个体因素,Individual factor
1)Individual factor个体因素
1.In the course of learning language, the learner s individual factors play decisive role.学习者的个体因素起着决定性作用。
2.So, in this research we will add the individual factors to study the impact of the combined factors of individual and situational factors to situatio.本研究就将主要弥补以往情境兴趣的研究中只重视情境因素而忽视个体因素的不足,探讨个体因素和情境因素相结合与情境兴趣的关系。
3.Meanwhile,the use of Chinese Learning Strategy is influenced by individual factors such as gender,age,native language,time length in learning Chinese,Chinese level,etc.汉语作为第二语言的学习成功与否受汉语学习策略使用的影响,而学习策略的使用又受诸如性别、年龄、母语、学习汉语时间、汉语水平等个体因素的制约。

1.Individual Characteristics and Family Factors in University Students' Ego Identity Formation;大学生自我同一性形成的个体因素与家庭因素
2.Influence on PBL teaching effect caused by students' individual factors学生个体因素对PBL教学效果的影响
3.Relational and Individual Predictors of Children s Early Social Competence;关系因素与个体因素在儿童早期社会能力中的作用
4.Analysis of factors infected the psychological health of unemployed worker影响下岗职工心理健康水平的个体因素分析
5.The Relation between the Learners Individual Factors and the Different Results in Learning Chinese in Non-Chinese Environment;非汉语环境中个体因素与汉语学习差异
6.A Research on Individual Facters Role and Countermeasures in Social Public Security Management;社会公共安全管理中个体因素作用及对策研究
7.Individual Heredity Factor and Inheridity Factors Impact on Physical Education;个体遗传因素和非遗传因素的体育影响
8.A Study on Senior Students Unbalanced Learning and Its Influencing Factors;高中生个体偏科现状及影响因素研究
9.Individual Factors Influencing Second Language Acquisition and Their Countermeasures;影响二语习得的个体差异因素及对策
10.Research on the Impact Factors of Urban Residents' Charitable Behavior城市居民个体慈善行为影响因素研究
11.The Analysis of Individual Factors Influencing the College Graduates' Job-hunting大学毕业生就业的个体影响因素分析
12.On Several Factors of Influencing the Construction of Principle Part in P.E Teaching;试论影响体育教学学生主体性构建的几个因素
13.And accommodating variables of turnover behavior consists external factor and internal factor.调节员工离职行为的因素有两个,分别是个体外部因素和组织内在因素;
14.The Relation of Adolecents Self-Harm Behaviors, Individual Emotion Characteristics and Family Environment Factors;青少年自我伤害行为与个体情绪因素和家庭环境因素的关系
15.Mass and speed are the two factors that determine the kinetic energy of a moving object .质量和速度是决定运动物体动能的两个因素。
16.C. Psychological factors. Anxiety, nightmares, and psychoactive preparations can precipitate night sweats in healthy individuals.精神因素。焦虑、梦及兴奋剂可导致健康个体盗汗。
17.The cognitive function is an important factor that can influence individual psychological health.认知是影响个体心理健康水平的重要因素。
18.The Study on Personal Demand for Higher Vocational Educationa and Its Influencing Factors;高等职业教育个体需求及其影响因素研究

Individual factors个体因素
1.The individual factors include working toleration,working persistence,skill and task matching degree,whereas the cooperative factors include cooperative cost and cooperative fairness.针对员工与工作任务的匹配决策问题,首先分析了员工与工作任务匹配的个体因素和协同因素,个体因素涉及工作耐受力、工作持续性和技能任务匹配度等方面,而协同因素涉及协同成本和协同公平性等方面;然后在此基础上,构建了综合考虑个体与协同因素的多目标优化模型,并采用基于隶属度函数的加权和方法将多目标优化模型转化为线性规划模型,通过求解该模型,可得到员工与工作任务的合理匹配结果。
3)individual characteristic factors个体特征因素
4)individual learner variables个体背景因素
1.This study discusses the relationship between the individual learner variables of elementary overseas students learning Chinese as a second language and their oral test performance.本研究以223名初级阶段留学生为研究样本,以自编的汉语初学者口语能力测验为研究工具,探讨了留学生个体背景因素与口语测验表现的关系。
5)individual psychologicalfactor个体心理因素
6)major individual factor主要个体因素
