刘半农,Liu Bannong
1)Liu Bannong刘半农
1.Liu Bannong s Thought on Practical Writing Teaching and Its Realistic Significance;试论刘半农应用文教学思想及其现实意义
2.Liu Bannong s Poems-An Offspring of the Collision between Chinese and Western Cultures;中西文化碰撞下的刘半农诗歌

1.A Moving Reflection on Human Awakening--On Liu Bannong s New Poetry;人的觉醒的动人反映——论刘半农的新诗
2.Liu Bannong s Thought on Practical Writing Teaching and Its Realistic Significance;试论刘半农应用文教学思想及其现实意义
3.On Liu Bannong s Folk Language and National Culture Expression;刘半农诗歌的民间语言立场与本土文化表达
4.On the Influence of Liu Bannong's Translated Poems on His Own Poems--A Case Study of the Themes of His Translated Poems刘半农译诗对其作诗的影响——以译诗的主题为例
5.Development & Implementation of Local Chinese Curricula Entitled "Experiencing Mr. Liu Bannong-One of the Cultural Celebrity in Jiangyin City"“品读江阴文化名人——刘半农”校本课程的开发与实施研究
6.FROM TRANSLATING THE OTHERS TO CONSTRUCTING ONESELF--Liu Bannong's Reference to Foreign Poetical Styles从翻译他者到建构自我——刘半农对外国诗体的借鉴
7.Liu Chao of Ninghsiang was killed by the peasants.宁乡的刘昭,是农民直接打死的。
8.The Import of Li Qi in Liu Hengs Novels of "Peasant Series";论刘恒“农民系列”小说中“力气”的意蕴
9.Comparison Between Mao Zedong and Liu Shaoqi s Thinking of Agricultural Cooperative;毛泽东与刘少奇农业合作化思想比较
10.Lewisian Turning Point:From Chinese Farming Development Aspect从中国农业发展看“刘易斯转折点”
11.Application of Suppat with Semi-circular Arch Anchor Mesh Cable in Coal Roadway in Liuzhuang Coal Mine半圆拱形锚网索支护在刘庄煤矿煤巷中的应用
12.On the Development of Shaoqi Liu s Thinking on Agricultural Cooperation in the Early Period of People s Republic of China;建国前后刘少奇农业合作化思想的发展变化
13.The Lewis-Ranis-Fei Model and Labor Transfer of China;从刘—拉—费模式看我国农村劳动力转移问题
14.The Differences between Mao Zedong and Liu Xiaoqi on Agriculture,Peasantry and Rural Area in Early Years of the PRC;建国初期毛泽东、刘少奇关于“三农”问题的分歧
15.Simple, Terrific, Kind and Sly;质朴、可怖、善良、狡诈——评刘恒的《农民系列》小说
16.Town/Township Governance of which Finance Mainly Comes from Agriculture --A Case Study of Liu Xiang,Henan Province;农业主导型财政下的乡镇治理—以河南刘乡为例
17.Application of GIS in New Rural Counstuction Planning of Gaoliu Town,Feixi CountyGIS在肥西县高刘镇新农村规划中的应用实例
18.For most of his life my father has been a sharecropper.我父亲大半生当佃农。

Liu Bɑnnong刘半农(1891~1934)
3)Lewis rural areas刘易斯农村
4)semi-farm semi-pasturing area半农半牧
1.Secondly husbandry-and-study should be carried out in countries.其内容可概括为:半工(农)半读是我国教育制度的发展方向;农村应推行半农半读;城市应推行半工半读;要培养半工(农)半教的师资;"五年试验,十年推广"。
6)On Nong Bing(Agricultural Problems) of Liuchun刘淳《农病》探析
