口语测试,oral test
1)oral test口语测试
1.Formative assessment of spoken English——A new mode of oral test that inspires students′ passion for spoken English;形成性口语评价——激发学生学习热情的口语测试新模式
2.Validity and reliability of English oral tests;英语口语测试的效度与信度

1.Review on Testing Second Language Speaking;第二语言口语测试新探——《第二语言口语测试》介述
2.College Oral English Teaching and Periodical College Oral English Testing;大学英语口语教学与阶段性口语测试
3.On the Oral Testing Under Bachman s Usefulness Principle;Bachman语言测试有用性原则下的口语测试
4.The Study of Oral English Testing in Some Large-scale EFL/ESL Tests from a Communicative Perspective;大规模英语考试交际型口语测试研究
5.On the Validity of the Oral Test in PETS;试论公共英语口语测试(PETS)的有效性
6.On relations between BEC spoken language test and it s results;BEC口语测试与测试成绩的关系研究
7.Communicative Oral English Testing and Interactive Oral English Teaching;交际性英语口语测试与互动式英语口语教学
8.Comment on English oral testing of non-English major students;非英语专业大学生英语口语测试刍议
9.About the Impact of College English Test on Spoken English upon College English Teaching Reform;大学英语口语测试对英语教学的启示
10.A Tentative Study of the Relationship between Oral Task Types and Oral Performance;试探口语测试中题型与口语水平的关系
11.Spoken English Testing and Teaching for English Majors;英语专业口语测试及其对口语教学的反拨作用
12.The oral test is quite an important part of college English test.口语测试是大学英语测试的一个重要组成部分。
13.New Curriculum-Based English Speaking Test Design for Senior Middle Schools新课标下高中英语口语测试设计研究
14.A Study of College English Oral Testing in Guangxi;广西高校大学英语口语测试调查研究
15.The Design and Practice of Oral English Test on Large Scale;大规模英语口语测试体系设计与实践
16.On the enlightenment of classroom teaching from college oral English test;大学英语口语测试对课堂教学的启示
17.Discussion of Oral Test in China s Higher Vocational Institute by Analyzing BEC;从BEC看我国高职院校的英语口语测试
18.A Practical Investigation and Analysis of College Oral English Test;大学英语口语测试的实证考察及分析

