现在时态,present tense
1)present tense现在时态
1.The semantics and the use of the English modal verb in the present tense are very complicated.英语情态动词现在时态的语义和用法十分复杂。
2.Different from classical historical fiction, it omits historical time and narrates old stories in present tense.不同于古典历史小说,它省略了历史年代,使过去的故事在现在时态上演。
3.Some linguists consider, "the present tense can be used to express not only future time but past one.本文从研究现在时态的实质入手,对语法界所谓的"一般现在时态表将来/过去"之说进行了研究,并提出相关诠释,证明该说法违背了语言学基本原理。

1.A verb form in the present tense.现在时态的动词形式
2.Whave3, Bhave 2. As a present tense form of the auxiliary, Bhasbis often contracted toB's用作现在时态的助动词时,常缩写为
3.It is also increasingly found in the present tense.这种用法现亦逐渐多见於现在时态
4.the historic [ historical ] present【语】历史现在时态(指为描写生动而用现在时态叙述过去事件)
5.the use of the present tense to describe past actions or states.描写过去的动作或状态的现在时态的用法。
6.The verb is in the present tense.这个动词使用的是现在时态.
7.the present,past, future, etc tense现在、 过去、 将来等时态.
8.Then's now with now's then in tense continuant.后来是现在且现在是后来,粘连的时态。
9.Designating a verb tense or form that expresses current time.现在时(态)的指定可表目前的动词时态或形式的
10.Present Tense as Grammatical Metaphor of Modality and Its Characteristics;现在时表达将来时间意义时的情态隐喻特征
11.In disease states, it does appear in the sputum.处于病态时,它必然在痰中出现。
12.The verb must be in the present perfect tense动词必须用现在完成时态
13.In the waking state it focuses in physical reality.它在清醒状态时聚焦于物质现实。
14.This can produce resonance with overvoltages and also sudden changes from one condition to another在谐振时会出现过电压,也会出现状态的突变。
15.To grasp“ the Present Perfect” and the Irregular verbs’ past tense& past participle tense.掌握现在完成时态以及不规则动词的过去时态和过去分词。
16.Nowadays the steel is sometimes cast into its semifinished form directly from its molten state.现在钢有时可直接从熔化状态铸成毛坯。
17.manner or conduct of a physician in the presence of a patient.医生在面对病人时表现出的举止或态度。
18.`I have finished' is an example of the present perfect.“我已经完成了”是现在完成时态的一个例句。

unmarked present tense非标记现在时态
1.In his masterpiece An Introduction to Functional Grammar,Halliday holds that the unmarked present tense in mental process is simple present,while that in material process is present in present.Halliday教授在《功能语法导论》中认为,心理过程的非标记现在时态是一般现在时,而物质过程的非标记现在时态是现在进行时,笔者对此观点提出质疑。
3)the present progressive tense现在进行时态.
4)present tense现在时
1.Comparison between some verb tense in English with corresponding usage in Russian——Elementary discussion on the usage of transfeired meaning of verb present tense on English and Russian;英语中某些动词时态与俄语中相应用法的比较——浅谈俄英语中动词现在时形式的转义用法
2.This paper presents such specialusages of present tense as actions and state happened in the past are described in present tense by situation-connectiveness so as to get the readers involved in the same situatio阐述了英语现在时的一种特殊用法,即通过“情景联系”或其他方式,把发生在过去的一系列动作与状态用现在时展现出来。
3.In terms of traditional opinion,the basic or abosulte tense can be classified into three categories: present tense,past tense and future tense;cognitive linguists hold that the abosolute tense can be classified into two kinds: present tense and past tense.传统的观点认为英语的基本或者绝对时态有三类:现在时态、过去时态和将来时态;认知语言学家认为英语的绝对时态有两类:现在时态和过去时态。
5)status praesens现在状态
6)current state现时状态
1.Then,their current states are inferred from the cave-in mechanism,and treatment options are suggested on the basis of the current states.通过对矿区原井下开采资料的收集与分析研究,弄清了采空区的原始状态并据冒落机理推测其现时状态,根据现时状态提出处理方案建议,为大规模露采安全生产提供了技术保障。

时态法(temporalmethod)  企业在对外币会计报表折算时,将现金、应收和应付项目按资产负债表编制日当时现行汇率折算,其他所有资产和负债则依其特性分别按现行汇率和历史汇率折算的方法。具体地说,凡其他所有用货币价格计量的资产和负债均应按货币价格所属日期的外汇汇率折算。也就是,国外附属公司报表上以历史成本(过去交换价格)记载的资产、负债按历史汇率折算,按现行价值(现行交换价格或未来交换价格)记载的资产、负债按现行汇率折算。至于损益类项目,则按会计期的平均汇率折算。实收资本则按投入时的历史汇率折算。  时态法能使折算的资产和负债保持交易发生时原有的计量基础,在折算上更具灵活性。如果企业采用历史成本记账体系,则时间性法的折算结果往往在实际上与货币非货币法的折算结果相似,如果改用现行成本会计,时间性法可以自动地将全部资产和负债,包括非货币资产,都按现行汇率折算。因此,时间性法只是改变了外币报表各项目的计量单位,而没有改变其计量属性,它以各资产、负债项目的计量属性作为选择折算汇率的依据,具有较强的理论性。美国财务会计准则委员会颁布的第52号准则公告要求附属公司确定以跨国公司所在地的货币为功能性货币时,应使用时间性法来进行外币会计报表的计算。  时间性法的主要缺点是,由于对资产负债表各项目使用的折算汇率不同,因而折算后资产负债表各个项目之间不能保持原外币报表的比例关系,据此计算出来的财务比率,也不符合国外子公司的实际经营情况。