风格对等,stylistic equivalence
1)stylistic equivalence风格对等
1.This thesis aims to make a comparative study of the two Chinese versions of Moment in Peking in the light of Nida s functional equivalence theory, mainly semantic equivalence and stylistic equivalence.本文试图以奈达的“功能对等”理论为依据,主要从语义对等与风格对等两个方面对该小说的两个中文译本进行比较研究。

1.On language style equivalent & full play of advantages in target language;语言民族风格对等与发挥译文语言优势
2.In this paper, the style of pure bamboo fiber knitted single jersey is discussed and evaluated with its related factors demostrated.对纯竹针织汗布的风格内容、风格评价及相关因素等进行了概述
3.A Stylistic Analysis of the Chinese Translation of the English Patient;从功能对等角度对《英国病人》中译本的风格分析
4.Dynamic Equivalence and Translation of Humor in O. Henry s Short Stories;动态对等与欧·亨利短篇小说中幽默风格的翻译
5.Discuss the contents, the characteristics of style ev aluation of wool fabrics and the relative factors they affect the style.对毛织物的风格内容、格特征的评价及影响风格的相关因素等进行了论述。
6.a grandiose building, style, etc华而不实的建筑、 风格等
7.[sing]manner or style of workmanship,performance,etc(技艺、表演等的)手法,风格
8.the individuality of sb's work, style, etc某人工作、 风格等的特色.
9.impeccable behaviour, manners, style, etc完美的品行、 礼貌、 风格等.
10.It can be mainly classified into: traditionary style, modern style, post-modern style, naturalistic style and mixed style.室内设计的风格主要可分为:传统风格、现代风格、后现代风格、自然风格以及混合型风格等。
11.A characteristic feature of Attic Greek.雅典式的习语,文体,风格等古希腊雅典个性风格
12.a couplet written in an elevated style.以严肃风格写的对句。
13.(of style,appearance, clothing,etc)unadorned;simple(指风格、外貌、衣物等)无装饰的,简单的
14.a highly readable style, essay, article, etc脍炙人口的风格、 随笔、 文章等.
15.forcefulness of thought,language,style,etc(思想、语言、风格等的)力量,气势
16.(of language,style, etc)over-refined;unnatura(指语言、风格等)过于讲究的,矫揉造作的
17.On Liu Zhongde's Translation from the Perspective of Stylistic Equivalence从风格等值的视角透析刘重德的翻译
18.Kawabata Evaluation System川端织物风格评定仪(用于测定织物手感等风格的测试仪,日本制)

equivalent in meaning and style意义和风格的对等
3)Style Equivalence in Translation翻译中的风格对等
4)stylistic equivalence风格等值
5)coping style应对风格
1.The BIOPAC MP150 Systems was used to explore the effect of mental arithmetic stress on Heart Rate(HR),Heart Rate Variability(HRV)and Galvanic Skin Response(GSR)in different personality trait and coping style undergraduates.选取38名大学生为被试,采用BIOPAC多导生理记录仪,探讨心算应激对不同人格特质和应对风格的大学生心率(HR)、心率变异性(HRV)及皮肤电反应(GSR)的影响。
2.A part of Adolescent Mental Health Diathesis Scale,coping style scale,was used to investigate the developmental characteristics of coping style in 44063 Chinese adolescent from 23 provinces.应用《青少年心理健康素质调查表·应对风格分量表》对全国23个省、市、自治区44063名青少年的应对风格状况进行了调查。
3.In the current study, we intend to find the effects of coping style and stress situation on anxiety level and task-performing efficiency.通过实验的方法来考察应对风格、应激情境对焦虑水平、任务完成效率的影响。
6)Style Correspondence风格对应