oral English test口语测试
1.This paper presents the study on communicative testing in aspects of oral English test,ratio allocation of subjective and objective questions,testing effectiveness,language context,integrative skill test and grading c.本文主要从口语测试、主客观题比例、试题的功效性、完整的语境、综合技能测试和评分标准这几个方面探究交际性测试如何更有效地指导和促进目前现行大学英语考试。
2.In view of current teaching situation in China,the paper was intended to approach a feasible scheme of oral English test for improving students’ oral ability,which brings new ideas for facilitating the further deepening reform of college foreign language teach-ing.从全国高校外语教学的现状出发,提出了切实提高学员口头表达能力的口语测试方案,为进一步深化高校外语教学改革提出了探讨的思路。
3.Oral English teaching has played a very important role in college English teaching while the oral English test lags a little behind and still has much room for improvement.口语教学已经在大学英语教学中占据重要地位,口语测试则相对滞后,在实践中,口语测试存在许多有待完善的地方。
3)spoken English test口语测试
1.Expanding CET Spoken English Test;大学英语口语测试的必要性与可行性
2.Spoken English test in CET and its backwash effect大学英语口语测试及其反拨效应探讨
3.CET spoken English test intends to measure students competence of spoken English, so it should reflect students language communicative competence.大学英语口语测试是为了对英语口语能力进行鉴定而设计的,测试应能反映考生的语言交际能力;口语测试与口语教学密切相关,互相影响。
4)oral testing口语测试
1.The paper introduces the theoretical validity of oral testing,the testee s language communicative competence in real context,and discusses the ways to realize the theory-based validity in oral testing from three perspectives: the test tasks and the test formats,the testee s performance,and the scoring reliability.本文介绍了英语口语测试的理论效度,即被测试者在真实情景中的语言交际能力,然后从测试任务及形式、考生的发挥及口试评分信度三个方面探讨了实现口语测试理论效度的方法。
2.Compared with other language testings,oral testing is more complicated because of its subjectivity.口语测试是对受试者的口语能力做出科学客观的测量。
3.To overcome the deficiencies of conventional oral interviews, the researcher is proposing a new oral testing technique that is familiar in communicative teaching but not in testing.口语测试是语言测试的一个重要组成部分,但由于其自身的特点和要求,口语测试一直被认为是十分困难的。
5)speaking test口语测试
1.The necessity and feasibility of english speaking test in senior middle school;高中英语口语测试的必要性与可行性
2.Speaking ability, medium of cross-cultural communication undoubtedly contains cross-cultural competence, which is not yet covered in the College English speaking test.作为跨文化交际的媒介,口语能力必然包含跨文化能力,而目前的大学英语口语测试并未涵盖对学生文化能力的评估。
3.However, owing to the characteristics of oral activities and the subjectivity of scoring, speaking test faces many challenges and difficulties.口语测试比其它技能的测试更能体现真实交际的动态特征,因此科学和理想的语言测试一定应当包括口语测试(weir,1988)。
6)BEC spoken language testBEC口语测试
1.Employing turn-taking rules of interactive communication,this paper analyzed the characteristics of turn-taking in BEC spoken language test,elaborated that a particular context will produce appropriate strategy for interactive communication.简要描述了剑桥商务英语证书(BEC)口语测试中学习者存在的问题,借助于会话互动交际结构中的话轮转换规则,分析BEC口语测试中话轮转换的特点,阐述特定语境中产出合适的互动交际的策略,以期提高课堂教学效果和学习者语言交际能力。

测试结果可接受性的检查和最终测试结果的确定测试结果可接受性的检查和最终测试结果的确定check of the acceptability of test results and determination of the final test result  C凡(3)二3.3d,时,取此3个结果的平均值作为最终侧试结果;否则取它们的中位数作为最终测试结果。。,为重复性标准差(即在重复性条件下所得侧试结果的标准差)。 在口田T 11792一1989中还对重复性和再现性条件下所得侧试结果可接受性的检查方法和最终测试结果的确定做了详细讨论和规定。(马毅林)ceshi 11叩uo kejieshCxjxing d6 iiancha he zuizhong ceshi】i闪旧de que心ing测试结果可接受性的检查和最终测试结果的确定(checkof山eac,ptability of test,ults助ddsterminationofthefi耐testresult)在商品检验中进行一次测试的情形不多见,当得到一个测试结果时,所得结果不可能直接与给定的重复性标准差作可接受性的检查。对测试结果的准确性有任何疑问时都应再进行一次测试。所以,对两个测试结果进行可接受性的检查是一般的情况。 可接受性的检查,实际上是一种统计检验。任何两个测试结果只要能通过可接受性的统计检验即可认为是一致的,均可接受。比如,在重复性条件下,所得结果之差的绝对值(下称绝对差)不超过相应的重复性限r(见重复性和再现性)的值,则认为两个结果是一致的,均可接受;如果两个侧试结果的绝对差超过r,则认为它们是不一致的,必须增加测试。 按国家标准《测试方法的精密度在重复性或再现性条件下所得测试结果可接受性的检查和最终测试结果的确定》(GBIT 1 1792一1989),在重复性条件下,如果两个测试结果的绝对差不超过r的值,可取两个侧试结果的平均值作为最终测试结果。如果两个结果的绝对差超过r的值,并且测试费用较低,须再做两次测试。当4个结果的极差(即其中的最大值与最小值之差)不超过相应的临界极差c,瓜(4)二3.6a,时,取4个结果的平均值作为最终测试结果。如果两个结果的绝对差超过r的值,并且测试费用较高时,只须再作一次测试。当3个结果的极差不超过相应的临界极差