学术书评,academic book review
1)academic book review学术书评
1.Using 50 linguistic English academic book reviews as data,the author discusses how interpersonal meanings are generally realized through the usage of dialogistic prediction,participants and dialogistic strategies;and concludes that dialogistic analysis is applicable in exploring interpersonal meaning in English academic book reviews.本文以50篇英语学术书评为语料,以"对话理论"为框架,从对话条件、对话参与者、对话策略等视角探讨了英语学术书评中人际意义是如何通过对话得以实现的,并认为对话性研究方法适用于英语学术书评的人际意义分析。
2.As a sub-genre of academic discourse, academic book review has received far less attention than the other sub-genres such as research papers.学术话语研究领域多以学术论文为研究对象,而学术书评的研究长期以来受到的关注较少。
3.As a sub-genre of academic discourse, academic book review has received less attention for its unremarkable features as reference literature.学术书评,作为学术语篇的一种,通常被当作参考文献而其重要性未得到应有的重视。

1.Books Reviews and Academical Criticism" and Straight Talking;《学术批评丛稿》和实话实──兼谈学术书评的开展
2.On the Features and Roles of Evidentiality in EABR;论英语学术书评实据性的特点及作用
3.A Comparative Study of Metadiscourse in English and Chinese Academic Book Reviews英汉语学术书评中的元话语比较研究
4.Evaluation in English Academic Book Reviews: A Corpus-based Study;英语学术书评中的评价:一项基于语料库的研究
5.The Effect of Disciplinary Variation on Transitivity--Based on the Case of Academic Book Reviews;学科变化对及物性的影响——以学术书评为例
6.Attitudinal Meanings: A Contrastive Study of English and Chinese Linguistics Book Reviews;英汉语言学学术书评的态度意义对比研究
7.Functional Analysis of Hedges in English Academic Book Reviews;英语学术书评中模糊限制语的功能分析
8.A Comparative Study of Hedging in Chinese and English Academic Book Reviews-An Adaptation Approach;中英文学术书评中模糊限制现象的对比研究
9.The Dialogistic Analysis of Interpersonal Meaning in English Academic Book Reviews;英语学术书评中人际意义的对话性分析
10.Interpersonal and Attitudinal Meanings of English Academic Book Review: Appraisal Analysis;英语学术书评中人际情感和态度意义的评价性分析
11.Evaluation Strategies of English Academic Review-- An Engagement Analysis from the Dialogistic Perspective;英语学术书评的评价策略——从对话视角的介入分析
12.Constraints of Evidentiality Strategies on the Dynamic Construction of English Academic Book Review;论实据性策略对英语学术书评动态建构的制约作用
13.A Genre-Based Study of Chinese Book Reviews in Academic Linguistics Journals;汉语语言学学术期刊书评的体裁分析
14.Research on Academic Gap and Academic Potential of Library图书馆科研能力的学术差与学术势评价方法
15.Academic History: “A Research of Researches": On A Collection of Academic History Published by Beijing University Press学术史:“研究之研究”——兼评北京大学出版社“学术史丛书”
16.Outstanding Achievement on Practical Ontology--On Prof.Liu Gangji s Academic Series;实践本体论的卓越成就——评刘纲纪学术丛书
17.A General Review of the Book of songs ard It s Academic Values of the Bamboo Edition Confucius Poetics;竹书《孔子诗论》中的《诗经》总评及其学术价值
18.Visualization on the Establishment of an Academic Achievement Evaluation Center in University Library高校图书馆建立学术成果评价中心的设想

linguistic reviews语言学学术书评
1.On the Features and Roles of Evidentiality in EABR;论英语学术书评实据性的特点及作用
4)Chinese and English academic book reviews中英文学术书评
1.This thesis is intended to provide a comparative analysis of hedging in both Chinese and English academic book reviews (hereinafter referred to as CABRs and EABRs).本文首先借用了Hyland (1998)提出的用于分析学术写作模糊限制语及模糊限制现象的分类模式,运用描述和定性分析的方法,将对中英学术书评中的模糊限制现象作对比分析,然后借用维索尔伦的顺应论(2000)来解释中英文学术书评中模糊限制语使用的异同。
5)Chinese Academic Book Review (CABR)汉语学术书评
6)English and Chinese academic book reviews英汉语学术书评

书评1.书法评论。南朝梁袁昂着有《古今书评》。 2.评论或介绍书籍的文章。