骆驼祥子,Camel Xiangzi
1)Camel Xiangzi骆驼祥子
1.The Translation Strategies of Two Versions of Camel Xiangzi under the Influence of Power and Discourse;从权力话语理论看《骆驼祥子》英译本的翻译策略
2.Rethinking of "Camel Xiangzi ";对《骆驼祥子》的再思考
3.Studying Camel Xiangzi from its History of Publishing and Accepting;《骆驼祥子》的版本变迁——从出版与接受的角度考察

1.The Comparative Studies between the Chinese Passive Sentences of 《骆驼祥子》 and the English Translations;《骆驼祥子》的被动结构及其英译研究
2.Cultural Psychological Analysis of Camel Xiangzi and Semantic Interpretation;《骆驼祥子》的文化心理分析与语义诠释
3.Lao She s Rickshaw Boy:Stereotype of Peasants Coming to the City;《骆驼祥子》:一个农民进城的故事
4.A Comparison on Luotuo Xiangzi and Job;《骆驼祥子》与《约伯记》比较分析
5.A Camel of Xiangzi:An Enlightening Tragedy from a Folk View;《骆驼祥子》:民间视角下的启蒙悲剧
6.A contrast of the discourse structures of camel xiangzi between Chinese and English;《骆驼祥子》话语结构的中英文比较
7.Simple Analysis of the Two Female Images in "Camel Xiangzi;简析《骆驼祥子》中的两个女性形象
8.Humanity and Enlightenment in the Novel The Rickshaw Boy;《骆驼祥子》中的人道温情与启蒙立场
9.A Comparison between Two English Versions of Luotuo Xiangzi from Perspective of Adaptation Theory从顺应论视角看《骆驼祥子》两个英译本
10.Profoundly Analysis of Xiangzi’s Tragic Destiny in "Camel Xiangzi";对《骆驼祥子》中祥子悲剧命运的深度探析
11.Translation Studies in a Descriptive Approach: A Case Study of Two English Versions of Luotuo Xiangzi;《骆驼祥子》两部英译本的描述性翻译研究
12.Camel Xiangzi:a Double Concerto of Enlightening Discourse and Jocose Discourse;《骆驼祥子》:启蒙话语与谑仿话语的二重协奏
13.The Functional Equivalence and the Translation of Chinese Idioms--Analysis of the Examples in the Translational Version of Luotuo Xiangzi;功能对等和汉语成语翻译——《骆驼祥子》译例分析
14.The Translation Strategies of Two Versions of Camel Xiangzi under the Influence of Power and Discourse;从权力话语理论看《骆驼祥子》英译本的翻译策略
15.Studying Camel Xiangzi from its History of Publishing and Accepting;《骆驼祥子》的版本变迁——从出版与接受的角度考察
16.A Comparative Study of the Sentence with the Character Shi in Jin Ping Mei Ci Hua,Camel Xiang Zi and A Surrounded City;《金瓶梅词话》与《骆驼祥子》《围城》中“使”字句比较研究
17.The Displacement Of Character And Surroundings---a review on the tragic implication in Luotuo Xiangzi;性格与环境的错位——论《骆驼祥子》的悲剧意蕴
18.Rickshaw and Jude the Obscure: Affinity in Realism;《骆驼祥子》和《无名的裘德》:现实主义的契合

"Camel Xiangzi"《骆驼祥子》
1.Profoundly Analysis of Xiangzi’s Tragic Destiny in "Camel Xiangzi";对《骆驼祥子》中祥子悲剧命运的深度探析
3)Camel Xiangzi《骆驼祥子》
1.Cultural Psychological Analysis of Camel Xiangzi and Semantic Interpretation;《骆驼祥子》的文化心理分析与语义诠释
2.Dialect Translation in the English Versions of Camel Xiangzi;方言翻译之管见:《骆驼祥子》英译本方言翻译分析(英文)
3.The New Explainations of Tragical Cause about Lao She s Camel Xiangzi;《骆驼祥子》悲剧成因新探
4)Luotuo Xiangzi《骆驼祥子》
1.The Version Change of Luotuo Xiangzi;《骆驼祥子》的版(文)本变异
2.A Comparison on Luotuo Xiangzi and Job;《骆驼祥子》与《约伯记》比较分析
3.Going along with this trend, this dissertation intends to deepen the understanding of the translator\'s subjectivity through a descriptive analysis on the two English versions of Luotuo Xiangzi, the famous work of Chinese writer Lao She.顺应这一潮流,本文将从译者主体性角度对《骆驼祥子》的两个英译本进行比较研究,结合具体的译本来研究译者,在翻译像《骆驼祥子》这样饱含文化成分的中国作品时,所能受到的限制条件以及如何在这种限制中充分发挥译者的主观能动性。
5)A Camel of Xiangzi《骆驼祥子》
1.On the Narrative Construction of Forklore in A Camel of Xiangzi;论《骆驼祥子》对民俗的叙事建构
2.A Camel of Xiangzi:An Enlightening Tragedy from a Folk View;《骆驼祥子》:民间视角下的启蒙悲剧
6)Rickshaw Boy《骆驼祥子》
1.Overlapping Adjectives in "Rickshaw Boy"《骆驼祥子》形容词重叠研究
2.Rickshaw Boy,published by Yuzhou Feng,a semimonthly mainly edited by Tao Kangde,in No.《骆驼祥子》自1936年9月16日在上海陶亢德主编的《宇宙风》半月刊第25期上连载之后,1939年在上海由人间书屋出初版本,1941年在重庆根据人间书屋版二次出版;解放后出版了删节本,直至1999年《老舍全集》,《骆驼祥子》均为删节本。
