话语礼貌,utterance politeness
1)utterance politeness话语礼貌
1.Tables are employed to indicate the relationship between utterance politeness and pragmatic distance in terms of statistical method.研究语料取自问卷调查,主要采用图表形式以更好地显示话语礼貌与语用距离之间的关系。
2.This study tentatively attempts to explain utterance politeness in terms of relevance, intentionality, ostension and subsequent inference, and mutual manifestness.本文以Sperber和Wilson的关联理论为指导理论,以言谈应对中的礼貌为研究对象,试图从认知语用学的角度对话语礼貌的(与受话人的)关联性、意向性、其交流中的明示与推理和(对于交际双方的)相互明白及其意义进行探讨。
3.It points out that utterance politeness,rather than linguistic politeness,is the object of pragmatics.指出话语礼貌、而不是语言礼貌,才是语用学的研究对象。

1.Analysis of Politeness in Hotel Service Discourse;饭店服务话语礼貌原则和礼貌策略探析
2.A Study on Politeness Strategies of Teacher Talk in College of EFL Context;大学英语课堂教师话语礼貌策略研究
3.Adaptability Research on Distance Iconicity and Utterance Politeness距离象似性与话语礼貌的顺应性研究
4.Discourse Markers and Politeness;试分析话语标记语中礼貌现象的应用
5.Production and Interpretation of Polite Utterances in Cognitive Context;论认知语境中礼貌话语的生成与理解
6.Polite Expressions in Conversation both in Chinese and English from the Point of Pragmatics;从语用角度看英汉日常会话礼貌用语
8.A Politeness Approach to Euphemism in Doctor-Patient Dialog;医生—病人对话中委婉语的礼貌研究
9.Pragmatic Research on Politeness in Teacher Talk in the Chinese EFL Classrooms;中国外语课堂教师话语中礼貌的语用研究
10.On Pragmatic Functions of Politeness Principle Embodied in Discourse Markers;礼貌原则在话语标记语中的语用功能体现
11.A Contrastive Study of Politeness Discourses in Business Chinese and Business English Textbooks;商务英汉语教材中礼貌话语的对比研究
12.Functions of Discourse Markers and Politeness Principle in Discourse Markers;话语标记语的作用及礼貌原则在其中的运用
13.with regret (used in polite formulas).抱歉地(礼貌用语)。
14.3 We need to use extra words to make language sounds more polite.我们需要使用某些额外的话来使语言更有礼貌。
15.Politeness Principle and Communicative Distance in English Discourse;英文话语中礼貌原则的运用与交际距离的产生
16.Cultural Connotations of Politeness and A Comparative Study of the Chinese and Western Conversational Structures;礼貌的文化内涵和中西会话语用结构对比分析
17.Ways to Produce the Effect of Politeness in Conversation and Pragmatic Analysis会话中礼貌得体效果的实现手段及语用分析
18.Politeness Principle and Differences Between English and Chinese Polite Language;礼貌原则与英汉礼貌用语的文化差异

Politeness Discourses礼貌话语
1.A Contrastive Study of Politeness Discourses in Business Chinese and Business English Textbooks;商务英汉语教材中礼貌话语的对比研究
4)distance and utterance politeness距离与话语礼貌
5)the politeness principle of utterance话语礼貌原则
6)production of polite utterances礼貌话语的生成
