幅短小,取材广泛,语言通脱,但在貌似平和的字面下,仍隐藏着不平与讽刺,攻击和破坏,包蕴着乱世文人的满腔无可奈何。
4)troubled times乱世
1.In this paper the author makes a whole research on the literature of troubled times at the end of Tang Dynasty and Five Dynasties after Tang.本文在前人已有成果的基础上,对学界研究极其薄弱的唐末五代乱世文学作整体性研究。
5)managing a society and disturbing a society治世乱世
6)The best permutation最佳置乱
