第二语言词汇习得,second language vocabulary acquisition
1)second language vocabulary acquisition第二语言词汇习得
1.Mental Process in Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition;第二语言词汇习得的心理过程
2.This review surveys research on second language vocabulary acquisition.本文旨在探讨第二语言词汇习得研究的发展现状,主要关注与词汇教学密切相关的问题,包括词汇知识的界定、词汇量的测量、词汇发展模式、词汇学习策略、影响词汇习得的因素以及伴随性词汇学习和直接词汇学习等问题,以期推动汉语词汇习得研究的发展,为对外汉语词汇教学提供参考。

1.English Vocabulary Teaching Method--Searching from Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition;从第二语言词汇习得看英语词汇教学
2.On word knowledge in L2 lexical acquisition;第二语言词汇习得中词汇知识的研究
4.An Exploration of Mother Tongue s Effect on Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition;母语对第二语言词汇习得的影响探究
5.A Schematical Study of Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition Based on Lexical Semantics;词汇语义学和第二语言词汇习得的图式化研究
6.The Impact of Output Activities on EFL Learners Vocabulary Learning;输出活动对第二语言词汇习得的影响
7.Study on Lexicon Acquisition Order of the First and Second Language;第一语言与第二语言词汇习得顺序研究
8.Acquisition of Second Language Lexicon and Its Revelation in Teaching第二语言词汇习得及其在词汇教学中的启示
9.Frequency Effects on the Depth and Breadth of L2 Vocabulary Acquisition;第二语言词汇习得深度和广度的频率效应研究
10.Form-meaning mapping in L2 vocabulary acquisition:Controversy and thought;第二语言词汇习得形式——意义映射:争议与思考
11.Some Issues in Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition Study;关于第二语言词汇习得研究中的几个问题
12.An Experimental Study on Factors Related to SLVA of Non-English Majors at Different Levels不同层次非英语专业大学生第二语言词汇习得相关因素实证研究
13.Effects of Visible and Invisible Hyperlinks on Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition;显性和隐性超级链接方式对第二语言词汇习得的作用
14.A Connectionist Research Framework of Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition基于联结主义理论的第二语言词汇习得研究框架
15.Discussion on Efficient Vocabulary Learning Strategies in Second Language Acquisition;第二语言习得中有效词汇学习策略的探讨
16.Development of the Cross-disciplinary Research of Pragmatics and SLA--Pragmatic Awareness in Second Langua;语言学与第二语言习得结合的新发展——词汇习得中语用意识的培养
17.Metacognition and Incidental Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition Through Reading;元认知与阅读中的第二语言词汇附带习得
18.Second Language Lexical Meaning Acquisition;从文化融入的角度谈第二语言词汇意义习得

L2 vocabulary acquisition第二语言词汇习得
1.In the past thirty years, L2 vocabulary acquisition has become one of the hottest areas of SLA.第二语言词汇的心理模型从词汇表证、词汇加工、词汇发展等不同的角度揭示第二语言词汇习得的本质,指导第二语言词汇教学和学习。
3)ESL vocabulary acquisition英语作为第二语言的词汇习得
4)L2 vocabulary acquisition二语词汇习得
1.A reflection of the current empirical research on L2 vocabulary acquisition in China—A survey of the pertinent papers published in China s 9 major linguistic journals in the past 12 years;对我国二语词汇习得实证研究现状的思考——基于9种外语类核心期刊12年(1995-2006)的统计与分析
2.In the past thirty years, L2 vocabulary acquisition has become one of the hottest areas of SLA.三十多年来,二语词汇习得研究成为二语习得研究中最热点的下属领域之一。
3.This study explores the role of reading in L2 vocabulary acquisition, and the effect of different vocabulary instructional techniques on the vocabulary learning of Chinese university ESL students of different levels.二语词汇习得过程主要涉及两种不同的方法:直接学习和间接学习。
5)second language vocabulary acquisition二语词汇习得
1.Starting with the model of the three stages of second language vocabulary acquisition in psycholinguistics,a pilot test is carried on,and the cause of Chinglish is explored on the study of three typical phenomena,which are false friends, collocation errors and cryptomorphic unauthentic phenomenon.从心理语言学中成人二语词汇习得三阶段模型入手,进行先导实验,对"伪友词"、搭配错误、"隐形不地道现象"这三个典型现象展开研究,探析中式英语的成因。
2.The transfer of L1 in the process of second language vocabulary acquisition is unavoidable.母语迁移是影响二语词汇习得的一个重要因素。
3.The present study investigates native language transfer in Chinese college students second language vocabulary acquisition.本文试从联结论的角度,探究中国高校非英语专业学习者在二语词汇习得过程中的母语迁移现象,并且通过实证研究检验联结模式对中国二语词汇习得者母语迁移现象的解释力。
6)L2 lexical acquisition二语词汇习得
1.The integration of form with meaning by L2 learners in learning L2 words is referred to as form-meaning mapping in L2 lexical acquisition(L2FM),which is uniquely complicated due to the special nature of L2 acquisition.二语学习者如何将二语词语的形式与意义联系起来达到二者的一体化,这被称作二语词汇习得的“形式-意义映射”。

BASIC语言(见程序设计语言)BASIC语言(见程序设计语言)BASIC  吕AS{CBASICyLJy〔1下〕语言(BASIC)见程序设计语言。