亲属称谓语,kinship terms
1)kinship terms亲属称谓语
1.The differences exist in the following aspects: division of elder younger relations and seniority order in the clan, division of blood relations and relations by marriage, division of patriarchal and non patriarchal clan, distinguishing or ignoring paternal and maternal terms and generalization of kinship terms.从而使得其相应的亲属称谓语体系迥然相异,具体体现在区分长幼辈分、血亲与姻亲、宗族与外宗族、父系与母系以及泛化等方面的差异。
2.These bring many difficulties in the translation of kinship terms.因此,翻译时对亲属称谓语的处理实非易事,本文通过实例说明了亲属称谓语可采取包括归化法在内的五种翻译方法。
3.This paper aims to explore some problems in the translation of kinship terms and tries to find solutions from this new perspective-relevance theory.本文将从关联理论的角度来分析亲属称谓语翻译过程中出现的问题,并试图通过这种新的途径找到解决问题的方法。

1.Cultural Ponderation on Appellation--Brief Aralysis on Jiangjing Dialect Relative Appellation;从称谓语看文化——江津方言亲属称谓语略析
2.The Pragmatic Principles and Pragmatic Function of Relative Addressing Terms;拟亲属称谓语的语用原则及语用功能
3.A Study of Chinese Extensively-used Kinship Addressing Terms and Its Translation from Relevance-theory Perspective;关联域角下汉语拟亲属称谓语的翻译
4.On the Cultural Metaphor of Kinship Terms in Chinese and English and its Translation;汉英亲属称谓语的文化隐喻及其翻译
5.On Chinese and English Extended Kinship Terms--A Comparison and Translation;论汉英亲属称谓语的泛化及翻译策略
6.Analysis of National Cultural Differences between Chinese and Russian Appellations of Relatives;探析汉俄亲属称谓语的民族文化差异
7.A Study on Self-reference of Kinship Terms in Modern Chinese and Its Translation Strategies现代汉语亲属称谓语自称及其翻译策略研究
8.Pragmatic Analysis on the Fictive Use of Kinship Title in Chinese and Chinese-English Translation;汉语拟亲属称谓语的语用分析及其汉英翻译
9.The Pragmatic Principles and Functions of Kinship Terms in A Dream of Red Mansions;《红楼梦》中拟亲属称谓语的语用原则及语用功能
10.An Inquiry about Words and Ways of Appellations to Relatives of the Huayaoyi People in Shiping;石屏花腰彝亲属称谓语及称呼方式探析
11.On Translation of Kinship Terms-From the Perspective of the Relevance Theory;从关联理论的角度看亲属称谓语的翻译
12.The Translation of Culture-loaded Relative Appellations in Literature Translation;文学翻译中亲属称谓语文化底蕴的传译
13.A Contrastive Study of Address Forms in Chinese,English and Japanese汉语、英语、日语亲属称谓对比研究
14.On the Symbols of the Seniority among Brothers and Sisters in RelativeAppellations of Chinese Dialects;汉语方言亲属称谓词语中的排行标志
15.The Uygur Kinship Designation “ αpα ”: the Changes of Its Meaning;维吾尔语亲属称谓αpα的语义演变问题
16.Comparative of the Relatives' Appellations in Chinese and Thai and Their Cultural Connotation汉语、泰语亲属称谓及其文化内涵比较
17.A Study of the Culture about Kinship Terms of the Zhuang Dialect of Daling in Daxin County;大新县大岭壮语亲属称谓的文化研究
18.A Study of Characteristics of Chinese Addresses to Relatives through Analyzing A Dream of Red Mansions;从《红楼梦》看汉语亲属称谓的特点

self-reference of kinship terms亲属称谓语自称
1.Though self-reference of kinship terms in modern Chinese is very common, it hasn’t received much attention.本文的研究对象是现代汉语亲属称谓语自称及其翻译策略。
3)Chinese kinship terms汉语亲属称谓语
1.It is difficult for the Uigur students to learn the Chinese kinship terms.汉语亲属称谓语是对维教学中的一个重要的知识点。
4)terms of kinship亲属称谓词语
1.By listing the terms of kinship in Yulin dialect, then comparing them with those in Putonghua, the distinctive characters of the terms of kinship in Yulin dialect from the perspective of its vocabularies are cosequently summaried.比较详细地列举玉林话的亲属称谓词语,并通过与普通话的比较,从词汇的角度探讨玉林话亲属称谓词语的特点。
5)kinship terms拟亲属称谓语
1.This paper analyzed the profound historical and cultural backgrounds and existent forms of kinship terms in order to using kinship terms and understanding well in ordinary life.拟亲属称谓语是汉语称谓语的一种特殊形式,本文通过分析它存在的深厚的历史文化背景及其存在的形式,以便更好地、恰当地在日常生活中应用拟亲属称谓语,达到良好的交际效果。
2.Using the kinship terms to address those who do not have blood relations is an unique language phenomenon in China.在《红楼梦》这部小说中该称谓方式至少受到四种语用原则的支配 :亲疏原则、年龄原则、地位原则和礼貌原则 ,并且在这几种语用原则的作用下 ,拟亲属称谓语产生了其特有的语用功
6)non-kinship titles非亲属称谓语
